2 questions: Should I let myself be conscripted before uni and about chem.engineering

  • Thread starter Nikitin
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In summary, the person is concerned about forgetting high school material before starting university and wonders about the difference between chemical engineering and petroleum engineering in the oil industry. They also inquire about the amount of math involved in chemical engineering and the potential for working in the field. The expert explains that the first year of university will cover basic courses and that chemical engineers in the petroleum industry can work in designing, maintaining, and optimizing processes. They also clarify that petroleum engineering is similar to chemical engineering with a focus on the petroleum industry. There may be some differences in coursework but both degrees can lead to similar jobs.
  • #1
Hey guys.

A. When I turn 18 I'm supposed to be conscripted into the army for 1 year. I am interested in going (going to be fun), but I worry, for some reason, that I will forget allot of stuff from high school before starting on university (hoping for a master in chemical engineering)... Is this logical? Is there any point in worrying?

B. About chemical engineering, what kind of stuff do people with specialization in physical chemistry actually do? It would be interesting for me to work in the petroleum business (it is pretty much the best paid sector by far). Also is there allot of math in chemical engineering compared to stuff like mechanical engineering (not that I don't like math, I'm just curious)?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

A: I wouldn't be to worried. In the first year you'll go through easier courses covering the basics and fundamentals of science and engineering. It will get you up to speed for the later more difficult coursework.

B: A chemE in the petroleum industry would take jobs such as designing, maintaining and operating plants. Also designing and optimizing processes in the industry.
As for math, there is alot! You'll need to be good at algebra, geometry, differentials, integrals, and linear algebra.
  • #3

thanks mate :)

do chemical engineers usually work on the field? oh and the uni I want to go to offers master's degree only.. Do people with masters do the same jobs as people with bachelors?
  • #4

I know nothing about being conscripted. I do know that petroleum engineering would be more beneficial to look into if such a program is offered since it deals more directly with your interest.

Chem engineers also can work in oil industries, so no problem there. Just thought you should know.
  • #5

Hmm, what's the difference between a chemical engineer working in the oil industry and a petroleum engineer working in the oil industry?

I have a hunch that petroleum engineers deal more with chemistry.. is this correct?

About conscription: I was more worried that I would forget allot of stuff in one year of doing basically no mental exercise (but lots of physical :D)
  • #6

Hmm, what's the difference between a chemical engineer working in the oil industry and a petroleum engineer working in the oil industry?

I have a hunch that petroleum engineers deal more with chemistry.. is this correct?

About conscription: I was more worried that I would forget allot of stuff in one year of doing basically no mental exercise (but lots of physical :D)
  • #7

Nikitin said:
Hmm, what's the difference between a chemical engineer working in the oil industry and a petroleum engineer working in the oil industry?

There is no difference. It just depends on what position you get in the industry.

Petroleum engineering is almost the same as chemical engineering. In a petroleum engineering program you would take all the same classes as the chemE's, except you will substitute some courses with ones that are focused on the petroleum industry.

FAQ: 2 questions: Should I let myself be conscripted before uni and about chem.engineering

1. Should I let myself be conscripted before uni?

Conscription, or mandatory military service, is a very personal decision and ultimately depends on your individual circumstances and beliefs. Some factors to consider are the length of service required, the potential impact on your education and career goals, and your own physical and mental preparedness for military service. It is important to thoroughly research and weigh all of your options before making a decision.

2. Is conscription before uni beneficial?

The benefits of conscription before university can vary depending on the country and the individual's experience. On one hand, it can provide valuable life skills, discipline, and a sense of duty. On the other hand, it may delay or disrupt educational and career plans. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks carefully before making a decision.

3. What is chemical engineering?

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies principles of chemistry, physics, and mathematics to design, produce, and operate processes that convert raw materials into useful products. This can include everything from creating new materials and chemicals to developing more efficient and sustainable production methods.

4. What skills are needed for a career in chemical engineering?

Chemical engineering requires a strong foundation in math and science, as well as skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. Additionally, knowledge of computer programs and software used in chemical engineering, as well as a strong understanding of safety protocols and regulations, are important for success in this field.

5. What types of jobs can I get with a degree in chemical engineering?

A degree in chemical engineering can lead to a variety of career opportunities in industries such as pharmaceuticals, energy, food and beverage, and materials manufacturing. Some common job titles include process engineer, research and development scientist, quality control specialist, and environmental engineer. With further education and experience, chemical engineers can also advance to managerial and leadership positions.

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