No need to close a QP thread? Just ask a person to leave it?

  • Thread starter wm
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a thread on Harrison's inequality and whether it should be closed or not. One person suggests that it should be closed to avoid further arguments, while another person apologizes for causing any difficulties and explains that they were trying to return the thread to its original topic. The conversation ends with both parties agreeing to let the thread lie and continue with their own work.
  • #1
Dear Zz,

There is no need to close the thread on Harrison's inequality, against the possible interests of others.

I will make no further contribution to it.

I would suggest that a request to leave a QM thread would be honoured by most participants. In that way threads could continue for the benefit of those remaining.

PS: At no time did I take your comments to be a joke. At all times I was seeking to reply to challeges that had been issued. I will now answer those challenges elsewhere. I apologise for trying your patience. I appreciate your efforts and had no wish to make them more difficult.

Regards wm
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  • #2
wm said:
Dear Zz,

There is no need to close the thread on Harrison's inequality, against the possible interests of others.

I will make no further contribution to it.

I would suggest that a request to leave a QM thread would be honoured by most participants. In that way threads could continue for the benefit of those remaining.

Regards wm

If it's not closed it's just there for some partisan to ressurect and the whole sorry schmear happens all over again. It was open long after some of us thought it should have been closed. Let it lie.
  • #3
Thanks for the explanation

selfAdjoint said:
If it's not closed it's just there for some partisan to ressurect and the whole sorry schmear happens all over again. It was open long after some of us thought it should have been closed. Let it lie.

Thanks for the explanation. And I understand your ''closing'' comments.

For, from what I followed on the thread, the subject of its OP (Harrison's inequality) may not have been raised at all?

(I'd committed to staying off the thread until I'd completed some homework. A position that I breached today in trying to (helpfully?) return the thread to somewhere near its origins.)

Back to my homework! A slow learner but a thorough one -- I'll let it lie.

With thanks again, and best regards, wm

FAQ: No need to close a QP thread? Just ask a person to leave it?

What does it mean to "close" a QP thread?

Closing a QP thread means that no further comments or replies can be made on that thread. It is typically done when the discussion has reached a point of resolution or when it has deviated too far from the original topic.

Why would someone need to ask a person to leave a QP thread?

In some cases, a person may be causing disruptions or behaving inappropriately in a QP thread. Asking them to leave the thread can help maintain a respectful and productive discussion for everyone else.

Is it necessary to explicitly close a QP thread?

No, it is not necessary. Some QP threads may naturally come to an end without needing to be formally closed. However, in cases where the discussion has become unproductive or disruptive, it may be beneficial to close the thread.

Can a person be forced to leave a QP thread?

Technically, no. However, moderators or administrators may have the ability to remove a person from a QP thread if their behavior is violating the community's guidelines. It is ultimately up to the discretion of the moderator or administrator.

What are the potential benefits of not closing a QP thread and instead asking a person to leave it?

By not officially closing a QP thread, it allows for the possibility of the discussion to continue in a more productive and respectful manner without abruptly ending it. Asking a person to leave can also prevent further disruptions and maintain the overall quality of the discussion.

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