Calculating Limits with Taylor Series: Tips and Guidelines for Accurate Results

  • Thread starter Azael
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In summary, when calculating limits by using taylor series, it is trial and error to determine how many terms to include in the taylor series.
  • #1
Taylor rule of thumb??

When calculating limits by using taylor series is there any easy way to know how many elements that should be included in the taylor series?

if I have

[tex] \lim_{x\rightarrow\zero} \frac{exp(x-x^2)-Cos2x-Ln(1+x+2x^2)}{x^3} [/tex]

How do I know many terms to include in the taylors series for the exponent, cos and logaritm functions?? Should I include all terms that contains a [tex]x^3[/tex]??
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  • #2
x->0 but for some reason the latex won't include the 0.
  • #3
When I solve things like this I always notice at the end that I have used to many terms in the taylor series or to few. To many isn't much of a problem obviously except that it clutters up the calculations. But very anoying when I end up with to few.
  • #4
How many you 'should' include depends on what the question asks for, surely. There is no universal 'correct amount'. If you want to know what the error is for any truncation then you should look up Talyor Remainder and other such things which should be in your book, assuming you have one.
  • #5
yes I have one, not the best to be honest, but it usualy works pretty good. The answere it gave to this particular question is that is trial and error.

This question doesn't involve error estimations in the series. But rather how to get a "feel" for how many terms to include to make limit problems like the one I postes as easily solvable as possible. If you solve that one how many terms would you include??
I first tried by using the first 2 terms of each taylor series but it couldn't be solved that way. So I tried with the first 3 terms of each taylor series and that way I got the correct answere.

When I look at the solution they used the first 3 terms from the taylor series for the exponent, the first 2 for the cos function and the first 3 for the logaritm. How can I "tell" right away that I need no more then 2 terms from the cos to solve it?
  • #6
Approximating a function by a Taylor's polynomial is just that- an approximation. No approximation, no matter how close it is well tell you exactly what a limit is. In this case, however, since the denominator is x3, writing out the entire Taylor's series, then dividing by x3, you know that all terms in the series past x3 will have an x in them and will go to 0. That's not a "rule", that's basic algebra.
  • #7
Azael said:
When I look at the solution they used the first 3 terms from the taylor series for the exponent, the first 2 for the cos function and the first 3 for the logaritm. How can I "tell" right away that I need no more then 2 terms from the cos to solve it?

When you're counting the number of terms they used, remember that the x^3 term in the taylor series for cos has a 0 coefficient. The actual number of terms isn't really what's important, it's the size of the error between your taylor polynomial and your function.

In this question, you are dividing by an x^3. Your book should give some explanation about finding how many terms needed so the error/x^3 goes to zero (maybe in terms of big-Oh notation, but possibly not), then the limit will be determined by your taylor polynomials to whatever degree was needed for this size error term.

More precisely, if [tex]P_n(x)[/tex] is the nth degree taylor polynomial of f(x) and [tex]R_n(x)[/tex] is the error, so [tex]f(x)=P_n(x)+R_n(x)[/tex], you want to be able to determine the value of n so that [tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0 }R_n(x)/x^3=0[/tex]. Then [tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}f(x)/x^3=\lim_{x\rightarrow 0}P_n(x)/x^3[/tex]. You can replace x^3 with any power x^m and it's the same idea (the required n may change of course).
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  • #8
thanks shmoe that clears it up very good :)

Yeah we are taught to use the big-Oh notation(or well we call it big Ordo but I guess its the same thing)in problems like these.

FAQ: Calculating Limits with Taylor Series: Tips and Guidelines for Accurate Results

1. What is the Taylor rule of thumb?

The Taylor rule of thumb is an economic model developed by economist John Taylor in the 1990s. It is a simple formula that central banks can use to determine the appropriate level of interest rates based on the current state of the economy.

2. How does the Taylor rule of thumb work?

The Taylor rule of thumb uses three main variables to determine the appropriate interest rate: the current rate of inflation, the target rate of inflation, and the output gap (the difference between actual and potential economic growth). The formula then calculates the "neutral" or equilibrium interest rate based on these variables.

3. What are the assumptions behind the Taylor rule of thumb?

The Taylor rule of thumb assumes that the central bank has the ability to control short-term interest rates, and that the economy operates at a stable and predictable equilibrium. It also assumes that inflation is the main concern of the central bank and that it has a specific target rate in mind.

4. What are the benefits of using the Taylor rule of thumb?

The Taylor rule of thumb provides a simple and transparent framework for central banks to follow when setting interest rates. It also takes into account both inflation and economic growth, providing a balanced approach to monetary policy.

5. What are the criticisms of the Taylor rule of thumb?

Some critics argue that the Taylor rule of thumb is too simplistic and does not take into account all the factors that influence interest rates. It also assumes that the economy operates at a stable equilibrium, which may not always be the case. Additionally, the rule does not account for other goals of the central bank, such as financial stability or unemployment.
