Japan earthquake - contamination & consequences outside Fukushima NPP

In summary, the 2011 earthquake in Japan resulted in contamination of surrounding areas outside of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). This contamination was caused by the release of radioactive material into the air and water, leading to health concerns and environmental consequences. The government implemented evacuation zones and decontamination efforts, but long-term effects and concerns about food safety remain. Other countries also experienced the impact of the disaster, with traces of radiation being detected in air and water samples. Overall, the Japan earthquake had far-reaching consequences beyond the immediate vicinity of the Fukushima NPP.
  • #1
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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #3

EDIT: it's a contamination map with some real time values.
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  • #4

and few will not budge for various reasons.
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  • #5
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  • #6
zapperzero said:

Really, this kind of decisions leads to what this industry is always defending itself from: doubt, suspicion, lack of transparence.

If i was Japanese, i woud be very upset by this (and I'm already even if I'm not japanese). Are the IAEA people living under the emissions like japanese people do? I don't think so...

Do they have their children exposed to whatever level and especially a level of 20 mSV/year which many consider as inadequate and possibly criminal for very youngs? I don't think so...

Here in France in 1986, the french "watchdog" (SCPRI and the infamous Pr Pellerin) was the only one who was allowed to release data on the Tchernobyl contamination. The meteorologist were calling him personnally to know what to say at TV. This remembers in a sense that kind of situation. Why cannot the Japan Meteorological Agency continue by itself to do it if people are consulting these projections (and I'm sure they are!)? Aren't they independent from any nuclear organisation, and especially IAEA?
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  • #7
jlduh said:
The french IRSN just released a new report concerning the estimated contamination around DAICHI, i extract this map for the Cs contamination based on SPEEDI/MEXT estimations. The complete report is here (french): http://www.irsn.fr/FR/Actualites_pr...valuation_Dosimetrique_Fukushima_16052011.pdf


The piece of information missing is the time to reach the dose on those contours pf 5, 10, and 20 mSv. In the report these are listed as annual doses for a person at that location for a year.
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  • #8
jlduh said:
Really, this kind of decisions leads to what this industry is always defending itself from: doubt, suspicion, lack of transparence.

If i was Japanese, i woud be very upset by this (and I'm already even if I'm not japanese). Are the IAEA people living under the emissions like japanese people do? I don't think so...

Do they have their children exposed to whatever level and especially a level of 20 mSV/year which many consider as inadequate and possibly criminal for very youngs? I don't think so...

Did you catch the last sentence? "Projected concentration data did not reflect reality." If they weren't accurate what is the use of continuing to put out meaningless reports?
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  • #9
NUCENG said:
Did you catch the last sentence? "Projected concentration data did not reflect reality." If they weren't accurate what is the use of continuing to put out meaningless reports?

Well, the question is "what is current reality", and how, and by whom, was it assessed that the projections weren't fitting the reality? Any data to base this statement?

If this is by IAEA only, then i (and many others) "may" have a doubt for example...

But in a sense I agree with you: if simulation doesn't fit reality, then we should quit using simulations and stick to reality.

And this applies also for stuff like... tsunami and seismic risks assessment for example? As they were not sticking to reality, will the IAEA ask nuclear industry to quit using them and communicating on them, with the straightforward explanation: "We asked this because they were not reflecting reality"?

It's always kind of funny to see that simulations have sometimes a strange destiny: either they don't fit the reality in a way that is going in the "good direction" (for some interests), and then we keep using them and justifying decisions on these, or they don't fit reality and some are unhappy with this and then they ask for quitting using them. As an engineer, i saw this happening many times, as a matter of fact. This is what is great with simulations: it's easier to control than reality, at the simulation level (hypothesis and inputs) or at the communication level...

Not from a pure scientific standpoint of course. But pure science in areas with political, strategical and financial interests are scarce. Epistemology and history of sciences are full of examples of this. And sorry to say this, but even if there are true nuclear physicists working for exemple on some fundamental subjects, we are here talking about a TECHNOLOGY (which makes use of sciences) run by private companies to make business. IAEA is also part of this scheme (watchdog of this technology implementation). We are far from pure science in my mind, and engineers and even many experts are far from being pure scientific guys (hey they have bosses who are not that scientific!)

