How Would You Exterminate the Human Race?

  • Thread starter Jow
  • Start date
In summary, the god says that he would destroy the human race if they were not able to be better. He would start with making sure they had warp drives and bigger bombs so that they could spread their pestilence all over the planet, then he would create more Jows. If all else fails, he would blow up the planet to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
  • #1
Just for fun, imagine that you are God of all creation and you accidentally create a little planet called Earth. Rather then destroy it you let it live, because you are a merciful God. When you come back, approximately 4 billion years later, you find that a species that call themselves humans have populated it. These are annoying, pestilent creatures and you decide to do away with them for the good of the universe. How would you kill the human race?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hey Jow.

Interesting question and my answer would be that I wouldn't kill them but simply make conditions change in a way so that the entire system and all subsets maintain some kind of harmonic balance even if that changes the spectrum of things that these "pesky" creatures are capable of.

The humans that demonstrate responsibility and conscientious attributes would have more potential than those who do not: this encourages particular kinds behaviour and discourages other less favorable kinds.

I have no idea why you would automatically come to the conclusion to wipe out an entire species rather than to carefully consider all possible choices that are in the interests of every aspect of the entire system simultaneously.

The one great thing (and great downfall ironically) about human beings is their potential: it can go both ways but if you found a way to harness the positive parts and minimize the not so positive parts then the net outcome would be far greater than a silly suggestion of "wiping them out" which really shows a lot of ignorance.
  • #3
I get your point and I agree with you completely. The reason I suggested wiping them out is because I thought it would be rather fun to think of all the ways to end the world. I wasn't even thinking about bettering humans, I was thinking about pure destruction (no I am not a psychopath, I was just thinking about the end of the world because of the whole Mayan thing). So anyway, I would make a huge wave that slowly crawled across the world (a few centimetres a day). That way it would be fun watching people slowly catch on, then having to move. Plus, the scientists would get all of their instruments out, examining the wave, but getting no where. It would be fun :) (One again, no I am not a mother had me tested).
  • #4
Dog flu pandemic.
  • #5
I am an omnimalevolent god therefore I will give them warp drives and bigger bombs so that they spread their pestilence all over the damned place.
  • #6
Creat more Jows.
  • #7
Gad said:
Creat more Jows.

I'm sorry, I read that as something else.
  • #8
But I love these annoying, pestilent creatures :smile:.
  • #9
Gad said:
Creat more Jows.
I must respectfully disagree with you on that point. You have very little evidence to support your hypothesis. The only thing you can infer from this post about me is that I am slightly (maybe not so slightly) bizarre and that I think about odd things. The only thing you would be doing by making more people like me is creating more actors, writers, authors, musicians and scientists, most of whom make this world a better place. :)
  • #10
rootX said:
But I love these annoying, pestilent creatures :smile:.
So do I, but have you honestly never thought about how you would destroy everything? These are the types of things that I think while walking to school. You should give it a try.
  • #11
Jow said:
I must respectfully disagree with you on that point. You have very little evidence to support your hypothesis. The only thing you can infer from this post about me is that I am slightly (maybe not so slightly) bizarre and that I think about odd things. The only thing you would be doing by making more people like me is creating more actors, writers, authors, musicians and scientists, most of whom make this world a better place. :)

It is obviously tough to 'build' the human being. But destroy? Even a bug can do that. :wink:
  • #12
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
  • #13
Everyone gets buried in cake!
  • #14
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
  • #15
My first choice would be trying to goad people to be better to one another, themselves and their surroundings.

But if all else fails, one of these:
Change all the h2o to h2o2
Start writing things in the clouds like "surrender Dorothy" and behave.
Dragons, lots of dragons.
Just blow it up to make way for a hyperspace bypass (because you have to build bypasses)
I guess all of these could be done given the correct order.
  • #16
Jow said:
So do I, but have you honestly never thought about how you would destroy everything? These are the types of things that I think while walking to school. You should give it a try.
It will be fun to reintroduce dinosaurs, Jurassic Park 4 with a different ending than what we saw in last movies :-p
  • #17
Charmar said:
Just blow it up to make way for a hyperspace bypass (because you have to build bypasses)

And if they object they should have done a long time ago, after all the plans were on display.
  • #18
Jow said:
And if they object they should have done a long time ago, after all the plans were on display.

