Is Self-Hypnotism Real? Exploring the Truth Behind MindBluff's Techniques

  • Thread starter pallidin
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In summary, the author says that hypnosis is all about relaxation and that it can be used to perform tasks that are difficult for people with a high pain threshold. The author also says that hypnosis doesn't work on headaches.
  • #1
I came across this link and wonder if their is any factual basis:

Physics news on
  • #2
One of the keys to hypnosis, self- or otherwise, is relaxation. That thing just irritated the hell out of me.
Many argue that there isn't actually any 'state' of being hypnotized; it all comes down to your mind wanting to do what it's told. Whatever it is, though, it works. Although I have a pretty high pain threshold, I occassionally have had to resort to it (I prefer it to pills). The most persuasive example that I have is one time when I had to play baseball with a broken finger. The only two times that I ever struck out in my life (on a swing) were my first two attempts that day with a splint on. Then I said to hell with it and took the thing off. I spent about ten minutes sitting quietly, telling my brain that from now on any pain signal that it received would be interpreted as heat. Got a double next time up, and it just felt as if I'd dipped my hand in hot water. There was no looking back after that. In the tournament the next weekend, I had to reinforce the suggestion between games, but that's all. The only thing that it doesn't work on for me is headache, because then I can't concentrate enough to perform it.
  • #3
Danger said:
That thing just irritated the hell out of me.

As well as me. I wonder if the technique used is "sensory overload", whereby further stimulus side-steps the cognitive "rational-filtering" process characteristic of hypnosis.
Not sure, though, if that applys to overload on only one sense (sight, in this case)
  • #4
Anything's possible, I guess, but I suspect that it's just a crock. Watching something like clouds or a nice fire would be far more effective.

FAQ: Is Self-Hypnotism Real? Exploring the Truth Behind MindBluff's Techniques

1. What is self hypnotism?

Self hypnotism is a technique in which an individual induces a hypnotic state in themselves without the help of a hypnotist. This can be achieved through self-guided relaxation techniques and suggestions.

2. How does self hypnotism work?

Self hypnotism works by accessing the subconscious mind and bypassing the critical thinking of the conscious mind. This allows for suggestions to be more readily accepted and acted upon, leading to changes in thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

3. Is self hypnotism safe?

Yes, self hypnotism is generally considered safe when practiced correctly. It is important to follow proper techniques and avoid any suggestions that may be harmful or go against personal beliefs or values.

4. What are the benefits of self hypnotism?

The benefits of self hypnotism can include improved relaxation and stress management, increased self-awareness and self-control, and the ability to make positive changes in thoughts and behaviors.

5. How can I learn self hypnotism?

There are many resources available for learning self hypnotism, including books, online courses, and workshops. It is important to find a reputable source and to practice regularly in order to achieve success with self hypnotism.
