Fundemental relation between group symmetries and periodicity?

In summary, the conversation discusses the fundamental relation between group symmetries and periodicity. The speaker is studying group theory in relation to quantum field theory and the Standard Model, and is curious about the circumstances in which there is a relation between group symmetries and periodicity. They provide examples of discrete and continuous group operations and ask for clarification on visualizing group operations in higher dimensions and the implications for other types of groups such as SU(2). They also mention the symmetry of the electromagnetic Lagrangian under a phase-factor and contrast it with the symmetry of a sine-wave under a complete period of oscillation.
  • #1
Fundemental relation between group symmetries and periodicity??

My question is simply: Is there a fundamental relation between group symmetries and periodicity?

I been studying group theory within my recent studies of QFT and the Standard Model and the aforementioned question occurred to me so I figured one of the more mathematical physicists on here might be able / willing to answer / elaborate on in what circumstances the answer is yes.
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  • #2

Ok I've given this a little more thought and realized I really should elaborate on what I meant and was hoping to hear in response..

Say for example one considers a distrete group operation like C, P or T conjugation and that the system in question is symmetric for each. This could be pictured (as I tend to do with things in my 'minds eye') as the flipping (or rotation of pi radians) of a 1D line of unit length, centred at the origin, through (around) a 2nd dimension.

Similarly for continuous groups, particularly that of SO(2) rotations in a 2D manifold, one can picture a unit circle analogy but this time with group elements consisting of the infinestimal angles about each of the axis. I.e. it would map out a unit 3-sphere.

In the disctrete case the line will be periodically equivalent to its initial orientation whereas in the continuous case this period would tend to zero.

I guess I could therefore phrase a few more specific questions as follows:

1/ In both circumstances discussed above one can unitilise an extra-dimension to visulatize the 'shape' that results from the group operations in question. Is there any sense in doing this and what would the implication be for other types of groups such as SU(2) for example?

2/ Somewhat related to the first question can anyone suggest a method of visualizing group operations for the dimensions that we can picture in our minds eye that could then be extended to hypersurfaces where the need arises?

3/ I am aware EM Lagrangian (without any of the complications from unifying it with the weak force) is U(1) symmetric for a phase-factor of the form e^i*theta since absolute phase cannot be observed. Does it make any sense however to contrast this with the phase of a sine-wave that would only be symmetric under a tranformation of a complete period of its oscillation?

FAQ: Fundemental relation between group symmetries and periodicity?

1. What is the fundamental relation between group symmetries and periodicity?

Group symmetries and periodicity are closely related in that they both involve repeating patterns or structures. Group symmetries refer to the symmetries present in a mathematical group, which is a set of elements that can be combined together using a defined operation. Periodicity, on the other hand, refers to the repetition of a pattern or behavior at regular intervals. In many cases, the symmetries present in a group can be used to explain the periodicity observed in a system.

2. How do group symmetries affect the periodicity of a system?

Group symmetries can affect the periodicity of a system in several ways. One of the most common ways is through the concept of translational symmetry, which refers to the repetition of a pattern along a specific direction. This type of symmetry is often seen in crystals, where the arrangement of atoms is repeated in a regular lattice. The symmetries present in the crystal lattice can determine the periodicity of the crystal's properties, such as its electrical conductivity or optical properties.

3. Can the periodicity of a system be predicted based on its group symmetries?

Yes, in many cases, the periodicity of a system can be predicted based on its group symmetries. This is because the symmetries present in a group can provide information about the repeating patterns or structures that may be present in the system. For example, if a system has rotational symmetry, it is likely that there will be periodicity in its behavior at regular intervals of rotation.

4. Are there any limitations to the relationship between group symmetries and periodicity?

While group symmetries can often provide insights into the periodicity of a system, there are some limitations to this relationship. One limitation is that not all systems have symmetries that can be described by mathematical groups. In these cases, the relationship between group symmetries and periodicity may not be applicable. Additionally, there may be other factors at play that affect the periodicity of a system, such as external influences or random fluctuations.

5. How do scientists use the understanding of group symmetries and periodicity in their research?

Scientists use the understanding of group symmetries and periodicity in a variety of fields, including physics, chemistry, and materials science. In physics, for example, the symmetries present in a system can be used to predict the behavior of particles or waves. In chemistry, the symmetries of molecules can provide information about their properties and reactivity. In materials science, the symmetries present in crystals can determine their physical and chemical properties, making them useful for various applications.
