Weight Loss Plan: Smoking 2 Packs/Day for Results

In summary, the Smoker's Weight Loss Plan calls for smoking at least 2 packs per day in order to lose weight. The plan has many negative effects, but may be effective for those who are overweight.
  • #1
Dissident Dan
I have the next new wonder-fad in weight loss:

The Smoker's Weight Loss Plan(tm)!

Everyone knows that smoking can make you lose weight. My plan calls for smoking at least 2 packs per day. You'll be shedding the pounds in no time! (Whether fat or muscle)

Sure, it makes you stink. Sure, it causes cancer. Sure, it causes heart disease. So, that should put it on par with Atkins and other low-carb diets.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That's kind of like the weight-loss plan that involves amputation of nonvital appendages.

  • #3
Lets see, you would need guarantee that it works right? anyone know how to spell L-A-W-S-U-I-T for Non performance of product claim...Smoked for years and had easily been able to gain weight while smoking, had a little bit of a problem losing it, well, not really, ~2500 Kms (~1500 Miles) on a bicycle in ~34 days did the trick quite nicely, waaaaaaaay better then smoking ever could!
  • #4
i think you have incorrect information...smoking doesn't cause you to lose weight, but you can expect to gain weight once you quit...
  • #5
Originally posted by Kerrie
i think you have incorrect information...smoking doesn't cause you to lose weight, but you can expect to gain weight once you quit...
I agree, as that was, sorta, what I was making, as a point. I had gotten Fatter, myself, while a smoker, it means nothing to weight to smoke...slight loss of appetite (perhaps) which can easily be overcome...as for the quitting part, I've no idea of that ones effects, least not yet, not in an environment, or situation, of my life, that would be condusive to quitting smoking, cheese!
  • #6
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
I have the next new wonder-fad in weight loss:
How about healthy eating and some exercise?
  • #7
Smoking also causes decreased lung capacity, resulting in being out of breath, leading to taking the elevator or car, effectively decreasing exercise levels, slowing metabolism and ultimately giving weight gain
  • #8
He, smoking makes you lose weight, one lung each pack!
  • #9
Actually, the tar would make you gain weight
  • #10

Originally posted by Monique
How about healthy eating and some exercise?
GREAT Idea! and No Smoking!
  • #11
Originally posted by Monique
Smoking also causes decreased lung capacity, resulting in being out of breath, leading to taking the elevator or car, effectively decreasing exercise levels, slowing metabolism and ultimately giving weight gain
This is exactly right, and describes what is happening to me the older I get. Still smoking and decreased tolerance for excercise, leading to more sitting around. Getting a gut. Internet is the clincher. Why leave the house anymore when I can access people from all over the world from home?
  • #12
Originally posted by Monique
Smoking also causes decreased lung capacity, resulting in being out of breath, leading to taking the elevator or car, effectively decreasing exercise levels, slowing metabolism and ultimately giving weight gain

psshhht, whatever doesn't kill you,makes you stronger.
Sooooo, smoke and run, smoke and run. Then stop smoking and your lungs will be so strong! You'll be able to run forever!
  • #13
Did everyone miss my scathing criticism?
  • #14
We just like to be difficult
  • #15
People say smoking causes weight loss but I haven't seen anything proving that claim. The vast majority of women I see smoking are overweight. I only know the stats on women because I'm not looking at smokers; I'm looking at women .
  • #16
I really don't know the effects of smoking on weight. It's just hearsay. But that isn't the point. Replace smoking with some comparably bad thing that causes weight loss. Perhaps constantly getting fevers.

My point was about the Atkins Diet and other low-carb diets...
  • #17
What you said wasn't exactly 100% true in the first post. You said low carb diets cause heart problems and things like that. That show 20/20 looked at the atkins diet once. People on it did indeed lose weight, but the thing more interesting was the change in cholesterol. People on that diet had higher amounts of good cholester (which is a good thing) but also had higher amounts of bad cholester (bad thing). It was not exactly determined whether the diet was healthy or not because the affects of the good cholesterol sort of cancel out the bad.
  • #18
Originally posted by ShawnD
People say smoking causes weight loss but I haven't seen anything proving that claim. The vast majority of women I see smoking are overweight. I only know the stats on women because I'm not looking at smokers; I'm looking at women .
As has already been noted, it is a slight appetite suppressant...cigarettes that is...
  • #19
They should try coke, aparently it's a really strong suppresant (sp?)
  • #20
Originally posted by ShawnD
What you said wasn't exactly 100% true in the first post. You said low carb diets cause heart problems and things like that. That show 20/20 looked at the atkins diet once. People on it did indeed lose weight, but the thing more interesting was the change in cholesterol. People on that diet had higher amounts of good cholester (which is a good thing) but also had higher amounts of bad cholester (bad thing). It was not exactly determined whether the diet was healthy or not because the affects of the good cholesterol sort of cancel out the bad.

