Solving Frictionless System: Wood Block & Projectile

In summary, the conversation involved solving a problem involving a wooden block and a projectile on an icy plane. By applying the conservation of momentum and energy equations, the final velocities of both the block and projectile were determined to be 199.95 m/s and 0.2001 m/s respectively. These calculations were confirmed to be correct through a recheck of the conservation of momentum equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A wooden block with a length of 10 cm and a mass of 1 kg lies on an icy plane. A projectile with mass of 2 g hits the wooden block with velocity of 300 m/s and breaks through its center of gravity. How much are the final velocities of the wooden block and the projectile? While moving through the wooden block, the projectile worked on it with a force of 500 N. This is a frictionless system.

Homework Equations

KE= ½ mv²

The Attempt at a Solution

½ m(1)v(1-initial)²= ½ m(1)v(1-final)² + ½m(2)v(2-final)²+F*d


m(1)v(1-initial)= m(1)v(1-final) + m(2)v(2-final)

Correct formula thanks to help from "kuruman"- PF Contributor and Homework Helper Homework Helper:smile: Thank you again!

Then I tried to express v(2-final) with the components of the second formula (conservation of the momentum) and insert it into the first formula (KE) but it just got very complicated and weird.

Then I did some more research and find an easier approach of solving my weirdness:

First, I applied:
x= v(1-final)/ / v(1-initial)
y= v(2-final) / v(1-initial)
m(2)/m(1)= 1kg/ 0.002kg= 500
F*d= 50J

After I plugged in the above, I obtained:
1. For the conservation of the moment: 1= x + 500y → x= 1- 500y
2. For the KE: 1= x² + 500y² + 50

Now, I plugged x value from the first equation into the second equation and after arranging I got:
0= 20y (250.5y – 1)

We now that velocity cannot be 0, so the correct solution is y= 1/ 250.5

Last step:

y= v(2-final) / v(1-initial) → v(2-final)= y* v(1-initial)= 1.19 m/s

v(2-final)= 1.19 m/s → velocity of the wooden block after the bullet passes through

x= 1- 500y= -0.996
x= v(1-final) / v(1-initial) → v(1-final)= x* v(1-initial)= -298.8 m/s

v(1-final)= 298.8 m/s → velocity of the bullet after it passes through the block

Please tell me that this is correct?!
Thank you!
Physics news on
  • #2

Try putting your final values of 1.19 and 298.8 back into the original equation for momentum:
m(1)v(1-initial)= m(1)v(1-final) + m(2)v(2-final)
.002*300 = .002*298.8 + 1*1.19
0.6 = 1.7876
According to that, your solution does not conserve momentum!
Better check my work - I often make calculating mistakes.

It seems to me the x and y substitution just adds complexity. Could you show us what you got when you solved the momentum equation and substituted into the energy equation? It should be just a quadratic equation which can easily be solved on a calculator or spreadsheet.
  • #3

So my steps were correct?

Delphi51 said:
It seems to me the x and y substitution just adds complexity. Could you show us what you got when you solved the momentum equation and substituted into the energy equation? It should be just a quadratic equation which can easily be solved on a calculator or spreadsheet.

:redface: Ooops! I exactly know where I went wrong- 50/50 is not 0 but 1. So what i should have gotten is:

0= 5010y² + 20y + 1

I think I got it right this time:smile:

And now it's just a quadratic equation which is a little complicate to solve, so back to work!
  • #4

Not only patience but also persistence is a virtue. In the end it all pays off:biggrin:

Delphi51 said:
It seems to me the x and y substitution just adds complexity.

I took your advice and plugged the numbers into the equations and here is the result of my hard labor:wink::

Conservation of the moment:
m(1)v(1-initial)= m(1)v(1-final) + m(2)v(2-final)
(0.002)(300)= (0.002)v(1-final) + (1)v(2-final)
0.6= 0.002v(1-final) + v(2-final) → v(2-final)= 0.6 - 0.002v(1-final)

½ m(1)v(1-initial)²= ½ m(1)v(1-final)² + ½m(2)v(2-final)²+F*d
½ (0.002)(300)²= ½ (0.002) v(1-final)² + ½ (1) v(2-final)² + 50
90= 0.001 v(1-final)² + 0.5 v(2-final)² + 50
0= 0.001 v(1-final)² + 0.5 (0.6 - 0.002v(1-final))² - 40
0= 0.001002 v(1-final)² - 0.0012v(1-final) – 39.82

v(1-final)= [-(-0.0012) ± sqrt[(0.0012)² - 4(0.001002)(-39.82)]] / 2(0.001002)
v(1-final)= (0.0012 ± 0.3995) / 0.002004

First solution: v(1-final)= -198.75 m/s → v(2-final)= 0.9975 m/s
Second solution: v(1-final)= 199.95 m/s → v(2-final)= 0.2001 m/s

As the bullet continues to fly forward, I chose the second solution to be the solution of the problem.

Quick recheck for the conservation of the moment:
m(1)v(1-initial)= m(1)v(1-final) + m(2)v(2-final)
(0.002)(300)= (0.002)(199.95) + (1)(0.2001)
0.6 = 0.6

Are my calculations correct?
Thank you for helping!:smile:
  • #5

Good work, mmoadi! I had a different answer and your solution showed me where my mistake was. Thank you for showing the work.
  • #6

Thank you for helping and have a spooky Halloween weekend!

FAQ: Solving Frictionless System: Wood Block & Projectile

1. What is a frictionless system?

A frictionless system is a theoretical system in which there is no force of friction acting on objects. This means that objects can move without any resistance or slowing down due to friction.

2. How does a frictionless system affect a wood block?

In a frictionless system, a wood block will slide or move without any resistance or slowing down due to friction. This means that the wood block will continue to move in a straight line with a constant velocity until acted upon by an external force.

3. How does a frictionless system affect a projectile?

In a frictionless system, a projectile will continue to move with a constant velocity and without any change in direction. This is because there is no force of friction to act upon the projectile and cause it to slow down or change its path.

4. What are the advantages of studying a frictionless system?

Studying a frictionless system allows scientists to understand the basic principles of motion and forces without the complicating factor of friction. This can help in the development of new technologies and systems that minimize friction and increase efficiency.

5. Are there any real-life examples of a frictionless system?

A frictionless system is a theoretical concept and does not exist in the real world. However, certain systems, such as magnetic levitation trains and air hockey tables, come close to creating a frictionless environment by reducing the effects of friction on moving objects.
