Defining a Lagrangian in an rotating reference frame frame

In summary: otions in a rotating and translating frame of reference must be calculated using the euler lagrange equations of motion.
  • #1
I'm trying to define a Newtonian lagrangian in an
rotating reference frame (with no potential)

Something to note is that the time derivative of in a rotating reference frame must be corrected for by:

[tex] \frac{d {\bf B}}{dt} \rightarrow \frac{d {\bf B}}{dt} + {\bf \omega} \times {\bf B}[/tex]

where B is some vector, this can be found in wikipedia

Therefore I get something like

[tex]L = \frac{1}{2} m(\dot{{\bf x}}+{\bf \omega} \times {\bf x})^2[/tex]

where the dot is the time derivative
and I am expecting to get three ficticious forces: Centrifugal, centripetal and euler forces.
but this does not appear what am I doing wrong?

I believe the answer should be

[tex] m(\ddot{{\bf x}}+2{\bf \omega} \times \dot{{\bf x}}+\dot{{\bf \omega}} \times {\bf x}+{\bf\omega \times (\omega} \times {\bf x}))=0[/tex]

I get this by taking the Newtonian lagrangian in a non rotating frame and calculating the euler lagrange equations of motion, and then transforming into the rotating frame. but the two results do not agree?

any help would be greatly appreciated :smile:
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  • #2
What is the equation of motion that you're getting?
  • #3
This is the equation of motion I'm getting is:

[tex] m(\ddot{{\bf x}}+2{\bf \omega} \times \dot{{\bf x}}+\dot{{\bf \omega}} \times {\bf x}+{\bf\omega \times (\omega} \times {\bf x}))+m {\bf \omega} \times(\dot{{\bf x}}+{\bf \omega} \times {\bf x})=0[/tex]


  • #4
Ive work it out :smile:

the temporal derivative is the ordinary temporal derivative not the corrected one because this is the velocity which is already defined in the rotating frame of reference

thanks again

  • #5
I think I've work it out:

the temporal derivative is the ordinary temporal derivative not the corrected one because this is the velocity which is already defined in the rotating frame of reference.
now this gives the correct equations of motion

Now if I choose an arbitrary frame of reference i.e. one that is rotating and translating
this does not work, i.e. if I choose a lagrangian:

[tex]L = \frac{1}{2} m(\dot{{\bf x}}+{\bf \omega} \times {\bf x}+\tau)^2[/tex]

but this does not work.

I think this is because the translation term [tex]\tau[/tex] is an object that does not transform like the coordinates x when in a rotating frame... The correct result should be the original plus


should there be a lagrangian for such a frame?


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FAQ: Defining a Lagrangian in an rotating reference frame frame

1. What is a Lagrangian in a rotating reference frame?

A Lagrangian in a rotating reference frame is a mathematical function that describes the dynamics of a system in a rotating coordinate system. It takes into account the effects of rotation on the system, such as centrifugal and Coriolis forces.

2. How is a Lagrangian different in a rotating reference frame?

A Lagrangian in a rotating reference frame takes into account the effects of rotation, while a Lagrangian in an inertial reference frame does not. This means that the equations of motion derived from the Lagrangian will be different in each frame.

3. What are the advantages of using a Lagrangian in a rotating reference frame?

Using a Lagrangian in a rotating reference frame can simplify calculations and make it easier to account for the effects of rotation on a system. It also allows for a more intuitive understanding of the dynamics of the system and can reveal hidden symmetries.

4. How is a Lagrangian defined in a rotating reference frame?

A Lagrangian in a rotating reference frame is defined as the difference between the kinetic and potential energy of the system in the rotating frame. It can also include terms for the effects of rotation, such as the centrifugal and Coriolis forces.

5. Can a Lagrangian be defined in any rotating reference frame?

Yes, a Lagrangian can be defined in any rotating reference frame, as long as the frame is inertial. This means that the frame itself is not accelerating or rotating. If the frame is rotating, the Lagrangian will need to take into account the effects of that rotation on the system.
