Analytical Chemistry HW: Ca2+ (mg) Estimation w/ 95% Confidence Level

In summary: Your name]In summary, to determine the original amount of Ca2+ in an ultra-strength tablet and its associated error at 95% confidence level, we can use the formula \mu(95%)= \overline{x} ± ts/\sqrt{n} and plug in the values given in the problem. Using this formula, we find that the original amount of Ca2+ is 0.9 ± 0.08 g, or 900 ± 80 mg. This means that at 95% confidence level, we can say that the true value of Ca2+ falls within this range.
  • #1

Homework Statement

CaCO3 acts as an antacid for temporary relief of heartburn/acid-reflux. Free calcium ions in solution can be analyzed gravimetrically after acid digestion and precipitation with oxalate in basic solution to form an insoluble calcium oxalate monohydrate salt that can be accurately weighed, CaC2O4∙H2O (s). What is the original amount of Ca2+ (mg) and error at 95% confidence level derived from an ultra-strength tablet if (1.3240 ± 0.0150)g of CaC2O4∙H2O (s) was weighed, where error represents ±1σ based on triplicate analysis (n=3)?

Ca2+ (aq) + C2O42- (aq) + H2O → CaC2O4H2O (s)

Homework Equations

[itex]\mu[/itex](95%)= [itex]\overline{x}[/itex] ± ts/[itex]\sqrt{n}[/itex]

[itex]\overline{x}[/itex] = average/mean
t = Student's t
Degrees of freedom = n-1
s = standard deviation

t = 4.303
DoF = 2
s = ?
[itex]\overline{x}[/itex] = ?

The Attempt at a Solution

I've calculated the amount of Ca2+ based on the amount of CaC2O4∙H2O using mole to mole ratios which turns out to be 0.9 ± 0.14 g or 900 ± 140 mg (please correct if I'm wrong). What I don't know how to approach is getting the 95% confidence level with the associated error. Any advise on how to solve this would be appreciated.
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. To determine the original amount of Ca2+ in the ultra-strength tablet and its associated error at 95% confidence level, we can use the following formula:

\mu(95%)= \overline{x} ± ts/\sqrt{n}

\mu(95%) is the mean value at 95% confidence level
\overline{x} is the average or mean value
t is the Student's t value for 95% confidence level, which can be found in a t-table or calculated using the degrees of freedom (n-1)
s is the standard deviation
n is the number of samples or replicates (in this case, n=3)

Based on the information given, we can plug in the values we know into the formula:

0.9 ± 0.14 g = \overline{x} ± (4.303)(s)/\sqrt{3}

We can solve for \overline{x} by subtracting 4.303(s)/\sqrt{3} from both sides, giving us:

0.9 - 4.303(s)/\sqrt{3} ± 0.14 g = \overline{x}

Now, we need to solve for s. To do this, we need to use the information that the error represents ±1σ. This means that the standard deviation (s) is equal to the error divided by 1 (since 1σ = error). Therefore, s = 0.14 g.

Now, we can plug this value into the equation to get the mean value at 95% confidence level:

0.9 - 4.303(0.14 g)/\sqrt{3} ± 0.14 g = \overline{x}

0.9 ± 0.08 g = \overline{x}

Therefore, the original amount of Ca2+ in the ultra-strength tablet is 0.9 ± 0.08 g, or 900 ± 80 mg. This means that at 95% confidence level, we can say that the true value of Ca2+ falls within this range.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck with your research!


FAQ: Analytical Chemistry HW: Ca2+ (mg) Estimation w/ 95% Confidence Level

1. What is analytical chemistry?

Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with identifying, separating, and quantifying the chemical components of substances. It involves the use of various techniques and instruments to analyze and interpret data in order to understand the composition and properties of a substance.

2. Why is Ca2+ (mg) estimation important?

Ca2+ (mg) estimation is important because calcium is an essential mineral for human health. It plays a crucial role in maintaining strong bones and teeth, regulating muscle contractions, and aiding in nerve function. Accurate estimation of Ca2+ levels is important in diagnosing and monitoring conditions such as osteoporosis and hypocalcemia.

3. How is Ca2+ (mg) estimated in analytical chemistry?

Ca2+ (mg) estimation in analytical chemistry is typically done by using a method called complexometric titration. This involves the use of a chelating agent, such as EDTA, which forms a complex with Ca2+ ions. The amount of chelating agent needed to completely bind with all the Ca2+ ions is then measured and used to calculate the concentration of Ca2+ in the sample.

4. What is a 95% confidence level in analytical chemistry?

A 95% confidence level in analytical chemistry refers to the level of certainty that the estimated Ca2+ concentration falls within a certain range. In other words, there is a 95% chance that the true Ca2+ concentration is within the estimated range. This level of confidence is commonly used in scientific research to indicate the reliability and accuracy of the data.

5. How is the 95% confidence level determined in Ca2+ (mg) estimation?

The 95% confidence level in Ca2+ (mg) estimation is determined by calculating the standard deviation of the data and using it to create a confidence interval. This interval represents the range of values within which the true Ca2+ concentration is likely to fall. The width of the interval is determined by the desired level of confidence, which is typically set at 95% for analytical chemistry experiments.

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