Can you prove inconsistency without an expectation?

  • Thread starter dgoodpasture2005
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In summary, everything within it's own nature is consistent, and the human expectation and/or desire cannot change that to fit his scenario.
  • #1
Isn't consistently being inconsistent... consistency?
Everything within it's own nature is consistent, and the human expectation and/or desire cannot change that to fit his scenario. Definitions of words in this world are lost in misconceptions. I often get made fun of for making these judgements and thinking this way. But hey... i often feel i am alone and in a league of my own (i don't mean this in a cocky way... i mean i really get outcasted by society for thinking so off the wall) It just erks me when i hear people mention the word inconsistency and it's making no sense in its context.
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  • #2
dgoodpasture2005 said:
Isn't consistently being inconsistent... consistency?

That is true if you are simply looking at the big picture. Consistency/Inconsistency should be measured against something. Get a benchmark you are shooting for and measure the results from that.

Consistently being inconsistent will become more inconsistent as you test.

Lets look at it this way...

We do some form of experiment that produces erratic and almost random results.

Say we get the numbers 4, 15, 0, 26 for our answers. They seem inconsistent to us because we expect the same number for each answer.

We do another run of tests and get 7, 9, 12, 2. We are still being consistently inconsistant.

Next run we get 4, 8, 26, 11. Now we have two matches meaning we are no longer consistently being inconsistent. lol this is funny.

We are now more consistent than we were at the beginning, but also less consistent in another context.

It all depends on what consistency you are measuring.
  • #3
haha thanks for getting a little laugh out of, it, it makes me crack one every once in a while too, my mind is quite cookoo... i know I'm not the only one, but i should start writing down all the ideas that pop up in my head, half the time i just think about them and then laugh and go on, and they are forever lost. Hey now i have a place to post them, cool. "That is true if you are simply looking at the big picture. " yep that's me, i tend to look at everything from a neutral standpoint, i feel it's a 3rd party perspective and it gives a lot more insite into philosophical understanding.
  • #4
this also brings to mind the question... can something, anything... in it's own nature really be more or less consistent?! :) i know.. i know... just being that annoying that kid.
  • #5
can something, anything... in it's own nature really be more or less consistent?

I don't think so.

So long as any "thing" that really "is/be", it is consistently being that which it is, no more and no less.

It is what it is, always.
  • #6
'Things' are not inconsistent with one another. It's statements that are inconsistent. P and ~P cannot both be true. That's pretty much all there is to it. The problem arises when people make valid arguments that contains premises that are inconsistent with one another. Obviously, it's usually more subtle than P and ~P, but because this can happen, we stipulate that to accept an argument, it must be valid and be constructed of premises that are all consistent with one another.
  • #7
thanks, thanks guys, appreciate it.. just nice to know that I'm not going crazy sometimes, some people understand me.

FAQ: Can you prove inconsistency without an expectation?

1. Can you explain what inconsistency without an expectation means?

Inconsistency without an expectation refers to a situation where a result or outcome is unexpected or contradictory to what was predicted or anticipated. It can occur in various fields such as science, mathematics, and even in everyday life.

2. How is inconsistency without an expectation different from inconsistency in general?

Inconsistency in general refers to a lack of consistency or coherence in something, while inconsistency without an expectation specifically refers to a result or outcome that is unexpected or contradictory to what was predicted or anticipated. In other words, inconsistency without an expectation is a type of inconsistency.

3. Is it possible to prove inconsistency without an expectation?

Yes, it is possible to prove inconsistency without an expectation in certain situations. For example, in scientific experiments, unexpected results can sometimes lead to the discovery of new phenomena or the need to revise existing theories. In these cases, the inconsistency without an expectation can be proven through further testing and analysis.

4. How does inconsistency without an expectation affect scientific research?

Inconsistency without an expectation can have a significant impact on scientific research. It can challenge existing theories and hypotheses, leading to new discoveries and advancements in the field. It can also highlight the need for further investigation and can even result in the rejection of previously accepted ideas.

5. Can inconsistency without an expectation ever be a positive thing?

Yes, inconsistency without an expectation can sometimes have positive outcomes. As mentioned earlier, it can lead to new discoveries and advancements in scientific research. It can also foster critical thinking and promote the refinement of existing theories. However, it is important to note that inconsistency without an expectation should not be confused with errors or mistakes, which can have negative consequences.

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