Electric field due to a hollow, charged cylinder

In summary, the conversation is about finding the electric field at a point on the x-axis due to a uniformly charged, hollow cylinder. The formulas used include radius of the cylinder, charge on the cylinder, length of the cylinder, distance from the origin to the point of interest, and the constant k. The attempt at a solution involves finding the charge density, force due to one of the rings, and the horizontal component of the force. There is a discussion about the behavior of the formula at different distances and the possibility of using potentials instead of fields.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the electric field at a point on the x-axis due to a uniformly charged, hollow cylinder. The x-axis is parallel to the cylinder and goes through it's centre. One end of the cylinder is located at the origin.

Homework Equations

R = radius of cylinder
Q = charge on cylinder
L = length of cylinder from the origin
D = distance from the origin to the point of interest
k = 1/4πε

The Attempt at a Solution

1) I found the charge density
[itex]\lambda=\frac{Q}{2\pi RL[/itex]

2) So an infinitesimally thin slice of the cylinder 2πRdx would have charge

3) The force due to one of these rings is
[itex]dF = k\frac{qdQ}{(D-L)^2+R^2}[/itex]

4) We want only the horizontal component due to the symmetry of the cylinder and the cancellation of the vertical components of the forces. So since

[itex]cos(\theta) = \frac{D-L}{((D-L)^2+R^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}[/itex]

Therefore [itex]dF_x=k\frac{qdQ(D-L)}{((D-L)^2+R^2)^{\frac{3}{2}}[/itex]

I divided by q to get the electric field, replaced dQ with (Q/L)dx and then integrated with respect to x from 0 and L.

The formula I got is:

[itex]E=k\frac{Q(D-L)}{((D-L)^2+R^2)^\frac{3}{2}[/itex] which doesn't seem right or 'behave' right. Based on what I know, if we used it to calculate the force on a test charge and we let the test charge be a very large distance away, then we should be left with Coulomb's law but that doesn't seem to happen with what I got.
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  • #2
Fixing up the latex:
chipotleaway said:

Homework Statement

Find the electric field at a point on the x-axis due to a uniformly charged, hollow cylinder. The x-axis is parallel to the cylinder and goes through it's centre. One end of the cylinder is located at the origin.

Homework Equations

R = radius of cylinder
Q = charge on cylinder
L = length of cylinder from the origin
D = distance from the origin to the point of interest
k = 1/4πε

The Attempt at a Solution

1) I found the charge density
[itex]\lambda=\frac{Q}{2\pi RL}[/itex]

2) So an infinitesimally thin slice of the cylinder 2πRdx would have charge

3) The force due to one of these rings is
[itex]dF = k\frac{qdQ}{(D-L)^2+R^2}[/itex]

4) We want only the horizontal component due to the symmetry of the cylinder and the cancellation of the vertical components of the forces. So since

[itex]cos(\theta) = \frac{D-L}{((D-L)^2+R^2)^{\frac12}}[/itex]

Therefore [itex]dF_x=k\frac{qdQ(D-L)}{((D-L)^2+R^2)^{\frac32}}[/itex]

I divided by q to get the electric field, replaced dQ with (Q/L)dx and then integrated with respect to x from 0 and L.

The formula I got is:

[itex]E=k\frac{Q(D-L)}{((D-L)^2+R^2)^\frac32}[/itex] which doesn't seem right or 'behave' right. Based on what I know, if we used it to calculate the force on a test charge and we let the test charge be a very large distance away, then we should be left with Coulomb's law but that doesn't seem to happen with what I got.
At a great distance, L and R are insignificant compared to D, so it tends to [itex]E=k\frac{QD}{|D|^3}[/itex]. Isn't that reasonable?
  • #3
Well, at D = L you have E = 0 wheras should be the negative of at D = 0, no? And at D = L/2 should the field not be zero?

