Counter intuitive melting temperatures

In summary, the melting point of helium is lower than that of hydrogen due to the lower mass of helium atoms. The thermal movement of molecules works against mass binding energy, which is why helium has a lower melting point. Boiling points are also more regular than melting points, which is due to the lack of specific crystal structure effects on melting points.
  • #1
I have heard that the melting/freezing point of helium is lower than that of hydrogen. Is this correct? if so why?

My thoughts on this are that hydrogen has the lowest mass and therefore requires less energy than helium to be in a liquid or gaseous state, so it appears counter intuitive that the melting point of helium is lower than that of hydrogen.
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  • #2
the melting point of helium is 1.1K,or -272.05°C,or-458°F the melting point of hydrogen is 14.175K,or-258.975°C,or-434°F the reasn for this i don't know but i hope this helps
  • #3
JizzaDaMan said:
I have heard that the melting/freezing point of helium is lower than that of hydrogen. Is this correct? if so why?

My thoughts on this are that hydrogen has the lowest mass and therefore requires less energy than helium to be in a liquid or gaseous state, so it appears counter intuitive that the melting point of helium is lower than that of hydrogen.

Melting point of nitrogen is also lower than that of carbon.

The thermal movement of molecules is not working agains mass. True, heavier molecules move slower; but they also have more inertia. The main effect is that the thermal movement works against binding energy. Carbon atoms in graphite are bound by strong covalent bonds and extreme heat is needed to break them; strong covalent bonds also bond two nitrogen atoms to a molecule, but the bonds between nitrogen molecules are feeble London forces.

The London forces which bind to each other molecules of nitrogen, or paraffin, or hydrogen, or atoms of helium or neon, are forces which only connect electron clouds. It is only some higher order effects which depend on mass of the nuclei inside the clouds.

Helium, being an inert gas, has very small, tightly bound electron clouds. They are very hard to polarize and thus have weak London forces, compared to the bigger, looser and more polarizable electron clouds of hydrogen molecules.

The higher order effects come from zero point movements of the nuclei inside. Just like electrons cannot fall onto nuclei but have to undergo orbital movements and spread out as electron clouds, nuclei cannot occupy a single position in a molecule or crystal. Both hydrogen and deuterium atoms need some space to move around in crystal - but since the electrons follow the nuclei in zero point movements, this weakens the bonds which the electrons make. And weakens them more for protium than for deuterium, whose nuclei are more massive and have lower amplitude of zero point motion.

Also, boiling points generally have more regular systematic trends than melting points, because they are not so dependent on specifics of crystal structure.
  • #4
Thanks snorkack, most of that makes sense to me, just this paragraph that confused me a little:

The higher order effects come from zero point movements of the nuclei inside. Just like electrons cannot fall onto nuclei but have to undergo orbital movements and spread out as electron clouds, nuclei cannot occupy a single position in a molecule or crystal. Both hydrogen and deuterium atoms need some space to move around in crystal - but since the electrons follow the nuclei in zero point movements, this weakens the bonds which the electrons make. And weakens them more for protium than for deuterium, whose nuclei are more massive and have lower amplitude of zero point motion.

What do you mean by zero point movements?
  • #5
JizzaDaMan said:
Thanks snorkack, most of that makes sense to me, just this paragraph that confused me a little:

What do you mean by zero point movements?

I think I explained it. Oscillations around the potential minimum position.
  • #6
You might have done but it wasn't fully clear to me :P thanks alot, that's much clearer to me

FAQ: Counter intuitive melting temperatures

1. What is a "counter intuitive melting temperature"?

A counter intuitive melting temperature is a melting point or temperature at which a substance melts or changes from a solid to a liquid state in a way that is unexpected or goes against common understanding or knowledge.

2. Why do some substances have counter intuitive melting temperatures?

Substances can have counter intuitive melting temperatures due to a variety of factors, such as the presence of impurities, changes in molecular structure, or unique bonding properties. These factors can affect the strength of the intermolecular forces holding the substance together, causing it to melt at a different temperature than expected.

3. Can counter intuitive melting temperatures be predicted or controlled?

In some cases, counter intuitive melting temperatures can be predicted based on the properties of the substance and its environment. However, controlling these temperatures can be difficult as they are often influenced by multiple factors and can vary depending on the conditions.

4. Are counter intuitive melting temperatures useful in any applications?

Yes, counter intuitive melting temperatures can have practical applications in various industries, such as material science and pharmaceuticals. Understanding and controlling these temperatures can lead to the development of new materials and improved drug delivery systems.

5. Can counter intuitive melting temperatures be measured accurately?

Measuring counter intuitive melting temperatures can be challenging as they can vary depending on the conditions and are often influenced by multiple factors. However, with precise techniques and careful experimentation, scientists can accurately determine these temperatures and their underlying causes.
