What Was This Random IM Conversation About?

In summary, A person named Mani contacted Abby via instant message and attempted to communicate with her in a language that she did not understand. Mani claimed to speak Swiss dialect of German, but it is believed to be Croatian. Abby is unsure of who Mani is and speculates that he may be a secret agent trying to involve her in a drug deal. However, it is later revealed that Mani may actually be a friend who is trying to reconnect with Abby. Due to the language barrier, they are unable to communicate effectively. Abby is advised to use a translator to understand Mani's messages.
  • #1
ok, so not that GD needs another thread or anything... but, i really have no idea what to do with this. some guy imed me today, and i have NO idea what he said. i think he said he was speaking in a swiss dialect of german... but i could be wrong. other than that i basically understood nothing.

so, if anyone has a clue what the convo was about, that would be cool. or even, like, if someone has an idea of where i could find an online translator, that'd also be useful...

ya, ok, i'll just paste the convo in i guess... thanks for any help.. or maybe just commentary or something...

mani says: halo
abby says: hi
mani says: kako si
abby says: I'm going to guess you just asked what's up or something, and i'll say not much, you?
mani says: ima li nesto novo
mani says: to ne razumjem
abby says: alright, do you speak english?
mani says: provjedi
mani says: ako hoces
mani says: ne samo njemacki
abby says: ya, i have no idea what you're saying
abby says: do i know you?
mani says: ne razumem
mani says: nista
mani says: molim
abby says: what language are you speaking
abby says: ?
mani says: deutsch
mani says:bitte
mani says: ven geht
mani says: schweizersche dialekt
abby says: alright
mani says:pusis
mani says: mi
mani says: ako
mani says: hoces
mani says: to je naj bolje
mani says: mozda
abby says: umm
abby says: i don't understand you at all
mani says: volisb nesto naj ljepsu
mani says: da ti pisem?
abby says: i don't know what you asked
mani says: volis romanticno nesto
abby says: if you spoke in english this would go a lot better
abby says: or even spanish or french would be better
mani says: uau
mani says: ti puno znaes
mani says: ali tvoj jezik si zaboravila
mani says: bravo
mani says: kompliment
abby says: ok
mani says: ja ok
mani says: zao mi je
mani says: ali tako je
mani says: izgleda da si mnogu talentna
mani says: ali i ja ne znaem kako da se razumjem stobom
mani says: (heart shape)
mani says: (kiss thing)
abby says: ok,
mani says: ok
abby says: how about english now?
mani says: ??!
abby says: i don't understand you
abby says: how did you even get my email?
mani says: (winking smiley)
abby says: oooook
mani says: idemo da veceramo
mani says: da jedemo po jedno pizu
mani says: volis li?
abby says: um
mani says: hajde idemo
mani says: svarno je ljepo vrjeme
abby says: oy!
mani says: hoces li??
abby says: don't know what you're saying
mani says: ili da idem sam
mani says: ok cao onda idem sam
mani says: (broken heart thing)
mani says: (kissy thing kissy thing kissy thing)
abby says: what?
mani says:ciao-ciao
mani says: laku noc
abby says: you're leaving?
mani says: i budi pozdravljena
mani says: izvini ako sam grsil nesto
mani says: ali nije bilo namerno nista
abby says: ummm
mani says: kod mene
abby says: I'm still not sure what you're saying
mani says: greska uvjek se pravi
mani says: pa jos jednum izvinjavam se
mani says: i budi pozdravljena
mani says: jedan slatki poljubac
mani says: ako primas
mani says: to sama znaes
mani says: cao
abby says: umm
mani says: gutten nacht
abby says: k, i understand that
mani says: schlafen sie güt
mani says: spavaj mi dobro
abby says: i have no idea what you've said to me...

(and he logs off)

so there it is. seeing as i have no idea who this is, and they just imed me out of the blue... I'm guessing that its a german or swiss secret agent looking for my cooperation with this international drug deal. i was chosen of course because he was made aware of my awesome undercover skills and my abilities to disguise myself with simple household objects such as pillows... now due to apparent communication issues, it seems i will be of ill-use, unfortunately though, i already know too much... so he's on his way to kill me!

