How about a PF doodle contest?

  • Thread starter Saitama
  • Start date
In summary, a volunteer organizer would need to be found for a periodic contest to be held where members submit logos in digital form.
  • #1
Like google has its doodle(logo) changed on special events, why not PF should have its logo changed on some special days. For example, on the birth of a great scientist or on the day when a great discovery was done, we can have a different doodle for the PF.
PF members can organize a contest for this and the admin can select the best one and put it as the doodle for the day on the homepage.

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  • #2
Pranav-Arora said:
Like google has its doodle(logo) changed on special events, why not PF should have its logo changed on some special days. For example, on the birth of a great scientist or on the day when a great discovery was done, we can have a different doodle for the PF.
PF members can organize a contest for this and the admin can select the best one and put it as the doodle for the day on the homepage.

Ahahaha, you must have read some of Pengwuino's threads.

We do add decorations for Halloween (I think) and I know Christmas. Your idea does sound fun, I'm moving this to Forum Feedback so it can be discussed.
  • #3
Evo said:
Ahahaha, you must have read some of Pengwuino's threads.

We do add decorations for Halloween (I think) and I know Christmas. Your idea does sound fun, I'm moving this to Forum Feedback so it can be discussed.

Sorry for posting it in the wrong section, thanks for moving to the correct section. :smile:
  • #4
Sounds like a fun idea. I can think of 2 requirements:

1. Greg is okay with it?

2. Somebody has to volunteer to organize the contest, and not just one time but on some regular basis. I think the photo contest threads give a pretty good sense of what would be involved. It wouldn't have to be every single week (though it could be), probably every month or two would be fine. It would pretty much be up to the volunteer organizer to decide how often.
  • #5
I think it's a great idea!
  • #6
Great idea!
I hope this plan gets put into motion. I am sure that I would submit many logos.
  • #7
Redbelly98 said:
Sounds like a fun idea. I can think of 2 requirements:

1. Greg is okay with it?

2. Somebody has to volunteer to organize the contest, and not just one time but on some regular basis. I think the photo contest threads give a pretty good sense of what would be involved. It wouldn't have to be every single week (though it could be), probably every month or two would be fine. It would pretty much be up to the volunteer organizer to decide how often.

I don't think our admin would have any problem with that. (Could you please ask Greg for this? :smile:)

Maybe a mentor could organise this contest, on a monthly basis. Drawing a logo each week is a tough task.
Should it be a digital art or traditional art or photo-manipulation? What you guys think?
Or should we have all these three option or do you guys have more option?
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  • #8
I'd like to see what you guys (Pranav, Quark) had in mind, can you post a an example?

Even if we don't replace the PF logo, it would still be a fun contest.
  • #9
Pranav-Arora said:
I don't think our admin would have any problem with that. (Could you please ask Greg for this? :smile:)
Consider him asked.

Maybe a mentor could organise this contest, on a monthly basis. Drawing a logo each week is a tough task.
Or maybe a non-mentor could organize it. :smile: Or possibly more than one person could take turns organizing it.

Should it be a digital art or traditional art or photo-manipulation? What you guys think?
Or should we have all these three option or do you guys have more option?
It would have to be in digital form, right? People would just need to submit a jpg, gif, or other common image file format.

By the way, if you're not familiar with the PF photo contests, here are the two threads for one of the contests. One thread is for submitting entries, the second thread is for voting on the entries:
  • #10
Evo said:
I'd like to see what you guys (Pranav, Quark) had in mind, can you post a an example?

Even if we don't replace the PF logo, it would still be a fun contest.

I don't have examples right now. Maybe Quark has something to show. :smile:

Redbelly98 said:
Consider him asked.

Thanks. :)

Redbelly98 said:
Or maybe a non-mentor could organize it. :smile: Or possibly more than one person could take turns organizing it.

I preferred a mentor since ZapperZ is always organizing the Photo contest.

Redbelly98 said:
It would have to be in digital form, right? People would just need to submit a jpg, gif, or other common image file format.

By the way, if you're not familiar with the PF photo contests, here are the two threads for one of the contests. One thread is for submitting entries, the second thread is for voting on the entries:

I think we can allow participants to draw it on a paper and scan it, since everyone might not be comfortable with digital art. I once saw Zoobyshoe's (i think i have written the correct username) work, he drew that piece very well.
  • #11
Ok, here's a example i created in a hurry. I took Issac Newton's birthday as the theme (i know it doesn't look like that :biggrin:). Please don't rate the graphics, i know they are bad. :frown:.
I think Quark would have better stuff than me. :smile:
  • #12
That's cute Pranav, I instantly thought Isaac Newton.
  • #13
Dang tinypic. I have to unblock the image, click QUOTE to copy URL, then open it in a new tab to see it. Then I have to block again if I want to see equations.

Sorry. Just venting.
  • #14
FYI, Greg is fine with this "as long as the logo looks good and still fits with the style." It's probably safe to assume he would have final approval, which pretty much goes without saying as he would be the one putting the logo in place.

I guess now all that's needed is a volunteer to manage the logo contests.
  • #15
Still there is one problem. If you could ask Greg for the font which he has used in the making of Physics Forums logo and also please ask him if he is able to provide an outline of Physics Forums logo. :smile:
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  • #16
Redbelly98 said:
I guess now all that's needed is a volunteer to manage the logo contests.

I would actually like to volunteer for that :smile: It seems like a fun idea, so I want to help out some way.
  • #17
micromass said:
I would actually like to volunteer for that :smile: It seems like a fun idea, so I want to help out some way.
  • #18
micromass said:
I would actually like to volunteer for that :smile: It seems like a fun idea, so I want to help out some way.

Thanks, micromass!
  • #19
Well, if everybody agrees with me :biggrin:

Give me a couple of days to work out the details. I'm thinking of a contest every 2 months or so, to give people the time to design nice things. :smile:
  • #20
micromass said:
I would actually like to volunteer for that :smile: It seems like a fun idea, so I want to help out some way.

Thank you micromass for your interest. :smile:
  • #21
Should we choose the winner on poll basis? Or should we allow the admin to choose the winner?
  • #22
Pranav-Arora said:
Should we choose the winner on poll basis? Or should we allow the admin to choose the winner?
A poll would be nice, we like polls.
  • #23
What's the font used in Physics Forums logo?
  • #24
Pranav-Arora said:
What's the font used in Physics Forums logo?
We're waiting for Greg to respond.
  • #25
A bump for Greg. :)
  • #26
  • #27
I was fooling around in Word, and it looks like "Tw Cen MT condensed extra bold" may be the right font, at least it looks awfully close. Others that look pretty close are Century Gothic, Corbel, and Tw Cen MT.
  • #28
According to".
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  • #29
Great idea, Pranav-Arora!
  • #30
So when this plan is going to be in action?

fuzzyfelt said:
Great idea, Pranav-Arora!

Thanks fuzzyfelt. :smile:
  • #31
Here's my entry for Schrodinger's Birthday.

  • #32
Before submitting entries, please allow micromass to set up the contest and post the theme or guidelines (if any). This thread may not be where entries will get submitted.
  • #33
It must be reiterated that the logo must fit into our existing theme. aka, must still share the current background.
  • #34
Redbelly98 said:
Before submitting entries, please allow micromass to set up the contest and post the theme or guidelines (if any). This thread may not be where entries will get submitted.

My apologies. It is just that this was a nice idea and got me all excited. I look forward to the contest.
You can remove the image if you want.

Greg Bernhardt said:
It must be reiterated that the logo must fit into our existing theme. aka, must still share the current background.

I'll keep that in mind.

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