Why aren't these functions the same?

  • Thread starter Whistlekins
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In summary, the maximal possible domain of a function is chosen by the person who defines it. Rewriting an expression does not change the domain of the function, and it is possible for the domain to be larger or smaller than initially stated. This is why limits are used to determine the value of a function at a point where it is not defined. Additionally, changing the domain of a function requires creating a new function with a different domain.
  • #1
I have f(x) = (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) and g(x) = x+2

Now everyone would agree that f has a domain R\{1} and g has a domain R.

Yet I can write (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) = x+2

So why wouldn't g have a domain R\{1} if I rewrite the expression, and vice versa for f? What mathematical principle is behind this?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Whistlekins said:
I have f(x) = (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) and g(x) = x+2

Now everyone would agree that f has a domain R\{1} and g has a domain R.

Yet I can write (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) = x+2

So why wouldn't g have a domain R\{1} if I rewrite the expression, and vice versa for f? What mathematical principle is behind this?

If you evaluate f(1) then you get an undefined value 0/0. Of course we know that

[tex]\lim_{x\to 1}f(x) = 3[/tex]

But just because the limit exists doesn't mean that the function is defined at that point.
  • #3
I understand that. But why can't I write g(x) = (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) = x+2 ?
  • #4
Whistlekins said:
I have f(x) = (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) and g(x) = x+2

Now everyone would agree that f has a domain R\{1} and g has a domain R.

Yet I can write (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) = x+2

Only if x is not equal to 1. So you need to write ##\forall x \neq 1, \,\frac{x^2+x-2}{x-1} = x+2##

So why wouldn't g have a domain R\{1} if I rewrite the expression, and vice versa for f? What mathematical principle is behind this?

But you didn't rewrite the expression. If I define
##h : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}## with ##h(x) = \frac{x^2+x-2}{x-1}## and ##h(1) = 3## then that is indeed equal to g(x), but not equal to f(x).

There is a difference between you can do something, and you did something.
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  • #5
Whistlekins said:
I have f(x) = (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) and g(x) = x+2

Now everyone would agree that f has a domain R\{1} and g has a domain R.

I wouldn't agree with this. The domain is something chosen by the person who defines it. All we can say is that the maximal possible domain of ##f## is ##\mathbb{R}\setminus \{1\}##. But the domain can possibly be much smaller if we choose it to be.

Yet I can write (x^2+x-2)/(x-1) = x+2

So why wouldn't g have a domain R\{1} if I rewrite the expression, and vice versa for f? What mathematical principle is behind this?

The equation

[tex]\frac{x^2 + x - 2}{x-1} = x+2[/tex]

is only valid for ##x\in \mathbb{R}## with ##x\neq 1##. For ##x=1##, it is not true. So we have that ##f(x) = x+2## for all ##x\in \mathbb{R}\setminus \{1\}##. The value ##f(1)## still isn't defined.

That ##f(1)=3## somehow, is false. However, this is why limits are invented. So we can say that
[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 1} f(x) = 3[/tex]

So although ##f(1)## doesn't make sense, we can take the limit. The limit denotes the value that ##f(1)## would have been if it were defined in ##1## and if ##f## were to be continuous.
  • #6
micromass said:
I wouldn't agree with this. The domain is something chosen by the person who defines it. All we can say is that the maximal possible domain of ##f## is ##\mathbb{R}\setminus \{1\}##. But the domain can possibly be much smaller if we choose it to be.

In fact it could also be larger. No body said x couldn't be complex.
  • #7
pwsnafu said:
In fact it could also be larger. No body said x couldn't be complex.

Very true!
  • #8
So if I previously define the domain, I can't change that domain unless I write an entirely new function?

Would it be true that if h(x) = x+2 , for all x in R\{1}, then f = h?
  • #9
Whistlekins said:
So if I previously define the domain, I can't change that domain unless I write an entirely new function?

Would it be true that if h(x) = x+2 , for all x in R\{1}, then f = h?

Yes to both.
  • #10
Cool, thanks for helping me clear my confusion. I guess that never really got explained to me by anyone and I never picked up on it.

FAQ: Why aren't these functions the same?

1. Why do these functions have different outputs?

Functions are mathematical operations that take in inputs and produce outputs. The difference in outputs may be due to variations in the inputs or the algorithm used to calculate the output. It is also possible that the functions are designed to perform different operations, resulting in different outputs.

2. How can we determine which function is more accurate?

The accuracy of a function depends on its intended purpose. To determine which function is more accurate, we must evaluate its performance in relation to its intended use. This can be done by comparing the outputs of the functions for a range of inputs and analyzing the results.

3. Are these functions equivalent?

Two functions are considered equivalent if they produce the same output for all possible inputs. To determine if two functions are equivalent, we must compare their outputs for a range of inputs. If the outputs are the same for all inputs, then the functions are equivalent.

4. Can we modify these functions to make them more similar?

Depending on the purpose of the functions, it may be possible to modify them to make them more similar. This can be done by adjusting the inputs or the algorithm used to calculate the output. However, it is important to consider the intended use of the functions before making any modifications.

5. What factors can contribute to the differences in these functions?

There are many factors that can contribute to the differences in functions, including the inputs, algorithm, and intended use. Other factors may include the precision of the calculations, the programming language used, and any assumptions made in the design of the functions. It is important to carefully evaluate all these factors when comparing functions.

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