**dun dun dun**

but that's just from the little bit i understood... anyone with a better clue should fill me in. please.
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  • #2
So it was you, i thought i was going crazy, seeing walking pillows,
Thats not you disguised as a crow looking in my window is it, is it?
  • #3
Mani's language looks more like Slovenian or Croatian (Hrvatski), possibly Polish or Bosnian. It is Slavic patterns, and is definitely not a form of Swiss (Schweizerdeutsch).

I would say Croatian is highest probability.
  • #6
Most of it doesn't look like German, but there are a few lines which are.

Gale17 said:
mani says: deutsch

mani says:bitte


mani says: schweizersche dialekt

Swiss Dialect

mani says: gutten nacht

Good night, but I think it's misspelled. It's supposed to be Gutte Nacht.

mani says: schlafen sie güt

Sleep well. Gut doesn't have umlauts in German, though.

If any of the rest is in German, then I've lost much more of the language than I thought I had.

i was chosen of course because he was made aware of my awesome undercover skills and my abilities to disguise myself with simple household objects such as pillows... now due to apparent communication issues, it seems i will be of ill-use, unfortunately though, i already know too much... so he's on his way to kill me!

There are no black helecopters... and they're definitely not silent either!
  • #7
hmmmm... what a mystery... he imed me again... but i don't understand him any better. i used that translator thing, but not everything translated of course... and the stuff that did really didn't make much sense. i think i'd better go into hiding just in case.
  • #8
Gale,i guess the poor fellow wanted to entertain you :-p And those words surely look horrible.

So he came out from basically nowhere...?:rolleyes:

  • #9
Here's what I don't understand: why didn't you just tell him to frell off and close the connection the moment he started typing in a language you didn't understand?

It's amazing what people will put up with sometimes. It reminds me of some of those calls from Crank Yankers that go on, and on, and on, and I'm wondering, why don't the people just hang up the phone already? Heck, I remember one time when "Special Ed" called some poor editor from Scientific American, trying to get a feature article on his baking soda volcano. The guy actually talked to him for almost five minutes, patiently explaining that SciAm only publishes serious scientific articles, and that no, they wouldn't be interested in his volcano. I don't even let telemarketers talk to me on the phone, let alone someone who is dishing out insults for a comedy show.
  • #10
hmmm ya... i guess i should just ignore him. but I'm curious. i don't have that email posted anywhere you know? and sides, he doesn't understand me either, and he's still putting up with me.

funny story though, i did start to get frustrated, and i started making up words. it was some sort of made up french/ spanish stuff, and he got kinda confused and logged off again. he kept saying he didn't understand in croatian and german. i do enjoy making up languages, so i had a little fun with it. I'm doubtful that he'll IM me again though...
  • #11

He spoke two different languages. The first one had some slight similarities to Polish, but not completely...The most familiar to Polish was
mani says: ne razumjem
Which means "I don't understand". In Polish it would be "Nie rozumjem" or something along those lines, I'm not that good at actually spelling in Polish.
  • #12
moose said:
The most familiar to Polish was
Which means "I don't understand". In Polish it would be "Nie rozumjem" or something along those lines, I'm not that good at actually spelling in Polish.

So he didn't understand you and you didn't understand him. :smile: Maybe he typed in the address wrong and was expecting someone he knew.

One of those languages is definitely slavic, but which language will have to wait for someone who recognizes it. Of course, if he's really bad at spelling it, that won't help much. It could be he was just trying different languages he knew in the hope of finding one you'd recognize to converse in. When I visited Poland many years ago, the kids begging on the streets in Krakow were begging in about 6 different languages and just tried them all until they found one that worked.
  • #13
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  • #14
Comparing some of the words here - http://www.yak.net/kablooey/CroDic.txt it would appear the initial text is Croation, and the individual may speak some German.

Ima li nesto novo - would normally be an interrogative - Is there nothing new?

laku noc = good night (in hr)

Most of the language is hvrastki.

For example njemacki = German in Croatian (male form of adjective), and

ne samo njemacki = I am not German.

to which you could have replied - "je li hvratski?" = Are you hvratski (Croatian).
  • #15
Evo said:
It appears to be written primarily in Hrvatski (form of Croatian), Astronuc was correct.
That's what I said too! :)
  • #16
Monique said:
That's what I said too! :)
It's unanimous!