NOTE: bu the way you are right, the map above gives ANNUAL doses estimates (they missed the word on the map!)
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  • #10
jlduh said:
Well, the question is "what is current reality", and how, and by whom, was it assessed that the projections weren't fitting the reality? Any data to base this statement?

If this is by IAEA only, then i (and many others) "may" have a doubt for example...

But in a sense I agree with you: if simulation doesn't fit reality, then we should quit using simulations and stick to reality.

And this applies also for stuff like... tsunami risks assessment for example?

It's always kind of funny to see that simulations have sometimes a strange destiny: either they don't fit the reality in a way that is going in the "good direction" (for some interests), and then we keep using them and justifying decisions on these, or they don't fit reality and some are unhappy with this and then they ask for quitting using them. As an engineer, i saw this happening many times, as a matter of fact. This is what is great with simulations: it's easier to control than reality, at the simulation level (hypothesis and inputs) or at the communication level...

Not from a pure scientific standpoint of course. But pure science in areas with political, strategical and financial interests are scarce. Epistemology and history of sciences are full of examples of this. And sorry to say this, but even there are true nuclear physicists working for exemple on some fundamental subjects, we are here talking about a TECHNOLOGY (which makes use of sciences) run by private companies to make business. IAEA is also part of this scheme (watchdog of this technology implementation). We are far from pure science in my mind, and engineers and even many experts are far from being pure scientific guys!

TEPCO and the Japanese are still performing sampling and monitoring contamination levels in the environment. I would hope that is current reality. Of course that depends on whether you believe anything they report. Those reports were available to IAEA to compare to the Japan Meteorological Agency predictions. IAEA apparently didn't find them useful so they won't ask for the reports. If the Japanese found the results useful they could keep generating reports. IAEA did not tell them to stop producing reports. They just aren't going to ask for any more. If you see benefit in the exercise your anger is misdirected at IAEA.

Atmospheric dispersion and plume predictions are evaluations based on meteorological inputs and past atmospheric statistics. The old example of chaos theory says that a butterfly flaps its wings in China and as a result a hurricane hits Miami. Over time inputs and uncertainties randomize until the data uncertainties are larger than the quantity you are trying to measure. They can give you a reasonable basis to prioritize emergency protective actions (evacuation, shelter in place, agricultural limitations, etc.) in the short run, but field measurements are better in the longer timeframe.

You won't get an argument from me on tsunami risks. Fukushima clearly blew that one. Had they done any kind of study when they received reports of the two major tsunamis in the last 2200 years, we might not be here today.

Neither will I argue that bad simulations or bad engineering or bad science is actually good. I believe good science and good engineering can help produce good simulations that produce realistic results. If those results mean we need to correct something or scrap a design, that is what you deal with. Tweaking the simulation to get results you want like what happened at Maine Yankee is dishonest, unethical, unprofessional, and illegal (i.e., BAD)!
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  • #11
seem to be matching the maps taken by US radiation monitoring plane quite well...
  • #12
Dmytry said:
seem to be matching the maps taken by US radiation monitoring plane quite well...

This is not a surprise as the report says it is compiled from the MEXT-DOE maps.
  • #14

Govt to reduce school ground radiation levels
Japan's education minister says the government will strive to keep cumulative radiation levels at school grounds in Fukushima Prefecture below one millisievert per year. The prefecture is home to the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Yoshiaki Takaki also told reporters on Friday that if the levels exceed a benchmark of one microsievert per hour, the topsoil will be removed, and most of the cost will be paid for by the government.


The government had earlier set a yearly limit of 20 millisieverts of accumulated external radiation for children taking part in outdoor activities. But parents have protested the decision.


Fukushima Governor Yuhei Sato welcomed the decision. He stressed that the government should shoulder the cost of achieving the goal, saying that nuclear power generation has been promoted as a national policy.
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  • #15
jlduh said:

So, which is it? 1 is safe, 20 not so much? Well then, seems some heads should roll for suggesting 20. 20 is ok? Well then, why change?
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  • #16
Have you seen http://youtu.be/UqVY9azhH3U" video?

Rabbit Without Ears, Allegedly Born After #Fukushima Accident
It is actually a very cute animal, trying to eat as much as it can among much bigger "normal" rabbits.