The thing about the atkins is that it may have some weird short-term effects, but long term, it is going to increase cholesterol. It's going to increase risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and several types of cancer, including colon cancer.

People who go low-carb generally have high extremely intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol, which contribute to heart and cardiovascular problems. The animal protein contributes to cancer.

I just find it funny that people will believe anything, like "carbs are bad". Carbohydrates are not bad. They're essential to good health. They are the preferred source of food for the brain. If you replace most of your carbs with fat, that means that you are getting wayyyyy too much fat. The same goes for protein, although it would be really hard to up your dose of protein enough to replace carb intake, except maybe with protein supplements. Also, I'm willing to be that most weight loss in these programs is due to reduced caloric intake (no bun, drink only water, etc.), rather than type of calories. After all, the thermic value of fat is way lower than that of complex carbohydrates, meaning that less percentage of the total food intake has to be burned to store fat as fat than to store carbs as fat.
  • #21
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
I just find it funny that people will believe anything, like "carbs are bad". Carbohydrates are not bad. They're essential to good health. They are the preferred source of food for the brain. If you replace most of your carbs with fat, that means that you are getting wayyyyy too much fat. The same goes for protein, although it would be really hard to up your dose of protein enough to replace carb intake, except maybe with protein supplements. Also, I'm willing to be that most weight loss in these programs is due to reduced caloric intake (no bun, drink only water, etc.), rather than type of calories. After all, the thermic value of fat is way lower than that of complex carbohydrates, meaning that less percentage of the total food intake has to be burned to store fat as fat than to store carbs as fat.

It's not about eating the same amount of protein as carbohydrates though. Your body handles carbs in a funny way that causes a lot of overeating to happen.

1. you eat carbs
2. your blood sugar goes up
3. insulin converts glucose to glycogen
4. blood sugar goes down
5. glucagon converts glycogen to glucose AND you get hungry

Many people who eat lots of carbs get used to having a sort of sugar high. When that high goes away, those people eat more food even though they really don't need it (they get used to high blood sugar). That's where the problem comes in.
  • #22
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
I really don't know the effects of smoking on weight. It's just hearsay. But that isn't the point. Replace smoking with some comparably bad thing that causes weight loss. Perhaps constantly getting fevers.

My point was about the Atkins Diet and other low-carb diets...

the atkins diet is a total fad, and it DOES work, i have seen proof of it, however i don't believe it should be a long term way of nutrition...what i find hilarious is that Dr. Atkins himself was 40 lbs overweight and had severe heart disease when they did his autopsy...living, er dying proof...

i do believe there is some truth to the whole refined sugar diet...soda, pastries, cookies, chips are all foods that will add fat to the body, but are highly addictive...you can't go wrong with whole grains, vegetables, fruit and fish...
  • #23
He probably couldn't stick to his diet. He's been selling that diet for a real long time, at least 20 years. I can't imagine going 20 years on just meat. Pineapple and cantelope are so good :smile:
  • #24
Originally posted by ShawnD
They should try coke, aparently it's a really strong suppresant (sp?)
Ummmm maybe something like "short grain brown rice" would be a more sensible suggestion...Coke? (Yikes!)
  • #25
Eat rice to lose weight? Oh man are you on coke?
Rice is as bad as pasta; it's pure starch. If you want to cut back on caloric intake, definitely stay away from rice.
  • #26
Originally posted by ShawnD
Eat rice to lose weight? Oh man are you on coke?
Rice is as bad as pasta; it's pure starch. If you want to cut back on caloric intake, definitely stay away from rice.
Dietary ignorance is fun for you, is it, do you even know what Short grain Brown rice is? (Glutenous Rice) aside from that it is about appetite supression and it does do that...and, am I on coke? NO! I'm obviously not the one with that thought coming from his brain, now am I?
  • #27
For one thing, complex carbohydrates generally do not cause the same high level of blood sugar rise that refined sugars do. Refer yourself to the glycemic index for specifics.