Strange that this person could easily recognize Gale spoke English, yet made no effort to use any basic English words. Seems too strange to me.
  • #17
Evo said:
Strange that this person could easily recognize Gale spoke English, yet made no effort to use any basic English words. Seems too strange to me.
Maybe it's a malfunctioning spider. :eek:
  • #19
zoobyshoe said:
mani seems to be able to speak English pretty well in this thread:

"Reference Frame" - Physics Help and Math Help - Physics Forums
I don't think that's the same mani...the one you reference was born in 1931. :-p
  • #20
Evo said:
It's unanimous!

Strange that this person could easily recognize Gale spoke English, yet made no effort to use any basic English words. Seems too strange to me.
maybe he actually thought i was german, since he started saying he wasn't german before he started talking in german. i was right about him asking me a "whats up" equivalent. maybe i'll try to form some sentences with a few of the new croatian words I've learned. i could maybe try some german too since it seems he knows a little of that.

i wonder if moonbear is right about him just mistyping my email... i think i had someone else do that too... ahhhmmmm... he did say "vila" a few times... which is the name i use in my email... maybe that's a common name in croatia? maybe this is just a mistake... heh... interesting.. perhaps now i can remove the pillow from my head and return out of hiding..
  • #21
Gale17 said:
maybe he actually thought i was german, since he started saying he wasn't german before he started talking in german. i was right about him asking me a "whats up" equivalent. maybe i'll try to form some sentences with a few of the new croatian words I've learned. i could maybe try some german too since it seems he knows a little of that.

i wonder if moonbear is right about him just mistyping my email... i think i had someone else do that too... ahhhmmmm... he did say "vila" a few times... which is the name i use in my email... maybe that's a common name in croatia? maybe this is just a mistake... heh... interesting.. perhaps now i can remove the pillow from my head and return out of hiding..
Maybe it's kismet...destiny...two ships scraping barnicles in the night. :-p
  • #22
Evo said:
I don't think that's the same mani...the one you reference was born in 1931. :-p
  • #23
Gale17 said:
so, if anyone has a clue what the convo was about,

Well that's easy to read. It's not rocket science you know. That's got "NO" written all over it. Go ahead Evo, tell her: just lookin' out, nothing more, nothing less. You don't know what that dude is telling you. And you need to tell him, "look, I ain't interested in talking to you if you're more than a few years older than me". I know, "butt-out" . . . whatever.
  • #24
Evo said:
Maybe it's kismet...destiny...two ships scraping barnicles in the night. :-p
Here's a health tip: if that ship you're passing in the night has barnacles on the bottom, keep right on passing! :eek:
  • #25
so, update, (though i typed this once already... i deleted it somehow...arg...)

using the croatian phrases from astronuc and evo, i clarified that our friend is indeed croation, or hr. ya... i also proceeded to tell him, in croatian, that I was not croatian, nor was i german. once he understood that, he started speaking more croatian stuff, and i was like ya... ne razumjem, which if we forget, means "i don't understand." he asked how i was again, and i told him fine, and then, I'm like, "sprechen Sie Deutsches?" not that i speak german... but the online translator doesn't do croatian, and the recommended one was unstable... and since the guy apparently spoke german before...

thus the conversation continues.

so, now in german, he starts asking how i am, and I'm like... I'm good thanks... then he starts sending me more of those kissy things and hearts, and I'm like... you ok, he's friendly i guess... we continue and he starts asking to be on webcam. and I'm like... "yar... no thanks bub." and very persitently saying no, though he is very persistantly asking "why not?" i ask him why he wants to cam, he doesn't respond, and I'm like "oook" then he sends more kisses... and then he says "i love you." and I'm like... WOAH BUDDY... changing topics...

so then we talk about where we live. i say USA, he says he's in geneva, switzerland... hence the swiss dialect thing from before. I'm like, "ahh, interesting." then he says "you're sweet." and I'm like "weirdo" (in english cause i didn't know how to translate that to german.) and he's like "ja, danke." so then i translate, "you are odd." into german, and again with the "danke"

soo... that's enough weirdness for me... i say goodbye in english, german, and croatian... then he says some croatian and german mixed stuff that i didn't bother to translate cause it was mixed up...

