What is the equation for equilibrium of a picture suspended by two strings?

Which always points straight down.)In summary, the problem involves a picture hanging on a wall suspended by two strings. The tension in string 1 is 1.7 N at an angle of 65 degrees above horizontal, while the tension in string 2 is at an angle of 32 degrees above horizontal. The question is whether the tension in string 2 is greater than, less than, or equal to 1.7 N. The answer is that it is equal to, as both tensions must be equal for the picture to be in equilibrium. This can be verified by using the equation T1cos(65) = T2cos(32) and considering the x-components of the forces acting on the picture. This
  • #1
Okay here's the problem:

A picture hangs on a wall suspended by two strings. The tension in string 1 is 1.7 N and is at an angle of 65 degrees above horizontal (from left). String 2 is at an angle of 32 degrees above horizontal (from right). The strings connect to the same point that holds the picture.

a.) Is the tension in string 2 greather than, less than, or equal to 1.7 N? Explain.
b.) Verifiy your answer to part a by calculating the tension in string 2.

If I remember correctly, the tensions times the cosine of the angles are equal so:

T1cos(65) = T2cos(32). But I do not understand why. Isn't that just equating the x components of the tension and not the tensions themselves? Maybe I have been misled...

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Notice that in the expression T1cos(65) = T2cos(32), you are using the magnitudes of the tensions, i.e. T1 and T2. If you write out what is happening using vectors, you will see that the equation you gave is a direct result of that.
  • #3
You cannot equate the tension forces directly since they are acting in different directions. What you can say is that the picture is in equilibrium, so the algebriac sum of the components of the forces acting along any given axis will equal zero.
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  • #4

grahamfw said:
If I remember correctly, the tensions times the cosine of the angles are equal so:

T1cos(65) = T2cos(32). But I do not understand why. Isn't that just equating the x components of the tension and not the tensions themselves? Maybe I have been misled...
Everything is derived from the fact that the picture is in equilibrium. Which means that the net force (both x and y components) must equal zero. That equation you wrote is just a statement that the x-components of the forces on the picture must add to zero. (To complete this problem you'll also need the equation that comes from setting the sum of the y-components equal to zero.)

Note: the only forces on the picture are the two string tensions and gravity.

FAQ: What is the equation for equilibrium of a picture suspended by two strings?

1. What is tension?

Tension is a force that occurs when an object is being pulled or stretched. It is the force that is transmitted through a medium, such as a rope or cable, when it is under tension.

2. How is tension related to Newton's laws of motion?

Tension is related to Newton's laws of motion through the third law, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the case of tension, when an object is pulled in one direction, the object pulling in the opposite direction experiences an equal amount of tension.

3. What are some real-world examples of tension?

Some examples of tension in everyday life include pulling on a rope in a game of tug-of-war, stretching a rubber band, or holding a heavy object with a rope or cable.

4. How is tension calculated?

Tension is calculated by multiplying the mass of an object by its acceleration. This can be represented by the formula T=ma, where T is tension, m is mass, and a is acceleration.

5. How does tension affect the stability of structures?

In structures, tension is a crucial factor in maintaining stability. When tension is evenly distributed throughout a structure, it helps to keep the structure in place and prevents it from collapsing or collapsing in on itself. However, if tension is not evenly distributed or is too great in one area, it can cause the structure to fail.

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