Why Does My Ideal Gas Formula Derivation Not Include Moles?

In summary: I have just come across the same problem in an exercise book (no solution unfortunately). Its very unlikely two sources are incorrect?It is unlikely that two sources are incorrect, as the problem would need to be replicated in each source.
  • #1
I'm trying to show a formula for an ideal gas, but I don't get the right results.

Homework Statement

For an ideal gas PV = nRT where n is the number of momles. Show that the heat transferred in an infinitesimal quasistatic process of an ideal gas can be written as

[tex]dQ = \frac{C_V}{nR}VdP + \frac{C_P}{nR}PdV[/tex]

Homework Equations

dU = dQ + dW

C_P = C_V + R

dU = nC_VdT

dW = -PdV

The Attempt at a Solution

I differented the formula for the ideal gas PV = nRT so it becomes

PdV + VdP = nRdT

dT = \frac{PdV + VdP}{nR}

dU = C_V\frac{PdV + VdP}{R}

dQ = C_V\frac{PdV + VdP}{R} + PdV = \left(\frac{C_V}{R} + 1\right)PdV + \frac{C_V}{R}VdP = \frac{C_P}{R}PdV + \frac{C_V}{R}VdP

What have I done wrong? There is no dependens on n in my final equation.
I know there should be bars on dW and dQ but i didn't got it to work in latex :/
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  • #2
PeterPoPS said:

The Attempt at a Solution

I differented the formula for the ideal gas PV = nRT so it becomes

PdV + VdP = nRdT

dT = \frac{PdV + VdP}{nR}

dU = C_V\frac{PdV + VdP}{R}

dQ = C_V\frac{PdV + VdP}{R} + PdV = \left(\frac{C_V}{R} + 1\right)PdV + \frac{C_V}{R}VdP = \frac{C_P}{R}PdV + \frac{C_V}{R}VdP

What have I done wrong? There is no dependens on n in my final equation.
I know there should be bars on dW and dQ but i didn't got it to work in latex :/
Your answer is correct. The solution posed by the question is wrong. There is no "n" in the denominator. dQ must have the same dimensions as VdP or PdV, which has dimensions of energy. C_v/R is dimensionless.

  • #3
I have just come across the same problem in an exercise book (no solution unfortunately). Its very unlikely two sources are incorrect?
  • #4
phjw said:
I have just come across the same problem in an exercise book (no solution unfortunately). Its very unlikely two sources are incorrect?
How do you know they are two different sources?

The dimensions of the suggested answer are dimensions of energy per mole. If the dQ was the specific heat flow per mole the suggested answer would be correct, which is maybe what the OP was saying.Consider an expansion at constant pressure. By definition:

(1) [tex]dQ = nC_pdT[/tex]

where [itex]C_p[/itex] is the molar heat capacity at constant pressure.

The solution of the OP gives:

(2) [tex]dQ = \frac{C_P}{R}PdV[/tex]

since VdP = 0 (constant pressure).

You can see that (2) is equivalent to (1) if:

[tex]nRdT = PdV[/tex]

This, of course, follows from the ideal gas law for a constant pressure process.

  • #5

It seems that you have correctly derived the formula for dQ, but you are missing the factor of n in your final equation. This factor is important because it represents the number of moles of gas present in the system, and it is necessary for the equation to be valid for any amount of gas. Therefore, the correct equation should be:

dQ = \frac{C_V}{nR}PdV + \frac{C_P}{nR}VdP

Additionally, please note that the bar notation for dW and dQ is typically used to represent average values in thermodynamics, so it may not be necessary for your derivation. I hope this helps clarify your results. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Why Does My Ideal Gas Formula Derivation Not Include Moles?

1. What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of particles that have no volume and do not interact with each other. It follows the ideal gas law, which describes the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of a gas.

2. What is the difference between an ideal gas and a real gas?

An ideal gas does not exist in real life, as all gases have some volume and experience intermolecular forces. Real gases deviate from ideal gas behavior at high pressures and low temperatures.

3. What is the First Law of Thermodynamics?

The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another.

4. How does the Second Law of Thermodynamics relate to ideal gases?

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that in any spontaneous process, the total entropy of an isolated system will always increase over time. This means that in an ideal gas, as the volume increases, the entropy also increases.

5. What is the difference between an isothermal and adiabatic process?

An isothermal process is one in which the temperature remains constant, while an adiabatic process is one in which no heat is exchanged between the system and its surroundings. In an ideal gas, an isothermal process occurs at a constant temperature, while an adiabatic process occurs when the gas expands or compresses without any heat exchange.