Probably a hoax? "Our faces and throats felt burned, and we thought we're going to die." sounds fishy to me.
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  • #17
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  • #18
The problem with fakes is that they create the doubt that anything "abnormal" is a hoax. I've seen some obvious hoax and fakes from supposedly Tchernobyl. This leads some people to think that there is actually no problem, because "this is hoax".

The video doesn't look fake to me. But I don't know if this animal is abnormal or if it could be an other explanation. The sentence you quote is strange also (maybe translation problem?).

Anyway, it's very probable that there will be some abnormalities because of this accident, but the fact is that without the accident, there are already some... In other word, the best way to consider the question is to avoid black and white or binary thinking: it's not because something is wrong that the opposite is true, it can be a matter of nuances, and in this case, of statistics (to be established!)

So it's difficult to draw any conclusion without a thorough study on the effects on animals.

The reactions in the messages are interesting though. I feel something like denying that such abnormalities could exist from the accident. Maybe it's too scary to think it's possible, so criticize this and comdemn as hoax is confortable in a certain way...

Negating the danger is a way to better control and manage the danger, at least from the psychological standpoint.
  • #19
clancy688 said:
Have you seen http://youtu.be/UqVY9azhH3U" video?

Probably a hoax? "Our faces and throats felt burned, and we thought we're going to die." sounds fishy to me.

What sounds fishy?
Reading the original, it sounds very emotional to me, but not obviously fake.

They say their face and throats were burned to the point of prickly pain.
Isn't gamma radiation supposed to create similar symptoms?
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  • #20
rowmag said:
They say their face and throats were burned to the point of prickly pain.
Isn't gamma radiation supposed to create similar symptoms?

Exactly. How were they exposed to gamma radiation? I don't know their exact location, but if they didn't realize that something big (Unit 3) exploded, it must be at least a few dozen kilometres.
If at that distance they were exposed to gamma radiation that in fact could be sensed, every living being in and around the Fukushima plant (Especially the Fukushima 50) must've been killed.

After TMI, many residents reported of a "lead taste" they sensed in the air. But the escaped nuclides were magnitudes below any levels for humans to taste. So it was completely psychological.
  • #21
clancy688 said:
Exactly. How were they exposed to gamma radiation? I don't know their exact location, but if they didn't realize that something big (Unit 3) exploded, it must be at least a few dozen kilometres.
If at that distance they were exposed to gamma radiation that in fact could be sensed, every living being in and around the Fukushima plant (Especially the Fukushima 50) must've been killed.

Ex-SKF places them 7 km south-southwest of the power plant, which also puts them downwind of the plant at the time of the explosion. Is it possible they were unlucky enough to be in a leopard-spot hot spot?

After TMI, many residents reported of a "lead taste" they sensed in the air. But the escaped nuclides were magnitudes below any levels for humans to taste. So it was completely psychological.

I don't remember much in detail about TMI, and don't want to derail the discussion to a different accident, but how do we know what nuclide levels the people who tasted lead there were exposed to? And were the people downwind of TMI and Fukushima Daiichi educated on what symptoms to fake?

Don't have an axe to grind either way, but would be interested in investigating whether the reports could be taken seriously or not.
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  • #22
I wonder if the dose that would give these people similar feeling won't give them also serious radiation sickness (which - from what I understand - was not diagnosed).

Plus, obviously it is not something unheard off. Googling for earless rabbit I got http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1100030/Whats-Doc-Meet-Vincent-rabbit-born-ears.html, http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?t=194355 (scroll to 6th post for a picture) and http://www.flickr.com/photos/madeleine_/799132044/ on the first page.
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  • #23
Meanwhile, in Tokyo,
(may 14, but I just found it now, sorry). Radioactive sludge:

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  • #24

Radioactive materials found off Miyagi and Ibaraki

Japan's science ministry has detected extraordinarily high levels of radioactive cesium in seafloor samples collected off Miyagi and Ibaraki Prefectures.Experts say monitoring should be stepped up over a larger area to determine how fish and shell fish are being affected.

The ministry collected samples from 12 locations along a 300-kilometer stretch off Fukushima prefecture's Pacific coast between May 9th and 14th. It hoped to get an idea about the spread of nuclear contamination caused by the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.Radioactive substances were found in all locations, including those off Miyagi and Ibaraki Prefectures, which had not been previously investigated.