I'm sorry, but if we can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that's our own fault.
  • #19
Jow said:
Just for fun, imagine that you are God of all creation and you accidentally create a little planet called Earth. Rather then destroy it you let it live, because you are a merciful God. When you come back, approximately 4 billion years later, you find that a species that call themselves humans have populated it. These are annoying, pestilent creatures and you decide to do away with them for the good of the universe. How would you kill the human race?
You created them, just wave your hand and *poof* they're gone. Now the world can start healing from the man made destruction. If you're really a God, reverse everything they've done from the beginning and really fix things.
  • #20
Play Rod Stewart until the Earth blew itself up like a suicide bomber.
  • #21
Jow, the fact that you began this thread means you might want to take a look into that "Narcissistic Quiz" thread on the same page. :smile:

We meek mortals live in thrall of the excitement to see what a living god will score. :biggrin:
  • #22
jhae2.718 said:
Not with a bang, but a whimper.

But I'll make sure I do a lot of banging before ending things. :devil:

No, I'm not talking about Mjölnir (Thor's Hammer) when I say "banging".
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  • #23
  • #24
Jow said:
Just for fun, imagine that you are God of all creation and you accidentally create a little planet called Earth. Rather then destroy it you let it live, because you are a merciful God. When you come back, approximately 4 billion years later, you find that a species that call themselves humans have populated it. These are annoying, pestilent creatures and you decide to do away with them for the good of the universe. How would you kill the human race?

Create a free energy device that converts water to a more stable substance. Eventually there is no water.

The fun part is when the human race realizes that the device will eventually kill them all but they keep using it anyway because that's what they're used to.
  • #25
I'd just grab the earth, bring it to the Sun and merge with it. Good riddance of all present and future problems.
  • #26
Lol I would play squeeze Earth like a ball and use it to play basketball...
  • #27
Have the humans invent a mind numbing visual machine so mindless yet captivating that all humans will gaze into it for hours on end and forget to do normal activities necessary for the continuation of the species.
Oh sorry. HE has already tried that and failed.
  • #28
I'd turn off electricity and combustion and throw out like four Cthulhus and a pack of Fenri. After things started getting hairy for humanity, I'd conjure up a Justice League of America just to keep things going, but I'd probably get bored after a while and go have sex with my army of supermodels and eventually Superman would get the W.
  • #29
Honestly I'd just wait for some cosmological event in the heavens to wipe them out like a giant solar flare or supernova and then just take credit for it. That or I would slowly raise the Earth's temp over the course of a few hundred years that way like the frog in a pot they never suspect a thing.
  • #30
Kholdstare said:
I'd just grab the earth, bring it to the Sun and merge with it. Good riddance of all present and future problems.
Wouldn't you get your hand burned or something?
  • #31
Jow said:
Just for fun, imagine that you are God of all creation and you accidentally create a little planet called Earth. Rather then destroy it you let it live, because you are a merciful God. When you come back, approximately 4 billion years later, you find that a species that call themselves humans have populated it. These are annoying, pestilent creatures and you decide to do away with them for the good of the universe. How would you kill the human race?

Hehe. If i were a god i should also consider all possible 'predictions' including all emergent factors(brains and consciousness--every knots and bolts--'everything') not just the physics. Why would i kill something that i knew all along. I rather make fun of them; Like make the universe homogeneous and slightly tweak it, put 'darky' in the mix, that will keep my creation @ bay. :biggrin: (ancient alien guys would be very proud:wink:)..
  • #32
bp_psy said:
Wouldn't you get your hand burned or something?

Did not you read the first post? I am the God.
  • #33
julcab12 said:
Hehe. If i were a god i should also consider all possible 'predictions' including all emergent factors(brains and consciousness--every knots and bolts--'everything') not just the physics. Why would i kill something that i knew all along. I rather make fun of them; Like make the universe homogeneous and slightly tweak it, put 'darky' in the mix, that will keep my creation @ bay. :biggrin: (ancient alien guys would be very proud:wink:)..

You'll need to use some 'unpredictable' matter from other world to change things in this world according to your wish.
  • #34
Just how the world ends doesn't matter. What matters is what we can do to save ourselves. Some have thought deeply about this.
  • #35
kill -9

Works every time! ;)