At any rate... i think I've decided its probably not the coolest idea to talk to this guy. seems odd to think I'm sweet when I've mostly said "i don't understand" in various languages. and he loves me eh? not sure how friendly croatians are... but still... the kissy things and hearts... ya... too weird...
  • #26
Congradulations, you officially have a weirdo after you.
  • #27
Gale said:
At any rate... i think I've decided its probably not the coolest idea to talk to this guy. seems odd to think I'm sweet when I've mostly said "i don't understand" in various languages. and he loves me eh? not sure how friendly croatians are... but still... the kissy things and hearts... ya... too weird...
Definitely a good idea. To stop talking to him that is. Though I have to say I have had a few girls that barely know me from just a couple convos online with about the same level of substance tell me that they are interested in me and would like to meet me. Fortunately enough for them I am a nice guy and wouldn't ever do anything bad to them but really I think they need to be more careful.
  • #28
Smurf said:
Congradulations, you officially have a weirdo after you.
Yeah, but they're usually cute, like Goran http://pohotovost.webz.cz/pix/lkc2.jpg
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  • #29
jma2001 said:
Here's what I don't understand: why didn't you just tell him to frell off and close the connection the moment he started typing in a language you didn't understand?

It's amazing what people will put up with sometimes. It reminds me of some of those calls from Crank Yankers that go on, and on, and on, and I'm wondering, why don't the people just hang up the phone already? Heck, I remember one time when "Special Ed" called some poor editor from Scientific American, trying to get a feature article on his baking soda volcano. The guy actually talked to him for almost five minutes, patiently explaining that SciAm only publishes serious scientific articles, and that no, they wouldn't be interested in his volcano. I don't even let telemarketers talk to me on the phone, let alone someone who is dishing out insults for a comedy show.
Ahh jma2001, you just reminded of the last time I was on the phone with the Liberal party. Hehe, the conversation went something like this:

Smurf: Hello
Liberals: Hi, my names Paul calling on behalf of the Liberal party wondering if we can count on your support at the polls tomorrow.
Smurf: (laughter)
Smurf: No
Smurf: (laughter)
Paul: Uhhhh... Ok, well is there anyone else in your house who will that I can talk to?
Smurf: (louder laughter)
Smurf: Nope...
Smurf: (laughter)
Paul: Ummm... Ok thank you for your time.
Smurf: Yup... *giggle*... no problem... *giggle*... Paul
Paul: Goodbye
Smurf: *giggle* Yup.. later man.
Smurf: (laughter)
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  • #30
Smurf said:
Congradulations, you officially have a weirdo after you.

heh, he's not the first, though admittedly, i think he's the only non-english speaker... it was interesting at first... but... i think i have my eyes on a certain blue weirdo anyways :wink:

and ya, mr. s.Ape, i know what you mean. matter of fact... I've made a nasty habit of talking to strangers... most are harmless really. sometimes good fun actually... some though... it really amazes me how some people become attatched... or maybe they're not attatched... just weirdos who pretend they're attatched...
  • #31
can someone post a translated version of the IM convo?
  • #32
Gale17 said:
and ya, mr. s.Ape, i know what you mean. matter of fact... I've made a nasty habit of talking to strangers... most are harmless really. sometimes good fun actually... some though... it really amazes me how some people become attatched... or maybe they're not attatched... just weirdos who pretend they're attatched...
Yeah I'm always really interested in those weirdo's too. Like there's this kid at school who usually get's described as 'Crazy' and 'Lives in his own little world' and similar ways. When I hear people talking about someone that way I just get an irresistable urge to get to meet them myself. Unfortunatly I never got to meet this one. Also there's this girl who takes my bus, I've talked to her maybe 4-5 times in the 2 years I've gone to this school, and she's quite the weirdo, last day of school she was hugging me and almost crying on my shoulder, apparently she was going to miss me. And when she signed my yearbook she kissed the page and left big lip marks. (which, admittedly, was pretty damn cool). Definitly one of the weirder people I've known, now I find myself wishing I'd gotten to know her better, and I intend to talk to her over the summer if possible.
  • #33
Evo said:
Yeah, but they're usually cute, like Goran

no goran in sight here... don't see a pic...

and any way pogo fellow, the whole convo translates mostly with the few words and phrases from astronuc and evo. basically it says, "hi, how are you, how are you, do you understand, i don't understand you... blah blah. the german stuff, other stuff..."

its nothing important at all. and matter of fact, one of the less notable conversations of my life. besides the fact that we spoke in three separate languages...

mostly, its just some random guy looking to get some i imagine. apparently the language barrier didn't deter him, and he figured camming would do well enough for his intentions eh?
  • #34
lol ah yes... cybersex... the reason i believe apes evolved from humans...

(no you read that right)
  • #35
Hey watch it bub!

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