Ideal Gas Carnot Cycle: Temperature and Entropy Analysis

In summary: Good job!In summary, an ideal gas operates in a carnot cycle with a net positive work of 400 joules per cycle and a maximum temperature of 300 degrees Celsius. The heat lost to a low temperature bath is 600 joules per cycle. The temperature of the low temperature bath is 70.8 degrees Celsius and the change in entropy of the gas during the isothermal expansion is 1.75 joules/kelvin. The carnot efficiency can also be calculated using the formula: eta = 1 - (Tc/Th).
  • #1

Homework Statement

an ideal gas operates in a carnot cycle so that it produces a net positive work of 400 joules per cycle. the maximum temperature during the cycle is 300 deg celsius and the heat lost to a low temperature bath is 600 joules per cycle.

a) what must be the temperature of the low temp bath?

b) what is the change in entropy of the gas during the isothermal expansion

Homework Equations

Q = W = nRT ln (Vf/Vi) i don't think is use this equation as moles is not stated, volumes not given either
(entropy) deltaS = deltaQ/T

The Attempt at a Solution

i am not sure what equations to use as i think i need to consider the entire cycle not just the individual isothermic/adiabatic expansions/contractions

will the same W equation from (a) be used in part (b) because in an isothermic expansion Q = W, but again moles and volume is not given?any help with which equation to use / approach is appreciated...
Physics news on
  • #2
What is the carnot efficiency?
[tex]\eta = \frac{W}{Q_{h}}=1-\frac{T_{c}}{T_{h}}[/tex], W=work, Q=heat

where [tex]T_{c}[/tex] and [tex]T_{h}[/tex] are in absolute temperature, Kelvins. So you must convert from celsius to Kelvins.

For the second part, you are given that the heat is lost in the cold temperature so use the formula for entropy.
[tex] s = \frac{Q_{c}}{T_{c}}[/tex]
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  • #3
using the equation you specified konthelion

do i sub in 400 for W, 600 for Qh, and 573K = 300 deg cels for Th, then do i solve for Tc?

400/600 = 1 -(Tc/573)
573(400/600) = 573 - Tc
-191 = -Tc
191K = Tc

so Tc = -82 deg celsius --> does it sound reasonable?

and for part b, finding the change in entropy of the isothermal expansion using the eq you provided
i got
s = Qc/Tc where Qc = 600joules, and Tc from part a was 191K so s = 6.59 joules/kelvin


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  • #4
Hi scholio,

scholio said:
using the equation you specified konthelion

do i sub in 400 for W, 600 for Qh, and 573K = 300 deg cels for Th, then do i solve for Tc?

The number for Qh does not look right to me. The problem said that was the heat transferred to the low temperatur bath, so 600 is Qc. How can you find Qh from what is given in the problem? Once you have that, I think the rest of it looks right.
  • #5
i looked through my textbook and found this equation

W/Q_h = (Q_h - Q_c)/Q_h

where W = 400, and Q_c = 600, i solved for Q_h and got 1000

so subsituting 1000 into where i incorrectly entered 600, i solved for T_c and got 343.8K = 70.8 deg celsius

does that sound better now?

also i solved for the change in entropy and got deltaS = Q_c/T_c = 600/343.8 - 1.75 joules/kelvin
  • #6
Looks correct to me.

FAQ: Ideal Gas Carnot Cycle: Temperature and Entropy Analysis

1. What is the ideal gas law and how does it relate to the Carnot cycle?

The ideal gas law, also known as the perfect gas law, is a fundamental equation in thermodynamics that describes the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of a gas. It can be written as PV = nRT, where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature. The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that describes the most efficient way to convert heat energy into work. The ideal gas law is used to analyze the behavior of gases in the Carnot cycle.

2. What are the key components of the Carnot cycle?

The Carnot cycle consists of four reversible processes: isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression, and adiabatic compression. It also requires a heat source and a heat sink, which are typically represented as two separate reservoirs at different temperatures. The working fluid, which is usually an ideal gas, is used to transfer heat and do work during the cycle.

3. What is the efficiency of the Carnot cycle and how is it calculated?

The efficiency of the Carnot cycle is the maximum possible efficiency for any heat engine operating between two temperatures. It is calculated by taking the difference between the temperatures of the heat source and heat sink and dividing it by the temperature of the heat source. This can be expressed as (T1 - T2)/T1, where T1 is the temperature of the heat source and T2 is the temperature of the heat sink. The maximum efficiency of the Carnot cycle is 1 - T2/T1, or 100% when T2 = 0K.

4. How does the ideal gas behave in the Carnot cycle?

In the Carnot cycle, the ideal gas follows the ideal gas law and undergoes reversible processes. The gas expands isothermally, meaning its temperature remains constant, as it absorbs heat from the heat source. It then expands adiabatically, meaning no heat is exchanged, and its temperature decreases. The gas is then compressed isothermally, releasing heat to the heat sink and increasing its temperature. Finally, the gas is compressed adiabatically, bringing it back to its original state. The ideal gas behaves in a predictable manner during each of these processes, allowing for the calculation of its work and heat energy.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Carnot cycle using ideal gas?

The Carnot cycle is a theoretical concept and is not directly applicable in real-world scenarios. However, it serves as a model for understanding the maximum efficiency of heat engines and is used in the design and optimization of real heat engines, such as car engines, power plants, and refrigeration systems. The ideal gas law is also used in various industries, such as chemical engineering and materials science, to analyze the behavior of gases in different processes and systems.
