Bernoulli's Theorem: Non-Viscous & < Critical Fluid Velocity

  • #1
Two of the assumptions in Brenoulli's Theorem say

1. The fluid should be non-viscous
2. The velocity of fluid should be less than its critical velocity

Now how can these two co-exist. We know that

Vc = (N.n)/(D.p)

Vc= Critical Velocity
N= Raynolds No.
n= viscosity coef.
D= Dia of pipe
p= dencitu of fluid

if n=0 the Vc=0 i.e. fluid is static.

If there is no flow then what are we studying here.
Please explain anybody.
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  • #2
Isn't what they mean by the "critical velocity" in this case actually the speed of sound?
  • #3
No. Its the velocity till which the flow of a perticular fluid is laminar.
  • #4
kamaljeet_pec said:
No. Its the velocity till which the flow of a perticular fluid is laminar.

There is no general equation for which a fluid is laminar in a given situation. There is no magic velocity where laminar flow stops.
  • #5
kamaljeet_pec said:
Two of the assumptions in Brenoulli's Theorem say

1. The fluid should be non-viscous
2. The velocity of fluid should be less than its critical velocity

Now how can these two co-exist. We know that

Vc = (N.n)/(D.p)

Vc= Critical Velocity
N= Raynolds No.
n= viscosity coef.
D= Dia of pipe
p= dencitu of fluid

I take it your Reynolds No. is actually supposed to be a "critical Reynolds No.," which is around 2000 for pipe flow.

If so, the assumptions are really saying:

1. the fluid flow can be approximated as an inviscid flow (viscous dissipation is not big), yet

2. the flow is not turbulent

Here I assume the non-turbulent part is included because you are going to use (or derive) the form of Bernoulli for an irrotational flow (Also, dissipation is going to become important at some point if you have turbulence).

I know they're funny if you think about the Reynolds Number carefully, but well there you have it. Most physics are done in a "magic region" of parameter space.
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  • #6
The four assumptions for bernoulli's are as follows:
1) inviscid/frictionless - in other words no forces on the fluid due to viscosity
2) applied along a streamline
3) steady state
4) incompressible

The other assumption you refer to has do do with turbulence. When we have turbulence assumptions 2 and 3 break down.

Remember these are assumptions, no fluid is truly without friction, but that doesn't mean inviscid isn't a good assumption in certain flows. i.e. away from walls and/or boundary layers.
  • #7
Inviscid flows are indeterminant. Since there's no viscosity, there's no interaction between stream lines, so all of the net mass flow of an inviscid fluid could be constrained to a very narrow stream line in an otherwise non-moving inviscid fluid, such as the high speed flow exiting a narrow diameter section of pipe into a larger diameter section of pipe.

Incompressable fluids also presents problems. Pressure times volume is no longer a form of potential energy, because no energy is transferred when pressure is changed (you have force but zero distance). The speed of sound in an incompressable fluid is infinite.

Idealized Bernoulli relies on an idealized fluid with magical properties where the fluid is inviscid and non-inviscid at the same time depending on when it's convenient to fit the model.
  • #8
Thanks Guys.. :-)
  • #9
rcgldr said:
Incompressable fluids also presents problems. Pressure times volume is no longer a form of potential energy, because no energy is transferred when pressure is changed (you have force but zero distance).

Not true. The internal energy has a PV term even for incompressible fluids.

Just consider water going through a nozzle. It enters the nozzle with high pressure and low velocity and exits with lower pressure and higher velocity. Where do you think the kinetic energy came from? A nozzle swaps pressure energy for kinetic energy. Indeed, that is precisely the meaning of Bernoulli's equation: P/ρ is the pressure energy per unit mass, and V2/2 is the kinetic energy per unit mass. The mechanical energy of a fluid is constant along a streamline in steady flow, provided the flow is inviscid.


FAQ: Bernoulli's Theorem: Non-Viscous & < Critical Fluid Velocity

1. What is Bernoulli's Theorem and how does it relate to fluids?

Bernoulli's Theorem is a principle in fluid dynamics that states that in an ideal, non-viscous fluid, the sum of the static pressure, dynamic pressure, and potential energy per unit volume is constant at any point along a streamline. In simpler terms, it means that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases.

2. What is the significance of the critical fluid velocity in Bernoulli's Theorem?

The critical fluid velocity is the point at which the fluid velocity reaches the speed of sound. At this point, the dynamic pressure becomes equal to the static pressure, resulting in a phenomenon known as choked flow. This is important because it determines the maximum possible velocity of a fluid in a given system and can have practical applications in areas such as fluid flow control.

3. How is Bernoulli's Theorem applied in real-world scenarios?

Bernoulli's Theorem can be applied in various real-world scenarios, such as in the design of aircraft wings and other aerodynamic structures, the operation of carburetors in automobiles, and the flow of water in pipes. It is also used in the study of weather patterns and wind patterns.

4. What is the difference between a viscous and non-viscous fluid in relation to Bernoulli's Theorem?

A viscous fluid, also known as a fluid with high viscosity, has a greater resistance to flow and can result in energy losses. In contrast, a non-viscous fluid has little to no resistance and can flow freely without energy losses. Bernoulli's Theorem applies to non-viscous fluids, but modifications can be made to account for viscosity in more practical applications.

5. Are there any limitations to Bernoulli's Theorem?

Yes, there are limitations to Bernoulli's Theorem, as it assumes that the fluid is ideal and that there are no energy losses due to friction or turbulence. In real-world situations, these assumptions may not hold true, and modifications may need to be made to the theorem to account for these factors.
