Boundary of Subset A in Metric Space X: Proving Openness

  • Thread starter julypraise
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In summary: However, in the given example, if A is open then the boundary is not open. The proof given on the page goes through an example where A is open and shows that the boundary is not open. However, if A is closed then the boundary is open.)
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let [itex]X[/itex] be a metric space, and [itex]A[/itex] its nonempty proper subset. Then is [itex]\partial A[/itex] not open? If it is, how do I prove it?

Could you give me just some hints, not the whole solution?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I cannot even start..
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Physics news on
  • #2
Boundary is closed because it contains all of its accumulation points (why?). But boundary can be open too, since there are sets that are both open and closed (can you think of some example?)
  • #3
um... well, I've actullay solved this problem. Anin in my solution, I've proved that [itex]\partial A[/itex] is not open. Could u please check my solution?

[itex]\partial A[/itex] is closed:

[itex]\overline{\partial A}=\overline{\overline{A}\cap\overline{X\backslash A}}\subseteq\overline{\overline{A}} \cap \overline{ \overline{X\backslash A}}=\partial A[/itex]

[itex]\partial A[/itex] is not open if it is not empty:

[itex]\mbox{Int}\partial A=\mbox{Int}(\overline{A}\cap\overline{X\backslash A})=\mbox{Int}\overline{A}\cap\mbox{Int}\overline{X\backslash A}\subseteq\overline{A}\cap\overline{X\backslash A}=\emptyset[/itex]


Ah! As I was writting this, I've realized I've made a silly mistake. I've concluded in the last line that the boundary of A is empty...

Anyway accodring to the part of the above observation, that is, the correct part of the above observation, the boundary of A is open when the closure of A and the closure of the complement of A are open.

I think a specific example can be either A=X or A = the empty set. But nontrivial example, um... cannot think of..
  • #4
A slightly less trivial example is any set A with the discrete topology. That is, all subsets are both open and closed. It is the metric topology generated by the metric d(x,y)= a, for fixed number a, as long as [itex]x\ne y[/itex].
  • #5
HallsofIvy said:
A slightly less trivial example is any set A with the discrete topology. That is, all subsets are both open and closed. It is the metric topology generated by the metric d(x,y)= a, for fixed number a, as long as [itex]x\ne y[/itex].

Thanks HallsofIvy!

In this case, if I calculuate the boundary of A I get empty set because A is both open and closed.

I've found another example that if A=Q the set of rational numbers, then the boundary of A is R the set of real numbers.

It seems that if the boundary is open, which is a counterintutive fact, then it is either empty or the whole space...

Anyway I've found a web page that proves that if A is open or closed then the boundary of A is not open.

(Actually this page proves that the boundary of A is nowhere dense.
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FAQ: Boundary of Subset A in Metric Space X: Proving Openness

1. What is the definition of an open boundary for set A?

An open boundary for set A is a point or set of points that do not belong to set A, but are in close proximity to the points in set A. This means that any point within the open boundary can be approached from inside set A without ever actually being in set A.

2. How is an open boundary different from a closed boundary for set A?

An open boundary is different from a closed boundary for set A in that a closed boundary includes all the points in set A, while an open boundary does not include any points in set A. Additionally, a closed boundary is a continuous line or curve, while an open boundary is a set of points.

3. How can I determine if a point is within the open boundary of set A?

To determine if a point is within the open boundary of set A, you can use the concept of limit points. If the point is a limit point of set A, meaning that it is in close proximity to the points in set A, but not actually in set A, then it is within the open boundary of set A.

4. Is the open boundary of set A always unique?

No, the open boundary of set A can vary depending on the topology of set A. In some cases, the open boundary may be a single point or a set of isolated points, while in other cases it may be a continuous line or curve.

5. How does the open boundary of set A relate to the interior and exterior of set A?

The open boundary of set A is a boundary between the interior and exterior of set A. Points within the open boundary are considered to be in the exterior of set A, while points outside the open boundary are considered to be in the interior of set A.
