Need help understanding magnetism? Check out this comprehensive tutorial!

In summary, the speaker has been self-studying physics and encountered some difficulties with understanding magnetism. They are looking for a tutorial that covers magnetism thoroughly and have been recommended to check out Walter Lewin's lectures on electricity and magnetism through MIT OCW. They express gratitude for the recommendation and apologize for the delayed response due to lack of internet access.
  • #1
Hi guys,

I have been self-studying physics since sometime Its been going great,but I was reading yesterday on magnetism their some stuff that my book doesn't cover and assume you already know how to do it.
For example If we place a compass between two mangetic field or three or more we need to find the net force on the compass those questions I don't understand I do right hand rule on each of the wire in order to determine force direction and then finding net force,but somehow I end up getting it wrong,so I think I don't understand magnetism fully.

Would anyone recommend a good tutorial that covers magnetism and does it justice ?
Physics news on
  • #2
look for walter lewins lectures on electricity and magnetism MIT OCW
  • #3
thanks I checked the lectures they are really awesome.
sorry for late reply didn't have internet lately.
Thanks again :) I will enjoy those.

FAQ: Need help understanding magnetism? Check out this comprehensive tutorial!

1. What is magnetism?

Magnetism is a fundamental force of nature that describes the attraction or repulsion between objects with magnetic properties. It is caused by the alignment of microscopic magnetic fields within the atoms of a material.

2. How does magnetism work?

Magnetism is the result of the interaction between moving electric charges. When electrons in a material align in the same direction, they create a magnetic field. This field can attract or repel other magnetic objects depending on their alignment.

3. What are the different types of magnets?

There are three main types of magnets: permanent, temporary, and electromagnets. Permanent magnets, such as those found in refrigerator magnets, have a consistent magnetic field and do not require an external source of energy. Temporary magnets, like the ones created by rubbing a piece of iron with a magnet, only have a magnetic field when in the presence of an external magnetic field. Electromagnets, which are commonly used in technology, have a magnetic field that can be turned on and off by controlling the flow of electricity.

4. Can magnetism be harmful to humans?

In general, magnetism is not harmful to humans. However, extremely strong magnetic fields, such as those found in MRI machines, can cause temporary changes in the body's nervous system and may be dangerous for people with certain medical conditions or implanted devices.

5. How is magnetism used in everyday life?

Magnetism is used in various everyday objects and technologies, such as speakers, motors, credit cards, and compasses. It is also used in medical imaging, energy production, and transportation systems like trains and cars. Additionally, the Earth's magnetic field plays a crucial role in navigation and animal migration.