Radioactive cesium 134, measuring 110 becquerels per kilogram or about 100 times the normal level, was found in samples collected from the seabed 30 kilometers off Sendai City and 45 meters beneath the surface. Samples collected from the seabed 10 kilometers off Mito City and 49 meters beneath the surface measured 50 becquerels or about 50 times the normal level.Professor Takashi Ishimaru of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology says plankton most probably absorbed the radioactive substances carried by the current near the sea surface, and then sank to the seabed.

He said monitoring must be stepped up over a larger area, as radioactive materials in the seabed do not dissolve quickly, and can accumulate in the bodies of larger fish that eat shrimp and crabs that live on the seafloor.

Saturday, May 28, 2011 22:21 +0900 (JST)
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  • #25
I recently read somewhere about the coefficient to forecast seiverts exposure from ground deposition for Cs137 and CS 134.

I think NUCENG wrote about it.

I can't seem to be able to find the post anymore, could someone pls link it to me ? moreover i would like to expand a bit about the theoretical derivation of that value.

thanks in advance
  • #26
page 81 the annual dose resulting from the deposition of 1 kBq/m2 of CS137 is given at 1.2 milliSieverts (cumulative in the first year).

now in

Tomio Kawata, a research fellow of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan is quoted saying "While the expected radiation exposure from 1.48 million becquerels of cesium is around five millisieverts a year, below the government’s benchmark of 20 millisieverts for evacuation orders, decontamination will still be necessary before evacuees can return as radioactive cesium binds strongly to soil, making it hard to reduce radiation levels, Kawata said."

My question is: by applying Petrangeli "ground shine" conversion factor 1.48 million Bequerels should result in 1,480*1.2 Millisieverts or something about a staggering 1.7 Sieverts of accumulted exposition over just the first year.

what I am missing ? where is the error ?
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  • #27

Fukushima cleanup could cost up to $250 billion

A private think tank says the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could cost Japan up to 250 billion dollars over the next 10 years.The estimate is part of the Nuclear Safety Commission's ongoing survey of opinions on the disaster from nuclear and other experts.[...] the costs of the accident could range from nearly 71 to 250 billion dollars. The figure includes 54 billion to buy up all land within 20 kilometers of the plant, 8 billion for compensation payments to local residents, and 9 to 188 billion to scrap the plant's reactors.

Iwata said a drastic review of the government's nuclear energy policy is necessary to fund the cleanup.He said the government could channel about 71 billion dollars to the necessary fund over the next decade by freezing research and development projects linked to the nuclear fuel cycle.Another 150 billion could come from Tokyo Electric Power Company's reserve fund, and the government's nuclear energy-related budgets.
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  • #28
Snow on Fukushima peaks found to be radioactive
[PLAIN said:
http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/01_27.html]Researchers[/PLAIN] from Fukushima University performed the analysis with a local environmental group. They sampled snow in 31 locations and at different altitudes from 7 peaks around Fukushima city, from mid-April through early May.

The results showed that snow in 14 locations contained more than 200 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium, the adult safe limit for drinking water.

A sample of snow from an altitude of 1,300 meters contained 3,000 becquerels of cesium.
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  • #29
French independent organisation CRIIRAD measured high levels of radioactivity in various places of Fukushima prefecture.


French research institute finds high radioactivity

A French independent radioactivity watchdog has found radiation in Fukushima Prefecture 60 times higher than the annual reference level for ordinary people recommended by an international commission.Bruno Chareyron, director of the research institute CRIIRAD, briefed reporters in Tokyo on Wednesday on the results of its survey of the air in Fukushima Prefecture.

The measurements and calculations found an annualized amount of 60 millisieverts at a farm in Iitate Village in the prefecture.The level is 60 times higher than the annual limit for ordinary people, except for radiation workers, of 1 millisievert, recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The researchers also found high radiation levels in Fukushima City. At some places in the city, the levels of radioactivity were 7 to 9 millisieverts a year.

Chareyron urged Japan to increase the number of monitoring spots so that it can provide the public with detailed information on the negative effects of the radiation caused by the troubled Fukushima Daiichi plant.The one-week survey from May 24th was conducted in cooperation with a Japanese nongovernmental organization.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011 21:49 +0900 (JST)
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  • #30
The reading in Iitate Village really shouldn't surprise anyone. That this village received a lot of fallout in the early days of the accident is well-known, and the gov't established this village as a "planned evacuation zone" sometime in April (I think April 22nd?), with the goal of the village being completely evacuated within a month (if I'm not mistaken).

