Canada goverment offical says UFO's are real

  • Thread starter scott1
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In summary: Canada is on the second route, with USTAC acting as the large-scale enterprise. The US is on the first route, with the profits reinvested back into the country. Canada is a colony of the US:Canada is on the second route, with USTAC acting as the large-scale enterprise. The US is on the first route, with the profits reinvested back into the country. Canada is a colony of the US:
  • #1
Canda's former defence minster says that UFO are real and wants the candian government to plan better intergalatic reations.He says that U.S. government is bulding weapons to fight aliens and that there building foward base on the moon.I guess where the only one's that have crazy government consirpacy's.:smile:
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  • #2
Well if the Canadians say it's true...
  • #3
i like a lot of that guy's other ideas (which aren't mentioned in the article), but this is just silly. he's one of the few politicians who doesn't want Canada to be absorbed by the united states. i thought he was the only sane politician we had... until now.
  • #4
Canadian politicians want us to absorb it? The United States and Territories of America and Canada... or the USTAC... ugly, absolutely ugly
  • #5
Moon base? How we getting stuff there? You can see a shuttle launch from 300 miles!
  • #6
Here's the site of the organzation that's supporting Canadain hearings about Intergalatic reations.
I think I will send my letter to candian parliment about this:smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
Canadian politicians want us to absorb it? The United States and Territories of America and Canada... or the USTAC... ugly, absolutely ugly

most of Canada's politicians & businesspeople have been actively soliciting foreign ownership since the 1800s. Canada is basically a colony of the USA, or as former leader of the opposition john turner called us, a "reservoir" of resources for the US.
  • #8
This is scary:

Paul Hellyer, Canada’s Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."

Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something."

Hellyer revealed, "The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop."

Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, "The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."

Hellyer’s speech ended with a standing ovation. He said, "The time has come to lift the veil of secrecy, and let the truth emerge, so there can be a real and informed debate, about one of the most important problems facing our planet today."

He got a standing ovation!
  • #9
fourier jr said:
most of Canada's politicians & businesspeople have been actively soliciting foreign ownership since the 1800s. Canada is basically a colony of the USA, or as former leader of the opposition john turner called us, a "reservoir" of resources for the US.

foreign ownership is all you need to be considered a colony now? Guess the US is owned by japan eh...
  • #10
Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something."

Where do you find people like this? In a loonie store? :smile:
  • #11
The U.S. is way ahead of Canada in Intergalactic Relations: said:
Bush Says Alien Worker Program Would Stop Illegal Immigration
Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. President George W. Bush said the creation of a new visa program to let aliens take jobs in the U.S. that Americans do not want is a necessary step in addressing the problem of illegal immigration.
I wonder what jobs the aliens will take? Will I be greeted by little grey guys at Walmart? Well, actually, I guess I already am. :smile:
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  • #12
Hellyer revealed, "The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop."
So essencially, he's saying he has no more of an idea what happened than you or me. Convincing... :smile:
  • #13
Pengwuino said:
foreign ownership is all you need to be considered a colony now? Guess the US is owned by japan eh...

there are generally 2 ways that a country can develop. the first is where capital accumulates in a small-scale unit of production, & the profits of which are reinvested in the enterprise to finance its growth from within. the second way is direct development in large-scale enterprise, often with government assistance and with capital from outside the enterprise (subsidies, foreign investment, etc) to help with its expansion. the second route generally leads to the development of an inefficient, noninnovative & backward industrial structure which has dependence on foreign technology, foreign capital & government assistance. Canada had a choice back in the 1800s & we chose the 2nd route. everything that could be Canadian is almost always really an american subsidiary (example: tim horton's) & Canada isn't much more than a supplier of raw materials to the industrialised countries of the world.
  • #14
I don't get too worked up about this sort of thing either way. On one hand, anyone can go off the deep end. Given the proper circumstances or state of mind, anyone can be fooled or misled. Oh the other hand, this is just one of a long list of formerly high ranking military, government, and/or intelligence officials who claim a strong belief in or knowledge of alien spacecraft visiting out skies. In fact these types constitute the core of the conspiracy theory community. Note that the core of the story behind Roswell lies in the filmed testimony of the intelligence officer, Col Corso, who was highly respected in the intelligence community and is seen in at least one photo with Truman. Also, only two years earlier, Roswell is noted for another secret claim: It was the world’s only nuclear weapons base. Also note that some of the work going on at Roswell in 1947, such as project Mogul, was considered so sensitive that it was kept secret until only recently. So as the intelligence officer, Corso in fact had to be a heavy weight. You don't put rookies or wanna-be's in charge of projects like that. And it was Corso, among others, who say that they saw the alien bodies. He claims to have flown with them to Wright Patterson AFB.

