Electromagnetic force on a particle in two different frames of reference

In summary, the electromagnetic force acting on a particle can appear differently in two different frames of reference. In the particle's own frame of reference, the force can be described by the Lorentz force law, which takes into account the particle's velocity relative to the electromagnetic field. However, in a different frame of reference, such as one moving at a constant velocity relative to the particle, the force may appear to be a combination of the Lorentz force and an additional magnetic force. This is known as the transformation of electromagnetic fields between frames of reference. Overall, the electromagnetic force on a particle can be understood and calculated in different ways depending on the chosen frame of reference.
  • #1
McLaren Rulez
Consider an infinitely long straight conductor carrying a current. Let's assume that the free charges in the conductor are positive and are moving at a drift velocity v. Now, consider a particle of charge +q also moving with v in the same direction as the current at a distance r from the conductor.

It faces two separate forces: One due to electrostatic repulsion from the charges in the wire and another because the wire has a magnetic field and a moving particle in a magnetic field experiences a force. The magnetic force points radially towards the wire and electrostatic repulsion points away from the wire.

Now, think of this in a frame which is moving at v in the same direction as the current. In this frame, the conductor no longer has a current; it is now just a straight piece of conductor with charge. The particle is also at rest in this frame. The only force it faces is electrostatic repulsion. The magnitude of this repulsive force does not change. So the two frames predict different answers to what is going to happen to the particle.

Where am I going wrong?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
McLaren Rulez said:
Where am I going wrong?
You are going wrong right here:
McLaren Rulez said:
The magnitude of this repulsive force does not change.

Due to the relativistic effect of length contraction the charge density is higher and therefore the e-field is higher in the frame where the magnetic field disappears. Here is an interesting and easily readable page describing the relationship between relativity and magnetism.

  • #3
DaleSpam said:
Due to the relativistic effect of length contraction the charge density is higher and therefore the e-field is higher in the frame where the magnetic field disappears. Here is an interesting and easily readable page describing the relationship between relativity and magnetism.

Thanks Dale! I never thought about that.

So essentially, the phenomenon of magnetism is just a consequence of relativity and not a separate thing, is it?
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  • #4
Yes, you can obtain magnetism from electrostatics + relativity. Of course, it is kind of cheating since relativity was, in some sense, a result of Maxwell's equations.
  • #5
DaleSpam said:
Yes, you can obtain magnetism from electrostatics + relativity. Of course, it is kind of cheating since relativity was, in some sense, a result of Maxwell's equations.

Then again, it's not cheating at all because Maxwell's equations are a result of scientific effort to come up with the best possible description of Nature.

On a deeper level:
The Lorentz transformations were recognized as relevant long before relativistic physics was formulated. The Lorentz transformations are not unique to relativistic physics, in the sense that they embody something that is part of the fabric of Maxwell's equations.

In a sense relativistic physics was anticipated by Maxwell's equations. I find that fascinating. Maxwell's equations were conceived in terms of Newtonian dynamics, yet they anticipate relativistic physics.
  • #6
Yeah, that sounds reasonable. Whether you start with electrostatics and relativity and derive magnetism or you start with electromagnetism and derive relativity really is a little irrelevant. You wind up with the same description of nature either way.
  • #7
Even if there is a current in the infinitely long conductor, I don't think there is any net charge in the conductor, so there is no net Coulomb force (to first order).

Bob S
  • #8
Bob S said:
Even if there is a current in the infinitely long conductor, I don't think there is any net charge in the conductor, so there is no net Coulomb force (to first order).
In the frame where there is no E-field that is correct. That is not correct in other frames. See the link I posted earlier, it is a very enjoyable read.
  • #9
DaleSpam said:
In the frame where there is no E-field that is correct. That is not correct in other frames. See the link I posted earlier, it is a very enjoyable read.
Hi DaleSpam-
We agree that there is no transverse E-field (Coulomb) force in the lab frame. If we transform from the lab frame to the moving frame using the Lorentz transformations given in


(see third from last equation in the SI column), we get a pure transverse E-field force, as also shown in your referenced link Eqns (1)-(3):


which is an interesting alternative derivation of the Lorentz transformation for γ ≈ 1.

Bob S

FAQ: Electromagnetic force on a particle in two different frames of reference

1. What is the electromagnetic force on a particle in two different frames of reference?

The electromagnetic force, also known as the Lorentz force, is the combination of electric and magnetic forces acting on a charged particle. It is given by the equation F = q(E + v x B), where q is the charge of the particle, E is the electric field, v is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic field.

2. How does the electromagnetic force change in different frames of reference?

The magnitude of the electromagnetic force remains the same in different frames of reference. However, the direction of the force may change depending on the relative motion of the particle and the fields in each frame.

3. Can the electromagnetic force be canceled out in two different frames of reference?

No, the electromagnetic force cannot be canceled out in two different frames of reference. The force will always be present as long as there is a charged particle and electric and/or magnetic fields present.

4. How does special relativity affect the electromagnetic force in two different frames of reference?

Special relativity states that the laws of physics should be the same in all inertial frames of reference. This means that the equations for the electromagnetic force will remain the same in different frames, but the relative motion may affect the direction of the force.

5. Can the electromagnetic force be stronger or weaker in different frames of reference?

No, the magnitude of the electromagnetic force will remain the same in different frames of reference. However, the relative motion between the particle and the fields may affect the perceived strength of the force in each frame.

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