Reducible Second Order Differential Equation: Ind. and First Derivative Missing

In summary, the problem is to solve the reducible 2ODE, with the assumption that x, y, and/or y' are positive where helpful. The attempt at a solution involves using p=(dy/dx), y''=p'p, and separating and integrating the equation to find the solution. However, the approach may be incorrect, as the right side of the equation cannot be integrated. A suggestion is made to use the substitution y^2 = z/(2C) to solve the integral.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Solve the reducible 2ODE. Assume x, y and/or y' positive where helpful.

y^3 * y'' = 1

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, I tried what I normally would do for x being missing.

p = (dy/dx); y'' = p'p = (dp/dy)(dy/dx)


y^3 p'p = 1

p(dp/dy) = y^(-3)

Separate, Integrate

[tex]\int[/tex]pdp= [tex]\int[/tex]y^-3dy

(1/2)p^2 = -(1/2)y^-2 + C

p = (2C - (y^-2))^(1/2)

1/p = dx/dy, so

dx = (2C - (y^-2))^(1/2) dy

And then I would try and integrate that. I can't get the right side (I thought arcsin, but aren't I missing the du (Calc II memory bad), or do I add 0 in the form of + something - something in the numerator? Or is my overall approach off?
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  • #2
You have

[tex]p=\sqrt{2\,C-\frac{1}{y^2}}\Rightarrow \frac{d\,y}{d\,x}=\frac{\sqrt{2\,C\,y^2-1}}{y}\Rightarrow \int\frac{y\,d\,y}{\sqrt{2\,C\,y^2-1}}=\int d\,x[/tex]

and the 1st integral can be easily computed.
  • #3
That's where it was, I was missing the part of the derivative for integration. Thanks!

FAQ: Reducible Second Order Differential Equation: Ind. and First Derivative Missing

1. What is a reducible second order differential equation?

A reducible second order differential equation is a type of differential equation in which the highest derivative term can be eliminated by substitution, resulting in a first order differential equation. This makes it easier to solve the equation and find a general solution.

2. What does it mean when the independent variable and first derivative are missing in a second order differential equation?

In this case, the equation is considered to be in "reduced form". This means that the highest derivative term has already been eliminated, making it a first order differential equation. The independent variable and first derivative are not explicitly present because they have been substituted for another variable or expression.

3. How do you solve a reducible second order differential equation with the independent variable and first derivative missing?

To solve this type of equation, you can use the substitution method. This involves substituting the variable or expression that the independent variable and first derivative were eliminated by back into the equation. Then, you can solve the resulting first order differential equation using standard methods.

4. Can a reducible second order differential equation have more than one solution?

Yes, a reducible second order differential equation can have multiple solutions. This is because the substitution method can result in different expressions being substituted back into the equation, leading to different first order differential equations and subsequently different solutions.

5. Are there any specific techniques for solving reducible second order differential equations?

Yes, there are several techniques that can be used to solve reducible second order differential equations, such as the substitution method, Laplace transform method, and the method of undetermined coefficients. The most appropriate method to use will depend on the specific form of the equation and the desired solution.