Presumably, in addition to his long experience in government and military matters, a person such as Hellyer has access to people, hence information that gives him an advantage over most other people. So in one sense I think his claim carries more weight than in most anyone else’s would. However, once a person truly begins to believe that ET is visiting, the inability to define a proper context for such a reality leaves one vulnerable to nearly unbounded speculation. Suddenly the most extreme conspiracies theories and explanations can seem possible. And it’s easy to see how this would happen if you give it a little thought: Assume the premise of visiting ETs as a reality and go from there. So, for me this qualifies as interesting for now but nothing more either way. Maybe with time some perspective will be possible.

Here is another interesting UFO devotee of note.
I have no doubt that something landed at this U.S. Air Force base [Bentwaters] and I have no doubt that it has got the people concerned into a considerable state. The Ministry of Defense has doggedly stuck to it's normal line, that nothing of defense interest took place. Either large numbers of people , including the commanding general at Bentwaters,were hallucinating, and for an American Air Force nuclear base , this is extremely dangerous - or what they say did happen.
In either of these circumstances, there can be only one answer - that it was of extreme defense interest to the U.K."

"I have frequently been asked why a person of my background—a former Chief of the Defense Staff, a former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee—why I think there is a cover-up [of] the facts about UFOs. I believe governments fear that if they did disclose those facts, people would panic. I don’t believe that at all. There is a serious possibility that we are being visited by people from outer space. It behooves us to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want."

Admiral Lord Hill-Norton;
Former chief of the British Defense Staff
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  • #15
I think that in some cases the testimony of these officials qualifies as anecdotal evidence for visiting ETs, but let's not get into the conspiracies themselves.
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  • #16
russ_watters said:
Moon base? How we getting stuff there? You can see a shuttle launch from 300 miles!

That was misquoted a bit in the op
"The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon...
  • #17
Math Is Hard said:
The U.S. is way ahead of Canada in Intergalactic Relations:
I wonder what jobs the aliens will take? Will I be greeted by little grey guys at Walmart? Well, actually, I guess I already am. :smile:
He ment the kind aliens that come mexico and asia illegelly
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  • #18
scott1 said:
He ment the kind aliens that come mexico and asia illegelly
Scott, I'm going to click on your profile in a second, and I hope I find out you're under 13.
  • #19
Well, it doesn't say, but you need to know Math Is Hard was pretending confusion between illegal aliens and space aliens as a joke.
  • #20
Hellyer's 'story' is just the tip of this 'iceberg'. There's 3 groups behind this 'petion' and the people involved are very interesting, to say the least.
1st ICIS
Alfred Webre

Mr. Alfred Webre and Dr. Carol Rosin founded the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) in 2001

The ICIS board is made up of various prominent individuals such as former astronauts Edgar Mitchell & Dr. Brian O'Leary, as well as Arthur C. Clarke, General Council Daniel Sheehan and a founder of International Earth Day (March 21st), John McConnell.

note especially
"1977 Carter White House proposed extraterrestrial communication study" and the last section "Exopolitics".

Most folks likely won't catch the 'nexus' here, but it looks like an all out gathering of those
ready to play hard ball with the 'cosmic watergate' boys.

The 'knee jerk reaction' to Hellyer is that this guy is 'nuts'-he seems to be a political 'maverick' -and no doubt knows what he's doing...

He jumps into action with the UFO 'angle' after watching Jennings "Seeing is Believing".He says he then read Corso's book which had been sitting on the shelf and contacted an American General who tells him 'it's all true and more'--and this 'unknown' general fills him in on "the more".

If Hellyer's 'delusional' , start counting how many characters in 'politics' and 'power' he can point to who've convinced him this 'story's real'. Hopefully this 'force' will convince the 'unknown sources' to come out of the closet. Where'd the 2.3 TRILLION go that Rumsfeld
said was 'misplaced'? (for the years 98-00). The DOD budget was c26 billion in 96 and 97-48 billion asked for in 03 (this includes 'black budget')
Add in the monies 'lost' in the S&L, stocks and bonds etc etc Business as usual for how long?

as another Canadian , Marshall McLuhan said,"World War III will be a guerrilla information war, with no division between military and civilian participation.".

Wouldn't "disinformation war" say it better?

coverage of the Toronto Symposium
"In effect, permanent government runs things," he says. "We say we live in a democracy, but why do we call it democracy when, in effect, the people who are running it are not elected?"
Hellyer stated, "I believe that UFOs are real. I'll talk about that a little bit and a bit about the fantastic cover-up of the United States government and also a little bit of the fallout from the wreckage, by that I mean the material discoveries we have made and how they've been applied to our technology."
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  • #21
scott1 said:
He ment the kind aliens that come mexico and asia illegelly

*shakes head in disgust*:mad:

I just saw this. I suppose that was my punishment for making such a weak joke, Zoob.
  • #22
I attended the Exopolitics Symposium in Toronto

I attended the symposium in Toronto featuring Hellyer (as well as Stanton Friedman, Stephen Bassett and Richard Dolan) at a friend's invitation. The website (with Hellyer's talk posted) can be found here:" .

