Are Human Beings Ready for Unification?

In summary: Steven Weinberg wrote an article about this in Scientific American a few years back. A "theory of everything" will certainly not have any impact on our daily lives.
  • #1
By unification I mean a unified theory of everything. And I am implying that this hypothetical unification would bring forth a whole new level of technology, and assuming that it's application could range from tools of war and destruction, generally speaking god like power. But would also solve a range of practical issues and provide vast luxury.

But, would it not also give man the power to enslave the world.

I am thinking that science is already too advanced, and as it is the trend is towards enslavement.

As pessimistic as it sounds I think it is engrained in the nature of people.
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  • #2
Not the drive to enslave, that comes from a couple of things: greed, and jealousy.
  • #3
A theory of everything would predict itself being found, and would predict the future.
  • #4

-so you don't want to know what gravity, magnetism, etc. are, and how they work?
  • #5
The original poster is woefully misinformed. Particle physicists have already developed a number of "unified" theories. The problem is that none of them will ever be experimentally verified because of the energy scales involved. Steven Weinberg wrote an article about this in Scientific American a few years back. A "theory of everything" will certainly not have any impact on our daily lives.
  • #6
Brian_C said:
The original poster is woefully misinformed. Particle physicists have already developed a number of "unified" theories. The problem is that none of them will ever be experimentally verified because of the energy scales involved. Steven Weinberg wrote an article about this in Scientific American a few years back. A "theory of everything" will certainly not have any impact on our daily lives.

Wasn't he talking in relevance to string theory?

I'd agree if it had any resemblance to string theory (or relativity).
  • #7
Maybe humans in science fiction movies ...

Have you been watching too many of them?
  • #8
MotoH said:
A theory of everything would predict itself being found, and would predict the future.

I disagree. A "theory of everything" would be partly quantum mechanical. And in quantum mechanics, uncertainty rules. You can't predict that.
  • #9
jreelawg said:
By unification I mean a unified theory of everything. And I am implying that this hypothetical unification would bring forth a whole new level of technology, and assuming that it's application could range from tools of war and destruction, generally speaking god like power. But would also solve a range of practical issues and provide vast luxury.

But, would it not also give man the power to enslave the world.

I am thinking that science is already too advanced, and as it is the trend is towards enslavement.

As pessimistic as it sounds I think it is engrained in the nature of people.

just curious---what kind of new things do you (or anyone) think in the way of technology will come out of the correct and complete Theory of Everything?
  • #10
MotoH said:
A theory of everything would predict itself being found, and would predict the future.

Isn't this assuming one too many things about our universe? Isn't this assuming that a hidden variable interpretation of QM is correct, isn't it also assuming that this universe is causally isolated (we suspect this, but haven't shown it beyond all doubt - multiverse theories exist etc.)
  • #11
How Feynman said: Just because you watched someone play chess long enough to figure out the rules, doesn't mean you can immediately beat any grandmaster there is. (Or something along those lines.)

I doubt there would be any technological advances any time soon after a TOE is found. Hence, mankind is more than ready for it.
  • #12
Isadore Singer stated that Superstring Theory should be treated as a branch of mathematics, regardless of its physical relevance.
  • #13
rewebster said:
Wasn't he talking in relevance to string theory?

I'd agree if it had any resemblance to string theory (or relativity).

No, he was talking about any theory that purports to unify the four forces. The energy scales involved are many orders of magnitude higher than anything that could be produced in a terrestrial experiment.
  • #14
Brian_C said:
No, he was talking about any theory that purports to unify the four forces. The energy scales involved are many orders of magnitude higher than anything that could be produced in a terrestrial experiment.

interesting----do you know the name of the article? or a link? just curious how and why he would he talking about 'energy scales' of that sort----thanks

FAQ: Are Human Beings Ready for Unification?

1. What is meant by "unification" in this context?

In this context, "unification" refers to the idea of all human beings coming together as one united global community, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or any other factors that have historically divided us.

2. Why is this question important to consider?

This question is important because it forces us to think about the current state of the world and whether or not we are ready to put aside our differences and work towards a more unified future. It also raises important discussions about the potential benefits and challenges of unification.

3. What are some potential benefits of human unification?

Some potential benefits of human unification include increased global cooperation and collaboration, reduced conflicts and wars, improved communication and understanding between different cultures, and more efficient use of resources for the betterment of all humanity.

4. What are some potential challenges of human unification?

Some potential challenges of human unification include overcoming deep-rooted biases and prejudices, navigating cultural and linguistic barriers, balancing individual and collective interests, and addressing power imbalances between different groups.

5. Do you believe that human beings are currently ready for unification?

This is a difficult question to answer definitively as it ultimately depends on individual perspectives and beliefs. However, many would argue that while there may still be many challenges to overcome, humans have made significant progress towards unification through advancements in technology, communication, and global awareness. It is up to each individual to reflect on their own readiness for unification and take steps towards promoting unity in their own communities and beyond.
