How to Calculate a Limit Using Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem?

  • Thread starter transgalactic
  • Start date
In summary: I almost said what you wrote but I don't know what you wrote!) It is not at all clear to me that, even with the additional information, the limit exists. You can easily construct examples where, even though f and g are differentiable at 0, f'(x) and g'(x) are not differentiable at 0. I think you are going to have to look at the definition of the derivative and see if you can prove that the limit exists. I would start by looking at the Weierstrass definition although knowing the "mean value theorem" might be useful.f(x) and g(x) are differentiable on 0f(0)=g(0)=0
  • #36
You aren't telling me anything you didn't say in post 29, and that last bit, that the derivatives are zero, is wrong.
Physics news on
  • #37
sorry i ment to write the definition of continuity
  • #38
Stop with the "??" stuff, please. And please answer the question raised in post #34.
  • #39
i don't know
i think that if the derivative exist at x=0
and because i was told that f(0)=g(0)=0
then the function around zero would have values close to 0.
  • #40
Say that mathematically.
  • #41

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  • #42
What is the value of f(x) for x near zero?
  • #43
the value of f(x) near zero is close to 0
i can't imagine anything else
  • #44
What does [tex]f'(0) = \lim_{x\to 0}\frac{f(x)-f(0)}{x}[/tex] tell you about f(x) when x is close to but not equal to zero?
  • #45
it tells me that the slope of f(x) in the ever closing interval near point 0
(from x to 0)
gets closser to the value of f'(0)
  • #46
I did not ask for that and you specifically do not know that. In post #22 you said "f(x) and g(x) are not necessarily differentiable around 0".

I asked you to tell me about f(x) near 0. What is it, approximately?
  • #47
transgalactic said:
is that ok??
transgalactic said:
it tells me that the values from the right and left sides little by little become
closer to the value at f(0)

differential is also continues

hey guys! why is everybody going round in circles?

transgalactic, you're doing your usual problem of not quite writing what you mean …

you meant [tex]
\lim_{x->0^+}\frac{f(x)-f(0)}{x}=\lim_{x->0^-}\frac{f(x)-f(0)}{x}[/tex] = f'(0) = 0 :rolleyes:

(btw, the differential is not necessarily continuous … as you pointed out, we don't even know that it exists except at x = 0 … the equation above is the definition of f'(0), isn't it? :smile:)

hmm … where had we got to? :confused:

oh yes … we'd found that if f was differentiable over a neighbourhood, then we could use l'Hôpital's rule (twice) to get (g'(0)2 - f'(0)2)/2

but all we know about f' and g' is that they exist (and are 0) at x = 0, and they may not even exist anywhere else

but we can be pretty confident that the answer is still (g'(0)2 - f'(0)2)/2 … so let's set about proving it

let's remind ourselve of the original question:
f(x) and g(x) are differentiable on 0

[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{cosf(x)-cosg(x)}{x^2} [/tex]

and let's rewrite that as

[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{(cos(f(x)) - 1) - (cos(g(x)) - 1)}{x^2}[/tex]

(we're doing that because (cos(0) - 1) is 0, and so (cos - 1) will be much more convenient than cos in a moment)

and then just consider half of it …

[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{cos(f(x)) - 1}{x^2}[/tex]

what expansion or approximation do you know for cos(f(x)) - 1 when x -> 0? :smile:
  • #48
the expansion for cos x around 0 is
but we need to substitute f(x) instead of x in cos x

and i was told specifically that the function not necessarily differentiable around 0 .
so on what basis e use lhopital law(twice)?
regard D.H question:
i don't know what is the value of f(x) around zero
i ran out of options.
  • #49
transgalactic said:
the expansion for cos x around 0 is
but we need to substitute f(x) instead of x in cos x …

(why did you write +0? :confused:

did you mean O(x4)?)
Yes … you do need to substitute f(x) … so it's
[tex]cos(f(x))=1\ -\ \frac{(f(x))^2}{2!}[/tex]
… and i was told specifically that the function not necessarily differentiable around 0 .

ah, but we haven't used f'

that equation only uses f.

ok, so what can you say about [tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{cos(f(x)) - 1}{x^2}[/tex] ? :smile:
  • #50
i got this expression but i have x in the denominator
so its not defined when x->0 because the numenator goes to 0 too.
\lim _{x->0}\frac{1\ -\ \frac{(f(x))^2}{2!} - 1}{x^2}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{\ -\ (f(x))^2 }{x^22!}
  • #51
So what is f(x) near zero?

