Taking the Trace of a Tensor Product

In summary: Yes, you can take the trace of each tensor individually and multiply their traces.That is, Tr(A \Otimes B) = Tr(A)Tr(B)
  • #1
Hey guys,

How exactly do you take the trace of a tensor product? Do I take the trace of each tensor individually and multiply their traces?

For example, how would I take the trace of this tensor product:

[tex]-B^{c}_b B_{ac}[/tex]
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  • #2
JasonJo said:
Hey guys,

How exactly do you take the trace of a tensor product? Do I take the trace of each tensor individually and multiply their traces?

For example, how would I take the trace of this tensor product:

[tex]-B^{c}_b B_{ac}[/tex]

Hi JasonJo! :smile:

Isn't that just -gabBbcBac = BacBac ?
  • #3
JasonJo said:
... Do I take the trace of each tensor individually and multiply their traces?...[/tex]
No! it's like matrices... the trace of a product is not the product of traces.
Now if you have a product of tensors which is an 1-1 tensor the trace is the contraction of these two indices, if you have more than 2 indices you must specify over which indices the trace must be done, and then you contract...
  • #4
Yes, you can take the trace of each tensor individually and multiply their traces.
That is, Tr(A \Otimes B) = Tr(A)Tr(B)
  • #5
locality said:
Yes, you can take the trace of each tensor individually and multiply their traces.
That is, Tr(A \Otimes B) = Tr(A)Tr(B)

No … it's as astros :smile: says:
astros said:
No! it's like matrices... the trace of a product is not the product of traces.

For example,
0 1
1 0
has trace 0, but its square has trace 2. :smile:
  • #6
If you mean the tensor product defined as how it's defined at the beginning of Ch 4 of Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds, then yes what locality said is correct.
Let V be a Vector space over R
A k tensor on V is a multilinear map from V^k into R.
The tensor product [itex]\otimes[/itex] of S:V^k -> R and T:V^l -> R is the map S[itex]\otimes[/itex]T: V^(k+l) -> R defined by
S[itex]\otimes[/itex]T(v_1,...v_k,...,v_(k+l)) = S(v_1,..v_k)*T(v_k+1,...,v_l).

In the special case S and T are square matrices,
tr(S[itex]\otimes[/itex]T) = tr(S)tr(T)
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  • #7
Vid said:
If you mean the tensor product defined as how it's defined at the beginning of Ch 4 of Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds, then yes what locality said is correct.

ah, but the OP's question was clearly about tensor product in the sense of contraction (analogously to matrix product :wink:), not in the ⊗ sense of Spivak. :smile:
  • #8
tiny-tim said:
Hi JasonJo! :smile:

Isn't that just -gabBbcBac = BacBac ?

That makes sense. But then what do I do this the B^ac B_ac term? What exactly is this term? Am I contracting here? When do we know something has a trace?

And when we are taking traces of tensors, what does it mean to be tracefree? Are we referring to the antisymmetric part?

If anyone is wondering, I am trying to derive Raychaudhuri's Equation.
  • #9
JasonJo said:
That makes sense. But then what do I do this the B^ac B_ac term? What exactly is this term? Am I contracting here?

If anyone is wondering, I am trying to derive Raychaudhuri's Equation.

BacBac is the "quadratic invariant" of the tensor.

It's a double contraction.

(It's a sort-of "trace of a trace", but I really don't think thinking of it like that helps at all)

It may help to look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raychaudhuri's_equation#Mathematical_statement … are you trying to derive ω2 and σ2? :smile:
When do we know something has a trace?

And when we are taking traces of tensors, what does it mean to be tracefree? Are we referring to the antisymmetric part?

Tracefree simply means that the trace is zero.

An antisymmetric tensor must be tracefree, but not vice versa.

For example, the LHS of Einstein's field equations is Rij - (1/2)R gij, where Rij is the Ricci curvature tensor, which is symmetric, with 10 independent parameters, and R is its trace (a scalar, obviously only 1 parameter) … the tracefree part of Rij is Rij - (1/4)R gij, with 9 independent parameters, and the EFE can be written:

Rij - (1/4)R gij = 8π(Tij - (1/4)T gij)

and R = -8πT,

where the first line equates the tracefree parts, with 9 independent equations, and the second line (anti-)equates the traces, with just 1.

FAQ: Taking the Trace of a Tensor Product

1. What is the definition of a tensor product?

The tensor product is a mathematical operation that combines two vector spaces to create a new vector space. It is denoted by the symbol ⊗ and is used to represent the relationship between two vectors or two linear transformations.

2. How is the trace of a tensor product defined?

The trace of a tensor product is defined as the sum of the diagonal elements of the resulting matrix after performing the tensor product. It is denoted by tr(⊗) and is a measure of the magnitude of the combined vector space.

3. What is the significance of the trace in a tensor product?

The trace of a tensor product has many important applications in mathematics and physics. It is used to determine the dimension of the resulting vector space, as well as to calculate other properties such as eigenvalues and determinants.

4. Can the trace of a tensor product be calculated in any coordinate system?

Yes, the trace of a tensor product is an intrinsic property that does not depend on the coordinate system. It will have the same value regardless of the chosen basis or coordinate system.

5. How is the trace of a tensor product related to other operations on vector spaces?

The trace of a tensor product is related to other operations such as matrix multiplication, inner product, and outer product. It can be used to calculate the inner product of two vectors, and is also related to the determinant of a matrix in a similar way to the outer product.

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