The Mystery of Frisbee Motion??

In summary: I'm pretty sure it's mainly that the spinning causes lower pressure. Because, if you throw a frisbee upside down, it hits the ground very quickly.Your logic is not very clear. Why do you think B (if you throw a frisbee upside down, it hits the ground very quickly) implies A (the spinning causes lower pressure)?
  • #1
Ive been wondering how frisbee's move around since like 3 hours ago, and here's my take:

frisbees move specially only becuase of air, i.e. they don't fly as well in a vacuum.

but as to how they move, this is what i think. the firsbee spins, so everywhere near the frisbee there is lower air pressure (one of bernoulis laws i think. or something like that). however there is lower pressure all around it so all the forces sort of negate each other and it just floats with little air resistance because of that. (therefore the initial push pushes it better all the way throughout). the fact that its curved i believe will trap some air there, (the lower pressure will keep the air coming there, essentially a pillow of air). that's why they float...

is any of this right? or is it all some drivel i concocted?

thanks for the help

oh and there's something similar in it to a gyroscope - that's why they don't tilt as much.

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  • #2
T@P said:
Ive been wondering how frisbee's move around since like 3 hours ago, and here's my take:

frisbees move specially only becuase of air, i.e. they don't fly as well in a vacuum.
They don't fly at all in a vacuum. They would drop with acceleration g.

but as to how they move, this is what i think. the firsbee spins, so everywhere near the frisbee there is lower air pressure (one of bernoulis laws i think. or something like that). however there is lower pressure all around it so all the forces sort of negate each other and it just floats with little air resistance because of that. (therefore the initial push pushes it better all the way throughout). the fact that its curved i believe will trap some air there, (the lower pressure will keep the air coming there, essentially a pillow of air). that's why they float...

oh and there's something similar in it to a gyroscope - that's why they don't tilt as much.
The frisbee spin makes it stable. But its shape makes it fly. It has the shape of an airfoil so there is lower pressure on top than below. Just how that occurs is not simple and is subject of much debate. It is not a simple Bernoulli principle.
See this thread
and this one

  • #3
so there's no nice formula, like input the speed it rotates at, and the initial force on it and you can calculate where it went?
  • #4
I doubt it, especially with all the tricks one can do with frisbees -- for instance, you can throw it forward and have it land behind you, or throw it at a downward angle, and it will lift itself back up!
  • #5
I'm pretty sure it's mainly that the spinning causes lower pressure. Because, if you throw a frisbee upside down, it hits the ground very quickly.
  • #6
i tried it, and Ryan H is exactly right.

still, too bad. you can start a whole new area of physics, Uniform Frisbee Motion.

you can even expand it into hitting falling monkeys with frisbees, etc etc

  • #7
Ryan H said:
I'm pretty sure it's mainly that the spinning causes lower pressure. Because, if you throw a frisbee upside down, it hits the ground very quickly.
Your logic is not very clear. Why do you think B (if you throw a frisbee upside down, it hits the ground very quickly) implies A (the spinning causes lower pressure)?

  • #8
In my experience, frisbees thrown upside-down don't hit the ground "very quickly".
  • #9
"Lift" depends on the shape of an airfoil, but it also depends on the angle of attack. The only fair comparison would be to throw two frisbies perfectly horizontally in still air, one upright and one upside down. An upside down frisbie thrown at an upward angle would get some lift from the attack angle.
  • #10
It may be explained because i try to throw my frisbees horizontally... I never mastered the 'bounce' trick, where it goes down and then back up without hitting t he ground.

FAQ: The Mystery of Frisbee Motion??

What is the science behind the motion of a Frisbee?

The motion of a Frisbee is governed by principles of aerodynamics and fluid dynamics. When thrown, the Frisbee experiences lift, drag, and torque forces due to its shape and the air flowing around it. These forces act on the Frisbee and determine its trajectory and flight path.

How does the shape of a Frisbee affect its flight?

The shape of a Frisbee, specifically its curved and tapered edges, allows it to generate lift when thrown. This lift force is created by the difference in air pressure between the top and bottom surfaces of the Frisbee, causing it to rise and stay aloft. The shape also affects the amount of drag and torque experienced by the Frisbee during flight.

What factors affect the distance and accuracy of a Frisbee throw?

The distance and accuracy of a Frisbee throw are affected by several factors, including the angle of release, the speed and spin of the throw, the wind conditions, and the surface the Frisbee is thrown on. Additionally, the weight and design of the Frisbee itself can also impact its flight.

Can the motion of a Frisbee be predicted and controlled?

While there are many variables that can affect the flight of a Frisbee, it is possible to predict and control its motion to a certain degree. By understanding the principles of aerodynamics and practicing proper throwing techniques, one can improve their ability to accurately throw a Frisbee and anticipate its trajectory.

How can the study of Frisbee motion be applied in other areas of science?

The study of Frisbee motion can have applications in other areas of science, such as aerospace engineering and sports science. By understanding the principles of aerodynamics and how they apply to Frisbee flight, scientists can improve their understanding of how objects move through air and how to design more efficient and stable flying devices. Additionally, the study of Frisbee throwing techniques can also provide insights into human movement and athletic performance.

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