Can two objects having same sign charges attract each other

In summary: Hello Vibhor!If you start with a charged body inducing an opposite charge on the near side of an overall uncharged body (and so attracting it),that happens because the charges on the overall uncharged body separate, with the "same" charges going to the far side.Now introduce some extra "same" charge … it will distribute itself across the body, and if there isn't enough of it, it won't cancel out the opposite charge on the near side.The further away the far side is, the more charge you can put in without cancelling the effect … so a long thin body would be best.The further away the far side is, the more charge you
  • #1

A neutral charged object can be attracted to a charged body due to electrostatic induction.A charged body will induce charges of opposite polarity in the neutral body ,hence causing attraction.

But is it possible that two bodies having same sign charges ,say two positive bodies ,attract each other.Can the two positive bodies attract each other .In other words can a body with higher positive charge induce negative charge in the second body carrying lower positive charge ?

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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hello Vibhor! Welcome to PF! :smile:

Yes, for the reason you give …

if the geometry is right, a small charge on the second body shouldn't cancel out the effect.
  • #4
I know that this isn't at all what you have in mind, but in fact they always attract gravitationally. That's completely insignificant in comparison to the effects of other forces, but it should be mentioned.
  • #5
Within nuclei the strong force keeps protons (and neutrons) together in spite of the electrical charge repulsion.
  • #6
tiny-tim said:
Hello Vibhor! Welcome to PF! :smile:

Yes, for the reason you give …

if the geometry is right, a small charge on the second body shouldn't cancel out the effect.

Thanks for the welcome...Sorry for responding late...I don't have internet connection at home...

Could you elaborate with an example of how should the geometry be like ?
  • #7
Vibhor said:
Thanks for the welcome...Sorry for responding late...I don't have internet connection at home...

Could you elaborate with an example of how should the geometry be like ?

Hello Vibhor! :smile:

If you start with a charged body inducing an opposite charge on the near side of an overall uncharged body (and so attracting it),

that happens because the charges on the overall uncharged body separate, with the "same" charges going to the far side.

Now introduce some extra "same" charge … it will distribute itself across the body, and if there isn't enough of it, it won't cancel out the opposite charge on the near side.

The further away the far side is, the more charge you can put in without cancelling the effect …

so a long thin body would be best.
  • #8
tiny-tim said:
The further away the far side is, the more charge you can put in without cancelling the effect …

so a long thin body would be best.

How does that matter ? The "same charge" would anyhow be attracted and neutralised by the opposite charge on the near end .Isnt it ?

FAQ: Can two objects having same sign charges attract each other

1. What is the concept of charges having the same sign attracting each other?

The concept of charges having the same sign attracting each other is based on the fundamental principles of electricity. Like charges repel each other, meaning they push away from each other, while opposite charges attract each other, meaning they pull towards each other.

2. Is it possible for two objects with the same sign charges to attract each other?

Yes, it is possible for two objects with the same sign charges to attract each other. This phenomenon is known as like-charge attraction and occurs when the charges on the objects are not strong enough to overcome the attractive force between them.

3. How do we determine the strength of the attraction between two objects with the same sign charges?

The strength of the attraction between two objects with the same sign charges depends on the magnitude of the charges on the objects. The larger the charges, the stronger the attraction will be between them. Additionally, the distance between the two objects also plays a role in determining the strength of the attraction.

4. Can two objects with the same sign charges repel each other?

Yes, two objects with the same sign charges can repel each other. This is the more common scenario and occurs when the charges on the objects are strong enough to overcome the attractive force between them.

5. What are some real-life examples of two objects with the same sign charges attracting each other?

One example of two objects with the same sign charges attracting each other is when you rub a balloon on your hair and it sticks to the wall. Both the balloon and the wall have the same type of charge, causing them to attract each other. Another example is when two positively charged particles in an atom attract each other, keeping the atom stable.
