Is (I+P) Always Invertible When P^2 = P?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem where P is a linear operator on a vector space V and P^2 = P. The task is to prove that (I+P) is invertible. Multiple approaches are suggested, including guessing a form for the solution and using the knowledge of matrices having minimal polynomials. The conversation also discusses the assumption that P is diagonalizable, which may not necessarily be the case. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the motivation behind solving a problem rather than simply finding the answer.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose [tex]P \in L(V)[/tex] and P^2 = P. Prove that (I+P) is invertible.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Am I right to assume that since P^2 = P, P = I?
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  • #2
Nope. If P=[[1,0],[0,0]], P^2=P. Is that all you wanted to know? Try solving (I+P).(I+aP)=I for a real number a. If you can solve it, you've found an inverse.
  • #3
Dick said:
Nope. If P=[[1,0],[0,0]], P^2=P. Is that all you wanted to know? Try solving (I+P).(I+aP)=I for a real number a. If you can solve it, you've found an inverse.
Don't give out answers. :-p
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  • #4
rjw5002 said:
Am I right to assume that since P^2 = P, P = I?
That doesn't even work for real numbers: x^2 = x has two solutions. (What are they? How would you find them?)

I assume you wanted to cancel a P, but that's not always a legal operation. What operation are you doing when you cancel something? When are you allowed to do it? How is that operation different when you're working with matrices instead of real numbers?
  • #5
Ok, I'll admit, that's a little close to giving the answer for comfort. I thought about stopping after the '?'. But that seemed a little too close to just teasing the OP.
  • #6
Dick said:
Ok, I'll admit, that's a little close to giving the answer for comfort. I thought about stopping after the '?'. But that seemed a little too close to just teasing the OP.
The problem, IMHO, is that there is nothing left of the original problem -- you've simply presented him with an entirely different (and much easier) problem, and absolutely no motivation why someone would ever think of the new problem.
  • #7
I, in fact, solved it by ansatz. I guessed a form for the solution which seemed to have enough parameters to be solvable given powers of P reduce to linear functions of P. That's all. If you have a better motivation, go for it. Suppose I could have explained that, though.
  • #8
Ok. here are my thoughts now. Using the fact that P^2 = P, we can say that P is a diagonal matrix. The entries along this diagonal are either 0 or 1 (solving the equation x^2 = x). Therefore we can conclude that M=(I+P) is also a diagonal matrix with entries of either 1 or 2 along the diagonal. By a proposition (5.16 in Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right), T (upper triangular) is invertible iff all the entries on the diagonal are nonzero. Therefore my M is invertible. Further, we can say that the inverse of this matrix is also a diagonal matrix with entries 1/x(i,i) where x(i,i) are the entries in M.

Am I making any incorrect assumptions?
  • #9
rjw5002 said:
Using the fact that P^2 = P, we can say that P is a diagonal matrix.

In fact, I have a counterexample:
1/2 & 1/2 \\
1/2 & 1/2
  • #10
Dick said:
I, in fact, solved it by ansatz. I guessed a form for the solution which seemed to have enough parameters to be solvable given powers of P reduce to linear functions of P. That's all. If you have a better motivation, go for it. Suppose I could have explained that, though.
The original poster is on one right track, I think. The problem is easy if the matrix is diagonal, and if he can prove the problem can be reduced to the diagonal case, he's done. I don't remember how easy that is, though.

I'm a little disappointed that my favorite trick of expanding 1/(1+P) as a power series doesn't quite work; it requires you to do a deformation to arrive at the correct answer. Though this would give one method of motivating your approach.

Another method of motivating your approach would be to invoke the knowledge that matrices have minimal polynomials, and there is an easy way to extract the inverse of your matrix from its minimal polynomial.

Of course, you could simply guess at the form of the answer, as you did, but I feel like simply writing the form of the answer doesn't really help the OP learn.
  • #11
Hurkyl said:
The original poster is on one right track, I think. The problem is easy if the matrix is diagonal, and if he can prove the problem can be reduced to the diagonal case, he's done. I don't remember how easy that is, though.

I'm a little disappointed that my favorite trick of expanding 1/(1+P) as a power series doesn't quite work; it requires you to do a deformation to arrive at the correct answer. Though this would give one method of motivating your approach.

Another method of motivating your approach would be to invoke the knowledge that matrices have minimal polynomials, and there is an easy way to extract the inverse of your matrix from its minimal polynomial.

Of course, you could simply guess at the form of the answer, as you did, but I feel like simply writing the form of the answer doesn't really help the OP learn.

I don't THINK P is necessarily diagonalizable. It might be but I don't see what compels it to be. I did the power expansion first as well and realized it was useless. As you might expect since P could have an eigenvalue of 1 so the power series doesn't necessarily converge. I then decided that there might be a more general form for a possible inverse. And guessed it. Hopefully the OP will learn from this exchange as well.
  • #12
Dick said:
I don't THINK P is necessarily diagonalizable. It might be but I don't see what compels it to be.
P and 1-P are complementary projection matrices.

Hopefully the OP will learn from this exchange as well.
I'm hoping so. :smile:

FAQ: Is (I+P) Always Invertible When P^2 = P?

What is an identity matrix?

An identity matrix is a special type of square matrix where the values along the main diagonal are 1 and all other values are 0. It is denoted by the symbol I and has the property that when multiplied by any other matrix, it returns that same matrix as the product.

How is an identity matrix used in mathematics?

The identity matrix is used as a neutral element in matrix operations. It is similar to the number 1 in multiplication and the number 0 in addition. When a matrix is multiplied by the identity matrix, the result is the original matrix, making it a useful tool in solving equations and performing transformations.

What is an inverse matrix?

An inverse matrix is a matrix that, when multiplied by another matrix, results in the identity matrix. It is denoted by the symbol A-1 and has the property that A x A-1 = I. In other words, it "undoes" the original matrix and is used to solve equations and perform transformations.

How do you find the inverse of a matrix?

To find the inverse of a matrix, you can use the Gauss-Jordan elimination method or the adjugate method. In the Gauss-Jordan method, the matrix is transformed into reduced row echelon form and the inverse is found by using elementary row operations. In the adjugate method, the inverse is found by calculating the adjugate matrix and dividing it by the determinant of the original matrix. There are also online calculators and software programs that can find the inverse of a matrix for you.

Why is finding the inverse of a matrix important?

Finding the inverse of a matrix is important in various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. It is used to solve systems of linear equations, find the inverse of a transformation, and perform operations such as matrix division. It is also a key concept in linear algebra and plays a crucial role in understanding and solving many problems in these fields.

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