Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution

In summary, according to this table, the magnetic susceptibilities of two substances add up linearly when they are mixed together into a solution. This is based on the assumption that there are no strong chemical reactions in the solution. If you are not concerned with chemical interactions, you can just use the susceptibilities as weight and ignore any dilution effects.
  • #1
Hi! I'm trying to calculated the magnetic susceptibility of a solution. I am using this table to know what the susceptibility of each substance is.

In other words, I want to know how the magnetic susceptibilities of two (or more) substances add up once they are mixed together into a solution. I am not sure how this works, whether it is a simple weighted sum depending on the concentration of each individual substance, or whether it is (as I suspect) much more complex than that.

Thank you for your help and your time!
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Physics news on
  • #2
Sebolains said:
Hi! I'm trying to calculated the magnetic susceptibility of a solution. I am using this table to know what the susceptibility of each substance is.

In other words, I want to know how the magnetic susceptibilities of two (or more) substances add up once they are mixed together into a solution. I am not sure how this works, whether it is a simple weighted sum depending on the concentration of each individual substance, or whether is it (as I suspect) much more complex than that.
I have no experience with that procedure, but here's a 'common sense' opinion, given the generally feeble magnetic properties expected of solutions of diamagnetic/paramagnetic chemicals. On the assumption there are no strong chemical reactions in solution, it should be just a weighted sum - due allowance being made for any demagnetizing factor present in the sample container geometry: see e.g. (from around last quarter of article). For diamagnetic or paramagnetic solutions the demagnetizing field should typically be a very small perturbation to the applied field, but it depends on how accuate you need to be. If your concern is with possible chemical interactions, sorry can't help.
  • #3
Yes, I'm looking for just a solution where there is no chemical reactions occurring in it. I didn't think of that when I posted my question, but I am not looking for something that complex.

So you're saying it should just be a weighted sum of their volume susceptibilities using their volume proportions as the weight?
  • #4
Sebolains said:
Yes, I'm looking for just a solution where there is no chemical reactions occurring in it. I didn't think of that when I posted my question, but I am not looking for something that complex.
So you're saying it should just be a weighted sum of their volume susceptibilities using their volume proportions as the weight?
I see no real problem doing it that way. Whether or not solutions are dilute, magnetic susceptibilities are so low everything is effectively linear to a very good approximation even for high applied field, which is probably not even the case. The one problem I can think of is assuming you are using an AC method (RF frequencies or above). There just may be significant magnetic coupling to molecular orientation. Might then have to watch out for resonance effects re molecular rotation depending on frequency range. Highly unlikely for diamagnetic material but possible in paramagnetic case, but honestly not at all sure and if in doubt seek expert advice. Maybe CRC handbook has such data.
[This may interest you: I'm off :zzz:
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  • #5
Slipped my mind at the time, but just nine data points should be sufficient to establish validity of assumption of linear addition of susceptibilities. Plot for substance A three fairly evenly spaced values of susceptance vs w/v concentrations. That will establish linearity applies for solution A, and of course provides means to eliminate background susceptibility of solvent. Repeat for substance B. Finally repeat for a mixed solution of A+B. I would bet big bucks linearity will hold in all cases. Naturally if solution goes cloudy for instance then precipitation reaction has happened and that would ruin things but this would be obvious. One has to make allowance for the usual temperature dependencies, and any systematic and random errors in instrumentation, solution preparation etc. - i.e. make sure 'noise' is low. For most diamagnetic/paramagnetic materials it's not expected that solute/solvent interactions appreciably effects susceptibility of the solute, but at very high concentrations partial solvation may introduce appreciable non-linearities - but again, just do a plot and see. This Wiki article makes a good read:

FAQ: Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution

1. What is Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution?

Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution is a measure of the degree to which a solution can be magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field. It is a physical property that describes the response of a solution to an applied magnetic field.

2. How is Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution measured?

Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution is typically measured using a device called a magnetic susceptibility balance. This instrument applies a magnetic field to the solution and measures the resulting magnetization. The ratio of the magnetization to the applied magnetic field is the magnetic susceptibility.

3. What factors affect the Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution?

The Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution is influenced by various factors such as the composition of the solution, temperature, and the strength of the applied magnetic field. In general, solutions with higher concentrations of paramagnetic or ferromagnetic substances tend to have higher magnetic susceptibilities.

4. What are the applications of Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution?

Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution has many applications in various fields such as chemistry, materials science, and geology. It can be used to determine the concentration of certain substances in a solution, identify unknown compounds, and study the magnetic properties of materials.

5. How does Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution differ from Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solid?

The main difference between Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solution and Magnetic Susceptibility of a Solid is that solutions contain mobile particles (ions or molecules) that can align with the applied magnetic field, whereas solids have a fixed arrangement of atoms or molecules. This results in a higher magnetic susceptibility for solutions compared to solids.
