How Much Force Do Arms Exert During a Chin-up Acceleration Phase?

  • Thread starter ils4826
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of a body being raised at a distance of 30 cm in 1 second, with 770 N of force. It is mentioned that half of the time is spent accelerating and the other half is spent decelerating uniformly. The question is posed about finding the force needed for the accelerating portion of a chin-up. The suggested approach is to use kinematics to determine the acceleration by using the given distance and time. A free body diagram has been attempted, but further guidance is needed.
  • #1
It first states that a body below the arms is raised at approx. 30 cm in a time of 1 second. It then specifically states that a body of 770 N is raised this distance and that half the 1 second is spent accelerating and the other half is spet decelerating, uniformly in both cases. The question is "Find the force his arms must exert on him during the accelerating part of the chin-up."? Does anyone know how I'd go about setting up for this problem? I tried making a free body diagram and don't really know where to go from here. HELP!
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  • #2
Start by figuring out the acceleration using your knowledge of kinematics. (Hint: Use the distance and time to find the acceleration.)
  • #3

Based on the given information, we can use the equation F=ma (force equals mass times acceleration) to solve for the force exerted by the arms during the accelerating part of the chin-up. We know that the acceleration is constant and equal to 30 cm/1 second^2, or 0.3 m/s^2. We also know the mass of the body is 770 N (since weight is a force and is measured in Newtons).

Using the equation F=ma, we can rearrange it to solve for force: F=m x a. Plugging in the values, we get F=770 N x 0.3 m/s^2 = 231 N.

Therefore, the force his arms must exert on him during the accelerating part of the chin-up is 231 N.

FAQ: How Much Force Do Arms Exert During a Chin-up Acceleration Phase?

1. What forces are at work during a chin-up?

The primary forces at work during a chin-up are muscular force, gravitational force, and frictional force. Muscular force is generated by the muscles in the arms, back, and shoulders, which pull the body up towards the chin-up bar. Gravitational force acts in the opposite direction, pulling the body down towards the ground. Frictional force is present between the hands and the chin-up bar, providing a grip for the body to hold onto.

2. How does the body use these forces to perform a chin-up?

To perform a chin-up, the muscles in the arms, back, and shoulders contract, generating enough force to overcome the gravitational force pulling the body down. The frictional force between the hands and the chin-up bar provides a stable grip, allowing the body to pull itself up towards the bar.

3. Are there any other forces involved in a chin-up?

In addition to the primary forces mentioned above, there are also secondary forces at work during a chin-up. These include inertia, which resists any changes in motion, and air resistance, which can affect the speed and movement of the body during the exercise.

4. How do different body types and weights affect the forces during a chin-up?

Body type and weight can have a significant impact on the forces involved in a chin-up. A heavier individual will experience a greater gravitational force, making the exercise more challenging. Additionally, individuals with a smaller body type may have less muscle mass, resulting in less muscular force being generated during the exercise.

5. How can proper form and technique reduce the impact of these forces during a chin-up?

Proper form and technique are essential for reducing the impact of forces during a chin-up. By engaging the correct muscles and using a controlled, fluid motion, an individual can better distribute the forces throughout their body, reducing strain on any one muscle or joint. Additionally, maintaining a neutral spine and avoiding swinging or kipping can help prevent excessive forces on the back and shoulders.
