Solving for velocity for a body with distance varying force

In summary, the person is seeking advice on how to calculate the velocity and displacement of a body with three different forces acting on it, one constant and two varying. They are looking for a general procedure to solve the equation and are seeking advice on how to handle a varying force with only discrete values. They are advised to treat each force separately and add accelerations, and are given equations for calculating velocity and displacement in different scenarios. It is noted that for general varying forces, the integration may be non-elementary.
  • #1
Dear all,
I have three forces acting on a body
1. a constant force
2. a time varying force
3. a distance varying force

So If I need to calculate the velocity and displacement of the body at any particular time what method should I follow?Is there any general procedure to solve such an equation. Since time varying force changes the displacement of the body, the body is made to move in the distance varying force field...

Another bad thing is that I have only discrete values of my distance varying force and not an equation describing it. So it would be helpful if someone gives me a clue to how to solve this problem

thank you
Physics news on
  • #2
Well, you are not giving us much to go on! Fortunately, F= ma is "linear" so we can treat each force separately then add the accelerations. For constant F, a is just F/m. For F varying with time, we have
[tex]a= \frac{dv}{dt}= \frac{F(t)}{m}[/tex]
so that
[tex]v= \frac{1}{m}\int F(t)dt[/tex]

If F is a function of x, we need to say that [itex]a= d^2x/dt^2[/itex] so we have a second order differential equation:
[tex]m\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}= F(x)[/tex]
Since t does not appear expicitely in that equation, a standard method of solving is "quadrature". Let v= dx/dt so that
[tex]\frac{d^2x}{dt^2}= \frac{dv}{dt}= \frac{dx}{dt}\frac{dv}{dx}= v\frac{dv}{dt}[/tex]
by the chain rule.
That is, the equation is
[tex]mv\frac{dv}{dx}= F(x)[/tex]
so that
[tex]\int mv dv= \frac{1}{2}mv^2= \int F(x)dx[/tex]
[tex]v= \sqrt{\frac{2}{m}\int F(x)dx[/tex].

For general F, even if you can integrate F(x), the integral for x can be non-elementary. For example, with an inverse square law, you get what are called "elliptic integrals" (since the integrals are involved in finding the orbits of planets) which cannot be integrated in terms of elementary functions.
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FAQ: Solving for velocity for a body with distance varying force

1. What is the formula for solving for velocity when distance and force vary?

The formula for solving for velocity when distance and force vary is v = (2F/m)(d)^2, where v is velocity, F is force, m is mass, and d is distance.

2. How do you determine the force acting on a body when solving for velocity?

To determine the force acting on a body, you will need to know the mass of the body and the acceleration it is experiencing. Then, you can use the formula F = ma to calculate the force.

3. Can velocity be negative when solving for a body with distance varying force?

Yes, velocity can be negative when solving for a body with distance varying force. This indicates that the body is moving in the opposite direction of the applied force.

4. What units should be used for velocity, distance, and force when solving for a body with varying force?

Velocity is typically measured in meters per second (m/s), distance in meters (m), and force in newtons (N). It is important to use consistent units when plugging values into the formula to ensure accurate results.

5. How does the mass of a body affect its velocity when solving for a body with varying force?

The mass of a body directly affects its velocity when solving for a body with varying force. A larger mass will require a greater force to achieve the same velocity as a smaller mass. This can be seen in the formula, where mass is in the denominator – as mass increases, velocity decreases.
