Is 0.025 M Considered a Highly Concentrated Solution?

In summary: If you are looking for a concentration in g/L, you would need to find the molarity of the acetic acid (which is given in the question). Then you would divide that by the molarity of water (1.00 g/mL). For the second part of the question, you are told the concentration of Fe+2 in mol/L. You should start by converting that to a concentration in g/L, and then g/mL. See if you can go from there.Thanks for your help :)
  • #1
Hi all, I have 2 short questions, that have caused me trouble in my study.

What is generally considered to be a highly concentrated solution?
eg. 250mL acid in 10L water.
This is 250E-3/10 = 0.25/10 = 0.025 M.
Would that be considered a concentrated solution? as it seems very low ...

In a sample of ground water, iron in the form of Fe2+ was found to have concentration 9.00E-3 M. Assuming the density of water is 1.00 gmL-1, what is the concentration of Fe2+ in ppm?
Now I'm not really sure what is going on here, but given the Fe2+ has a molar concentration of 9.00E-3, surely there is a way to convert that to gL-1 and then to mg/kg (ppm solute/solvent form)?
am i correct?
(just need to be lead on the right track there ...)

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  • #2
steven10137 said:
Hi all, I have 2 short questions, that have caused me trouble in my study.

What is generally considered to be a highly concentrated solution?
eg. 250mL acid in 10L water.
This is 250E-3/10 = 0.25/10 = 0.025 M.
Would that be considered a concentrated solution? as it seems very low ...

Hey :smile:

To calculate the molarity of the final solution, youre going to need to know what the concentration of the original 250mL acid solution is, so you can find how many moles in the final solution.
  • #3
Hey sup

The question for the first part I am working on doesn't actually state any other values for me to work with. It states; "Household vinegar can be produced by adding 250mL of acetic acid to 10L of pure water. Which of the following best describes the acetic acid".
The answer is; "a concentrated solution of weak acid"
Now what I worked out before (0.025M) I thought was pretty low for a high concentration.
Any ideas?
  • #4
part a i got fine now... just another stupid misunderstanding ...

any other suggestions for part b?
  • #5
For the second question, you are told the concentration of Fe+2 in mol/L. You should start by converting that to a concentration in g/L, and then g/mL. See if you can go from there.
  • #6
Thanks for your help :)

=0.50265 g/L
=0.50265 x 10^3 mg/L
=502.65 mg/L
502.65 ppm

  • #7
steven10137 said:
Hey sup

The question for the first part I am working on doesn't actually state any other values for me to work with. It states; "Household vinegar can be produced by adding 250mL of acetic acid to 10L of pure water. Which of the following best describes the acetic acid".
The answer is; "a concentrated solution of weak acid"
Now what I worked out before (0.025M) I thought was pretty low for a high concentration.
Any ideas?

The acetic acid referred to in the question is the glacial acetic acid used to make the more dilute vinegar (250 mL in 10L). It is essentially 100% acetic acid. Thus the 'concentrated solution of a weak acid" is the closest to the correct answer, however; it isn't really a solution at all since it is water-free. It's a pure compound.

FAQ: Is 0.025 M Considered a Highly Concentrated Solution?

What is solution concentration?

Solution concentration refers to the amount of solute (substance being dissolved) per unit volume of the solvent (liquid in which the solute is dissolved). It is typically expressed in units of molarity (mol/L) or parts per million (ppm).

How is solution concentration measured?

Solution concentration can be measured using various techniques, such as titration, spectrophotometry, and gravimetric analysis. These methods involve determining the amount of solute present in a given volume of the solution.

What is ppm?

Parts per million (ppm) is a unit of measurement commonly used to express very small concentrations of a substance in a solution. It represents the number of parts of the solute per one million parts of the solution.

How is ppm calculated?

To calculate ppm, the concentration of the solute (in grams or moles) is divided by the total volume of the solution (in liters). This value is then multiplied by one million to get the final ppm value.

Why is it important to know solution concentration and ppm?

Solution concentration and ppm are important because they determine the properties and behavior of a solution. They also help in accurately measuring and controlling the amount of a substance present in a solution, which is crucial in various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring, and food and beverage production.