The symposium was a wake up call to me. Since the talk I've been researching UFO/ET information quite extensively. As a result, of course, I have been good naturedly mocked by friends and family.

It is really quite appalling the amount of material out there concerning UFO's. I do now believe that departments (cells?) in the US (and other governments) are covering up an extraterrestrial presence(s?) on and around Earth. I believe one reason for the cover-up is because they can't do anything about it!

Documents from the late 40's early 50's retrieved by Stanton Friedman through the Freedom of Information Act still have huge sections blacked out (full pages and multiple pages). What the hell could still be classified from that time? It must be something very embarrassing or controversial, if it's not the recovery of an alien spacecraft . These types of coverups lend credence to the 'something is obviously going on' belief I have.

The 'disinformation' campaign to make serious inquiry into UFO's open to ridicule seems to have been more than successful. With grants and senior scientist opinions hanging over their heads, it is no wonder that science as a community has not given the topic as serious a study as it should. I have read skeptic reports and articles and the egocentrism and arrogance that they exhibit in their 'debunking' is generally nauseating. (See" )
to see why skepticism should be considered a 'belief' system as much as any religion or political ideology.
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  • #23
scott1 said:
This page returned a page not found error.
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  • #24
EnumaElish said:
This page returned a page not found error.
I posted it two months ago Yahoo might of got rid of it.
I did google serch to see if there's elese about it and I found a lot about it exopolitics&spell=1&sa=N&tab=wn
I found this interesting China is supporting Canadian expoltics.So 2 countries far has gone insane 1 demrocay and 1 comumist.
Since 1964, Canada has been home to the world’s first UFO landing pad in St. Paul, Alberta, a 130-ton concrete structure built as that city’s Centennial project.
  • #25
invalid said:
I've been researching UFO/ET information quite extensively. As a result, of course, I have been good naturedly mocked by friends and family.

Don't underestimate the effects here - REALLY. UFOs aren't for sissies! :biggrin:

Btw, although unavoidably intertwined, try to stay with the evidence and testimonials and away from conspiracy theories as much as possible.
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  • #26
some interesting points.

I'd like to suggest Captain Ruppelt's 'Report on UFOs' and Major Keyhoe's book "Flying Saucers Are Real "
available on-line

Keyhoe makes the same 'leap' as Hellyer> based entirely on credible witnesses (without any abductions,crashed saucers, 'contactee' or LGM stories), a fascinating rational mental journey, whereas Ruppelt lays out the evidence and doesn't come to a 'hard conclusion'-yet between the lines...

I've been trying to get a better 'take' on Hellyer> and needless to say, the 'closet witnesses'
mentioned by Mitchell and Cooper also need to come out in the open.

I must say that it seems the 'exopolitics movement' strikes me as a 'belief system'- surely a political ideology is here as much as CSICOPs -coming from some highly intelligent characters-and there's definitely an 'agenda' here-time for caution.

looks like George Hansen's 'Trickster' is my cup of tea-
  • #27
Hmm, earthlings going to war with ET? I recall a similar scenario that involved native americans. I would naively assume any civilization capable of interstellar travel might have a can of whuppass in the trunk. While David occasionally slays Goliath, Goliath wins a lot more than he loses.
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  • #28
It always struck me as odd that Gordon Cooper believed that "the ETs" are only slightly more advanced than us. Of course many think it's odder that he believed in ET at all. :biggrin:

Of course if Heim's engine works...
  • #29
UFOs and the National Security State

I would like to recommend Richard Dolan's book UFOs and the National Security State. It is a meticulously researched overview of the history of UFOs starting in 1941. The book is based on personal correspondence, government documents, government press releases and other primary sources. Whatever the reality of the situation, the American (and other governments) have taken UFOs very seriously over the past 60 odd years.

It is a good read and I am looking forward to 1974-present, which is supposed to be coming out before the end of 2006.
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FAQ: Canada goverment offical says UFO's are real

What did the Canadian government official say about UFOs?

The Canadian government official, Paul Hellyer, stated in a 2005 speech that UFOs are indeed real and that the government has been covering up this information for decades.

Why is this statement significant?

This statement is significant because it comes from a former high-ranking government official and adds credibility to the existence of UFOs. It also brings attention to the issue of government secrecy and potential cover-ups.

What evidence does the Canadian government have to support this claim?

There is no official evidence provided by the Canadian government to support this claim. However, Hellyer stated that he had personally spoken to several military personnel who had witnessed UFOs and that the government had recovered wreckage from crashed UFOs.

Has the Canadian government taken any action since this statement was made?

The Canadian government has not taken any official action since this statement was made. However, Hellyer has continued to advocate for the disclosure of UFO information and has urged other countries to do the same.

What does this mean for the general public?

This statement does not necessarily change much for the general public. It may spark curiosity and interest in the topic of UFOs and government secrecy, but until official evidence is provided, it remains a controversial and debated topic.

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