Impact of PhD granting instititution on career

In summary, the question is whether the institution where an individual receives their PhD degree in mathematics has a significant impact on their career, especially if considering an academic career. The general consensus is that the supervisor and one's own performance and skills have a greater impact, but the institution may have some effect. A merger with a more reputable institution may have potential consequences on the individual's degree and career prospects, so it is important to consider the school's policies. Ultimately, it seems that one's research output and luck may play a larger role in their success than the institution they attended.
  • #1
  1. Does the institution where an individual receives their PhD degree in mathematics have a significant impact on their career?
The question evolves from a merger among universities: If a university is under a merger with another well established university with a much much better reputation in Mathematics, should I consider extending my Phd until the merger is complete? What kind of impact will this have on my career prospects if I am definitely considering an academic career?
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  • #2
The supervisor matters far more than the institution.
  • #3
This is what I thought. I have an excellent dissertation adviser. Well know in his field, but before I asked him of opinion I wanted to be more informed so I am seeking all inputs.
  • #4
Does the institution matter? A lot.

Does the reputation of the institutions on the list of rankings you find in newspapers and magazines matter? Not very much.
  • #5
lmedin02 said:
If a university is under a merger with another well established university with a much much better reputation in Mathematics, should I consider extending my Phd until the merger is complete?
I might just throw this out there, but in the even you conclude you wish to do something like this it might be worth looking into your school's policy. Often you are awared the degree based on the conditions in place when you start the program, so in the event of a merger do you KNOW that you would be granted a degree from the other institution, or is this an assumption?

I'm just saying be careful about wasting a long period of time on an assumption rather than a fact that you can document.

What kind of impact will this have on my career prospects if I am definitely considering an academic career?
All of that said above, institutional name alone may have a small effect on your career outcome but it's likely to be orders of magnitude less impact than other factors such as your own performance, the skills that you acquire, the specific expertise that you develop, your ability to network, your personal reputation, etc.
  • #6
Thank you all for your feedback.
  • #7
I know a younger-than-average tenured academic at a top 5 institution in the UK. He did his phd at a place most would call a "Mickey Mouse" university (in fact, it humorously got the most votes in a thread here as a "safety" grad school).

I don't know how common this is, but it's a fairly good guess that his research output (120+ papers afaik) and dumb luck had a lot more to do with his success than his alma mater. He told me some peers of his that went to prestigious universities weren't so lucky.

FAQ: Impact of PhD granting instititution on career

1. How does the reputation of a PhD granting institution affect career opportunities?

The reputation of a PhD granting institution can greatly impact career opportunities in terms of job prospects and salary potential. Employers often value candidates from well-known and highly ranked institutions, as these institutions are typically associated with rigorous academic standards and top-notch research. This can also lead to networking opportunities with alumni and faculty, which can further enhance career prospects.

2. What role does the research output of a PhD granting institution play in a scientist's career?

The research output of a PhD granting institution can play a significant role in a scientist's career. Institutions with a strong research focus tend to have access to better resources, funding, and collaborations, which can lead to more impactful publications and a stronger research track record for their graduates. This can open up opportunities for postdoctoral positions, grants, and tenure-track positions at reputable institutions.

3. How do PhD granting institutions differ in terms of industry connections and career opportunities outside of academia?

PhD granting institutions vary in their industry connections and career opportunities outside of academia. Some institutions may have strong ties to specific industries, while others may have a more diverse range of connections. It is important for PhD students to research and network with potential employers in their field of interest, regardless of the institution they attend.

4. Do PhD granting institutions offer career development and support for their graduates?

Many PhD granting institutions offer career development and support for their graduates, including workshops on job search skills, resume building, and networking events. Some institutions also have career centers or offices dedicated to supporting graduate students in their career pursuits. It is important for students to take advantage of these resources to enhance their career prospects.

5. Does the location of a PhD granting institution affect a scientist's career?

The location of a PhD granting institution can have an impact on a scientist's career, especially in terms of access to job opportunities and networking. Institutions located in major cities or near key research hubs may have more opportunities for collaborations, industry partnerships, and job prospects. However, with the increasing use of technology for collaboration and remote work, the location of an institution may have less influence on career opportunities in the future.

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