Anyway, the point is not whether or not the diet works for short-term weight loss. It is the fact that it is extremely unhealthy. That is why I made the comparison to cigarette smoking. Perhaps you could compare it to weight-loss drugs marketted on T.V. Sure, you can lose weight, but at what cost? And does it even work long-term, say 5 years?
  • #28
Originally posted by ShawnD
Eat rice to lose weight? Oh man are you on coke?
Rice is as bad as pasta; it's pure starch. If you want to cut back on caloric intake, definitely stay away from rice.
So that's why all those asians are so fat. Who knew?
  • #29
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
So that's why all those asians are so fat. Who knew?

Yeah, they have a much higher percentage of their calories from carbohydraes, yet they do not have the epidemic fatness that we have.
  • #30
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
So that's why all those asians are so fat. Who knew?

That's a rather ignorant comment. You're saying rice is a healthy choice because there are not as many fat Asians? Ok then I can say meat is healthy because people in Germany don't have major weight problems. Pasta is healthy because people in Italy don't have major weight problems. I could say that almost any diet in the world is a good diet. The US has a unique problem with weight.

Dietary ignorance is fun for you, is it, do you even know what Short grain Brown rice is? (Glutenous Rice) aside from that it is about appetite supression and it does do that

Are you listening to what you are saying? You just said that rice is good because it's an appetite suppressant. ALL food suppresses appetite. If you are hungry and you eat a steak, you will no longer be hungry. If you eat pasta, you will no longer be hungry.

Sure, you can lose weight, but at what cost? And does it even work long-term, say 5 years?
I've known a lot of people who have tried the Atkins diet but I've only known 1 to stay with it for many years. The guy was on the Atkins diet for 8 years (this was a few years ago) and it still worked.

Atkins is not for everybody though. I need lots of carbs in my diet. Lack of carbs (for me) causes a feeling of tiredness.
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  • #31
Originally posted by ShawnD
Are you listening to what you are saying? You just said that rice is good because it's an appetite suppressant. ALL food suppresses appetite. If you are hungry and you eat a steak, you will no longer be hungry. If you eat pasta, you will no longer be hungry.
Do you know what you are talking about? the difference between foods that you eat, and have a 'normal' full feeling from, and foods that you eat that HAVE a dietary "appetite supression" component, over and above the feeling of being full...probably because you have never eaten any of it...

Aside from that, your comment to Zoobyshoe clearly tells only of you, as it is a reflection of you, not him, cause not a chance is that either, an 'ignorant' comment, nor an avoidable fact of reality, that demonstrates, (from long historical use) that, generally speaking, Rice is NOT something that people get really overweight, from eating...but, apparently(?), you just want to argue that...
  • #32

So the diagnosis is correct: we are eating too many simple carbohydrates. But the cure is wrong. The solution is not to go from simple carbohydrates to pork rinds and bacon, but from simple carbohydrates to whole foods with complex carbohydrates like whole wheat, brown rice, and fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes in their natural forms.

These foods are naturally high in fiber, which slows their absorption, preventing a rapid rise in blood sugar. Fiber also fills you up before you eat too many calories, whereas you can eat large amounts of sugar without feeling full. Best of all, these foods contain at least 1,000 substances that have anti-cancer, anti-heart disease, and anti-aging properties.
When you eat a diet that is predominately complex carbohydrates, you get all of the weight-loss benefits of a high-protein diet and then some, since you don't provoke an insulin response, and you are eating foods that are much less dense in calories. Fat has nine calories per gram, whereas protein and carbohydrates have only four, so when you eat less fat you eat fewer calories without having to eat less food. And instead of mortgaging your health you are enhancing it. Some people are able to lose weight by smoking cigarettes, but that is not the best way to do it.
  • #33
  • #34
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
This is EXACTLY the sort of diet I am on now, and I have shed 22 pounds since New Year's without suffering or sacrifice. I would have lost more, but I have backslid a few times. Still, averaging about 2 pounds a week while occasionally slipping seems pretty good to me.

I eat all day, which seems to really be the key. I alternate meals and snacks every 2-3 hours all day long, so I am never that hungry, and I actually have noticed my appetite shrinking. Last weekend I went something like 10 hours without eating because I was so busy, and when I got home I fixed myself a HUGE meal. I ate maybe 10% more than my normal portion, and absolutely couldn't force mysef to take another bite.
  • #35
Originally posted by Zero
This is EXACTLY the sort of diet I am on now, and I have shed 22 pounds since New Year's without suffering or sacrifice. I would have lost more, but I have backslid a few times. Still, averaging about 2 pounds a week while occasionally slipping seems pretty good to me.
Be careful not to lose too much too fast. At least you are on a healthy sensible diet.

So, is this a leaner, meaner zero?

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