I think the radioactive snow is a bigger worry.

The story regarding the rabbit with no ears is true. MSN Sankei reported on this a couple of days ago. http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/110529/trd11052912010002-n2.htm

Still waiting for Bloomberg to clarify whether or not 5 million becquerels was recorded 25 kms from the plant.
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  • #31
Tepco is being careful not to release the ground water that leaked into the basement of unit 6 into the sea, and stores that water into tanks : http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/nu/fukushima-np/images/handouts_110602_01-e.pdf

Have Tepco or the Japanese authorities or independent researchers published data about the radiation released into the sea through rain and rivers ? Or can we be confident enough that the radioactive materials are staying in the ground once they have deposited ?

Isn't there a contradiction between, on the one hand, storing the plant's ground water into tanks, and on the other hand, letting the ground water from elsewhere in Fukushima Prefecture flow to the sea ?
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  • #32
tsutsuji said:
Tepco is being careful not to release the ground water that leaked into the basement of unit 6 into the sea, and stores that water into tanks : http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/nu/fukushima-np/images/handouts_110602_01-e.pdf

Meanwhile, I guess most rivers in nearby areas are releasing "low level radioactive materials" in perhaps much lower concentrations, but in larger amounts.

Have Tepco or the Japanese authorities or independent researchers published data about the radiation released into the sea through rain and rivers ? Or can we be confident enough that the radioactive materials are staying in the ground once they have deposited ?

Well I would say that we can be confiddent that just the opposite is true.
Mitigation shuld be the name of the game, instead what I see are limited measures and slipping schedules.

Chernobyl was a tragedy, likely it will remain the worst accident in industrial history but at least you got a sense of an "all-out" effort being carried out after the fact.

for Fukushima I often feel efforts and resources are employed on a "we can no longer delay this" basis
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  • #33
Plenty of radioactive material has shown up in sewage sludge in Tokyo, so I am going to assume that there is plenty of Cesium being washed into the groundwater and ocean.

TEPCO and the government might wish they could avoid the contradiction, (of stopping contaminated water from the plant vs letting the contaminated water outside the plant flow unobstructed) but they can do nothing to stop the rain and snow water from rinsing the radiation down to the sea or underground. On second thought, maybe they are hoping that the rain will help reduce their cleanup costs in areas outside the plant.

As someone has already mentioned, the final containment vessel is the ocean.
  • #34
It seems that I'm not the only person worried about possible inadequate assessment of global human contamination (including inhalated and ingested contamination) through only external measurements in mSv/h, currently used to decide where to evacuate...

Fukushima prefecture is going to make more whole body scans, but they have only... ONE equipment to do it!


Fukushima to check internal radiation exposure

Fukushima Prefecture has decided to check the internal radiation exposure of residents near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and adjacent areas with high radiation levels.In Fukushima, there are mounting concerns among locals over the health effects of radiation after the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi plant.

The prefecture had already decided to conduct health checks on all citizens, but will now assess residents' internal exposure to radiation from breathing and eating.

The targets will be residents near the plant and people who live in adjacent areas with high radiation levels.A device called a "whole-body counter" will be used to precisely measure radiation.But the prefecture currently has only one device and can screen just 10 people per day. It is urging research institutes and others with the device outside the prefecture to help them.
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  • #35
A clear example that the way external radiation is measured doesn't always reflect the total dose including internal radiation ingested or inhalated:http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/03_32.html

2 TEPCO workers exposed to radiation above limit

Experts say 2 workers at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have been exposed to high levels of radiation exceeding the safety limit set by the government.


The test by the National Institute of Radiology Sciences shows the estimated internal radiation absorbed by one man in his 30s is between 210 and 580 millisieverts, while another man in his 40s received between 200 and 570 millisieverts.

An earlier test showed the younger man had received about 74 millisieverts of external radiation and the other about 89 millisieverts.

The latest test results indicate that the amounts of radiation for the both workers exceeded the limit of 250 millisieverts set for emergency situations. The limit was raised by the government from 100 millisieverts soon after the accident.


TEPCO says safety measures, such as wearing protective clothing and masks, may have been inadequate just after the accident. It says it wants to conduct detailed tests on about 150 workers who were involved in similar operations.
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