Tiny-tim, please do not give this away.
  • #52
transgalactic said:
i got this expression but i have x in the denominator
so its not defined when x->0 because the numenator goes to 0 too.
[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{1\ -\ \frac{(f(x))^2}{2!} - 1}{x^2}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{\ -\ (f(x))^2 }{x^22!}[/tex]

ok, rewrite that as [tex]\frac{-1}{2}\,\lim _{x->0}\left(\frac{f(x) }{x}\right)^2[/tex]

and since the product of the limits is the limit of the product, that equals

[tex]\frac{-1}{2}\,\left(\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x) }{x}\right)^2[/tex]

which = … ? :smile:
  • #53
i don't know what's the value of the limit

f(x) goes goes to f(0) but not equals f(0) so i don't know what's the value of the
and i got 0 in the denominator

  • #54
Difference quotient for f'(0).
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  • #55
I think what Dick is getting at is, what is the definition of f'(0)?
  • #56
i don't know what is the value of f'(0)
i know that f(0)=0

f'(x)=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-f(0)}{x-0}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-0}{x-0}

this is the definition of the derivative
i don't know how to continue

you said also "Difference quotient" so i used
f'(x)=\lim _{h->0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}
but i don't have any values for it.
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  • #57
D H said:
So what is f(x) near zero?

Tiny-tim, please do not give this away.
i gave every option i can think of.
i don't know.
  • #58
transgalactic said:
i don't know what is the value of f'(0)
i know that f(0)=0

[tex]f'(x)=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-f(0)}{x-0}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-0}{x-0}[/tex]
this is the definition of the derivative
i don't know how to continue

transgalactic, that isn't the definition of f'(x), it's the definition of f'(0) (using x instead of the more usual h, and since f(0) = 0):

[tex]f'(0)=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-f(0)}{x-0}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-0}{x-0}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)}{x}[/tex]

ok, so now you have …
[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{cos(f(x)) - 1}{x^2}\ =[/tex]
transgalactic said:
[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{1\ -\ \frac{(f(x))^2}{2!} - 1}{x^2}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{\ -\ (f(x))^2 }{x^22!}[/tex]
[tex]=\ \frac{-1}{2}\,\left(\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x) }{x}\right)^2[/tex]

= … ? :smile:
  • #59
ok i am doing that as a shot in the dark
inspite of the fact the f(x->0) differs f(0)

and i put the given f(0)=0
\ \frac{-1}{2}\,\left(\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x) }{x}\right)^2=\ \frac{-1}{2}\,\left(\lim _{x->0}\frac{0 }{0}\right)^2=

so i don't know how to solve it.
  • #60
how to get the last part?
  • #61
Look, transgalactic, this is screamingly obvious …

since f(0) = 0, what is [tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x) }{x}[/tex] the definition of? :frown:
  • #62
i don't know
i get 0 n the numerator and 0 in the denominator
i can see it in another way
f'(0)=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-f(0) }{x-0}
but i don't get a value
  • #63
transgalactic said:
i can see it in another way
[tex] f'(0)=\lim _{x->0}\frac{f(x)-f(0) }{x-0}[/tex]

Yes, that's it!

Why do you have a mental block about these things?

As you say, that limit is f'(0) …

ok, now go back to posts #49-50 …
tiny-tim said:
ok, so what can you say about [tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{cos(f(x)) - 1}{x^2}[/tex] ? :smile:
transgalactic said:
\lim _{x->0}\frac{1\ -\ \frac{(f(x))^2}{2!} - 1}{x^2}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{\ -\ (f(x))^2 }{x^22!}

which = … ? :smile:
  • #64
\lim _{x->0}\frac{1\ -\ \frac{(f(x))^2}{2!} - 1}{x^2}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{\ -\ (f(x))^2 }{x^22!}=\frac{-f'(0)^2}{2!}
but i was asked to calculate
and it doesn't give me a result
  • #65
tiny-tim said:
ok, so what can you say about [tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{cos(f(x)) - 1}{x^2}[/tex] ? :smile:
transgalactic said:
\lim _{x->0}\frac{1\ -\ \frac{(f(x))^2}{2!} - 1}{x^2}=\lim _{x->0}\frac{\ -\ (f(x))^2 }{x^22!}=\frac{-f'(0)^2}{2!}
but i was asked to calculate

Yes …
transgalactic said:
f(x) and g(x) are differentiable on 0

[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{cosf(x)-cosg(x)}{x^2} [/tex]

which is the same as …
[tex]\lim _{x->0}\frac{(cos(f(x)) - 1) - (cos(g(x)) - 1)}{x^2}[/tex]

which is … ? :smile:
  • #66
i think
but its not a result

  • #67
transgalactic said:
i think
but its not a result


[tex]\frac{-f'(0)^2}{2!}+\frac{g'(0)^2}{2!}[/tex] actually

but why do you think that's not a result?
  • #68
because i was told
i here i have only an expression

  • #69
transgalactic said:
because i was told
i here i have only an expression


oh i see!

no, an expression is ok

i admit "calculate" usually means a number …

but it isn't an official word, it's just another way of saying "work out" :smile:

is that all that was bothering you?
  • #70
i haven't been given f'(0)

i was told that it was differentiable on point 0.
but i don't know what thing are given
so i can use them into the solution expression

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