Why Can't I Participate in the Chat Today?

  • Thread starter Andre
  • Start date
In summary, Chatters, an expert summarizer of content, attempted to chat with Andre but was unable to due to work restrictions. Unfortunately, due to his position, Andre is unable to join in on the chat. He notes that the job can be full-time on-call, and that occasionally it is on Sundays. He jokes about his relief not coming in for work, and having to cover for them. He also notes that the job is less than full-time, and that less than a few trained people are needed. Finally, he expresses hope for more free time in the near future to be able to chat again.
  • #1
Dear Chatters, I did enter the chat today at 5:36 GMT. Unfortunately it's from my working position (I'm on 24/7 shifts) and this computer blocks part of the chat. I can't talk just read.

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  • #2
That kind of stinks. Firewalls!
  • #3
Hack Andre's server! Free the Pooh-bear!
  • #4
Right, unfortunately I don't have administrator privileges. I'm stuck
  • #5
24/7 shifts? Are you in a sweatshop, Andre?
  • #6
I attempted to chat but I had other duties. Sorry to hear you couldn't join in Andre.
  • #7
Chat closed.
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
24/7 shifts? Are you in a sweatshop, Andre?
Some jobs are full-time on-call. Fireman comes to mind. Everybody tries to exercise, eat, rest, etc, but must remain on-site to be available for fast response. Here, only the very largest towns can afford such a department, and the people living at the station (when they are on-duty) are highly-trained professionals who maintain all the equipment, trucks, pumps, hoses, safety gear, etc. The remainder of the force is made of volunteers who respond from their homes and work-places via pager calls.
  • #9
Math Is Hard said:
24/7 shifts? Are you in a sweatshop, Andre?

Luckily not, I'm doing something with radars, remember? That is the output of a few dozens of them. And guards duties are full time. Occasionally it's on Sundays.
  • #10
BTW, as the lead operator on a new high-speed paper machine years back, we had 13-man crews and were insufficiently trained to allow people to step up into the next position on the machine, so if my relief failed to show up for any reason, I was in for a 24-hour stint instead of the normal 12. 24 hours with no sleep working with a huge machine that can suck you in at 40 mph and turn you into mush is not a good thing.
  • #11
I was just kidding. :wink:

I figured it was something involving constant vigilance.
  • #12
turbo-1 said:
BTW, as the lead operator on a new high-speed paper machine years back, we had 13-man crews and were insufficiently trained to allow people to step up into the next position on the machine, so if my relief failed to show up for any reason, I was in for a 24-hour stint instead of the normal 12. 24 hours with no sleep working with a huge machine that can suck you in at 40 mph and turn you into mush is not a good thing.

I hope your relief was reprimanded severely if he didn't have a really good excuse!
  • #13
Math Is Hard said:
I was just kidding. :wink:

I knew that. ESOH has been noted before :approve:
  • #14
G01 said:
I hope your relief was reprimanded severely if he didn't have a really good excuse!
Valid or not, the person relieving me would always have an excuse. Of course, they could be caught in a similar situation if their next relief didn't come in for work, so they didn't often play games with absenteeism. Our contract stipulated a written warning for an unexplained (or unsubstantiated) absence, suspension off without pay for a second such absence, and termination for a third offense.
  • #15
Unfortunately same problem today. Have to cover for somebody. :frown:
  • #16
ask the company what the down time would be worth.
Like if two people were to be hurt in a car crash.
Would that shut everything down. At what cost?
Less than a few trained people?
  • #17
I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that.
  • #18
Sorry to hear that Andre.. hope to see you again in chat sometime soon!
  • #19
I've been away from chat too. Last week I was on a plane returning home from HI (they had to drag me on kicking and screaming...I didn't want to go home! :biggrin:). Today, I'm just too busy with work-related stuff to distract myself with chat (just on PF for a short time as it is, doing "the rounds" and getting my PF "fix" while having a cup of coffee and getting some fresh air with my laptop outside so I don't go entirely beserk, then back inside to get work done again).

I really hope by next week I can get some free time for chat again, but then I have yet another presentation to work on that I planned to start on this week, but got pushed aside for a different one scheduled sooner than expected...:cry:

Greg better get all the upgrades done this week while I can't be around much anyway so when I'm able to spend more time here, there aren't any downtimes or glitches to keep me away!
  • #20
[ctrl] [alt] [del] fixes all.
  • #21
cristo said:
Sorry to hear that Andre.. hope to see you again in chat sometime soon!

Should be okay next time :rolleyes: Knock on wood, ... no, that's unscientific.
  • #22
Andre said:
Knock on wood, ... no, that's unscientific.

But usually works :wink:
  • #23
Borek said:
But usually works :wink:

Especially if you wish to enter someones dwelling.

FAQ: Why Can't I Participate in the Chat Today?

1. Why am I not able to send messages in the chat?

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