When you set this up at some point 0 < D < L did you take into consideration the two opposing forces at your test charge q?
  • #4
haruspex said:
Fixing up the latex:

At a great distance, L and R are insignificant compared to D, so it tends to [itex]E=k\frac{QD}{|D|^3}[/itex]. Isn't that reasonable?

Oh yeah, I didn't think about R...

rude man said:
Well, at D = L you have E = 0 wheras should be the negative of at D = 0, no? And at D = L/2 should the field not be zero?

When you set this up at some point 0 < D < L did you take into consideration the two opposing forces at your test charge q?

In setting up the diagram, I only considered a test charge at a distance greater than the length of the cylinder and hoped that the resulting formula would be work even if L>D...hmmm...
  • #5
chipotleaway said:
Oh yeah, I didn't think about R...

In setting up the diagram, I only considered a test charge at a distance greater than the length of the cylinder and hoped that the resulting formula would be work even if L>D...hmmm...

The problem didn't really specify where the observation point is, so in a way you can't be blamed. You obviously know how to attack a problem like this.
If you do decide to analyze inside the cylinder, realize you only need to do it for half of it. The other half is a mirror image with the sign of E revered. Of course, that holds for ouside as well.

I was also thinking, would this be more easily done with potentials rather than fields? With potentials you don't have to worry about vectors until it's time to find grad U.
  • #6
rude man said:
The problem didn't really specify where the observation point is, so in a way you can't be blamed. You obviously know how to attack a problem like this.

Well it did, but they were randomly generated numbers (that weren't very nice) so it could be inside or outside the cylinder. I picked a point outside to work with because I assumed that L would be greater than D and that would work even if L<D. Guess I was wrong in assuming one formula would do the trick.

rude man said:
If you do decide to analyze inside the cylinder, realize you only need to do it for half of it. The other half is a mirror image with the sign of E revered. Of course, that holds for ouside as well.

Could you please elaborate?

rude man said:
I was also thinking, would this be more easily done with potentials rather than fields? With potentials you don't have to worry about vectors until it's time to find grad U.

We're not up to that yet and unfortunately I'm too far behind on my other courses to be doing extra physics! But doing it this way is kind of fun though :p
  • #7
If you do decide to analyze inside the cylinder, realize you only need to do it for half of it. The other half is a mirror image with the sign of E revered. Of course, that holds for ouside as well.

Could you please elaborate?

Sure. Supposing you're a distance D = L/3 inside the cylinder. Then you compute the field from that point. But that will be the same field at a distance L - D/3 except for reversal of sign.

In fact, you can do the integration in just one direction instead of two by canceling the symmetrically located charge about D. So for any D you integrate from 2D to L only to get the field at D.

In other words, at D the field due to 0 → D is canceled by the field due to D → 2D.

FAQ: Electric field due to a hollow, charged cylinder

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical field that surrounds an electrically charged object and exerts a force on other charged objects within its influence. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

What is a hollow, charged cylinder?

A hollow, charged cylinder is a cylindrical object with a hollow center that has a net electric charge. The charge can be either positive or negative, and it is distributed along the surface of the cylinder.

How is the electric field calculated for a hollow, charged cylinder?

The electric field at any point outside the cylinder is given by the formula E = Q/(2πε0r), where Q is the total charge of the cylinder, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, and r is the distance from the center of the cylinder. Inside the cylinder, the electric field is zero since there is no charge within the hollow center.

What is the direction of the electric field for a hollow, charged cylinder?

The direction of the electric field at any point outside the cylinder is radial, meaning it points away from the center of the cylinder. Inside the cylinder, the electric field is zero since there is no charge within the hollow center.

How does the electric field change if the charge or radius of the cylinder is varied?

If the charge on the cylinder is increased, the electric field at any point outside the cylinder will also increase. However, inside the cylinder, the electric field will remain zero. If the radius of the cylinder is increased, the electric field at any point outside the cylinder will decrease, and inside the cylinder, the electric field will remain zero.
