Predict \Delta H for NaOH(s) to NaOH(g) using Hess' Law

  • Thread starter ghostanime2001
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the enthalpy of the reaction NaOH(s) --> NaOH(g). The enthalpy of dissociation for O-O is 251 kJ, O-H is 465 kJ, H-H is 435 kJ, and Na-O is 255 kJ. The enthalpy of dissolution for NaOH(s) is -46 kJ. The enthalpy of formation for NaOH(s) is -427 kJ. A conversion from Na(s) to Na(g) has an enthalpy of 109 kJ. By converting NaOH(s) to NaOH(g), the enthalpy of formation becomes -268 kJ. However, a better method is needed
  • #1
NaOH(s) --> NaOH(g)

[tex]\Delta H^{\circ}_{diss}[/tex] (O-O) = 251 kJ
[tex]\Delta H^{\circ}_{diss}[/tex] (O-H) = 465 kJ
[tex]\Delta H^{\circ}_{diss}[/tex] (H-H) = 435 kJ
[tex]\Delta H^{\circ}_{diss}[/tex] (Na-O) = 255 kJ

[tex]\Delta H_{sol}[/tex] = -46 KJ for [tex]NaOH_{(s)}[/tex]

[tex]NaOH_{(s)} \rightarrow Na^{+}_{(aq)} + OH^{-}_{(aq)} \cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot[/tex][tex]\Delta H[/tex] = -46 KJ

[tex]\Delta H^{\circ}_{f}[/tex] = -427 KJ for [tex]NaOH_{(s)}[/tex]

[tex]Na_{(s)} + \frac{1}{2}O_{2(g)} + \frac{1}{2}H_{2(g)} \rightarrow NaOH_{(s)} \cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot[/tex][tex]\Delta H[/tex] = -427 KJ

I forgot one part:
[tex]Na_{(s)} \rightarrow Na_{(g)} \cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot \Delta H[/tex] = 109 kJ

Predict [tex]\Delta H[/tex] for [tex]NaOH_{(s)} \rightarrow NaOH_{(g)}[/tex]

Because I am trying to find the enthalpy of one reaction, and i have other 'known' enthalpy reactions does this problem automatically turn into a Hess' Law type problem ? or is this still a bond energy/enthalpy reaction or just bond energy type problem ? Also i do not have a [tex]NaOH_{(g)}[/tex] in any of my reaction so how can i go about computing the targeted enthalpy ?
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  • #2

So does anyone know how to tackle this problem ?
  • #3

Okay here is what i tried doing, I know there might be something wrong and such but please please please i beg you indicate my mistake this is my last question regarding Reaction heats. Next up Equilibrium lol ... anyways.. *ahem*...

[tex]Na_{(s)} \rightarrow Na_{(g)} \cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot \Delta H[/tex]=109 KJ
This means:

[tex]Na_{(g)} + \frac{1}{2}O_{2(g)} + \frac{1}{2}H_{2(g)} \rightarrow NaOH_{(s)} \cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdot \Delta H^{\circ}_{f}[/tex] = -268 KJ

My question regarding the above question is when i convert Na(s)-->Na(g) does my product NaOH(s) become ---> NaOH(g) so that my target equation ends up NaOH(g) as a product ? or does it still remain a solid and my calculation or method is wrong and should be discarded because a better method is out there... so please help. I did another part it seems to make sense to change NaOH(s) ---> NaOH(g) because I am using the heat of dissociation and do those values mean to dissociate a given compound to its gaseous atoms or what ??. I know that those values are the same for any compound so does that also mean its the same values for the same compound but in a different state like with NaOH(s) and NaOH(g) ?

I converted NaOH(s) into NaOH(g) to show my method but still i need a better explanation so i can understand and not just from theorizing "making things happen" which i don't like to do :( I also know this is sublimation lol that's my last point. I got -268 KJ for the second equation because I am using bond energies or is this still not the correct method ? please help me.

[tex] NaOH_{(s)} \rightarrow Na_{(s)} + \frac{1}{2}O_{2(g)} + \frac{1}{2}H_{2(g)} \Delta H = 427 KJ[/tex]
[tex]Na_{(g)} + \frac{1}{2}O_{2(g)} + \frac{1}{2}H_{2(g)} \rightarrow NaOH_{(g)} \Delta H = -268 KJ[/tex]
[tex]NaOH_{(s)} \rightarrow NaOH_{(g)} \Delta H = 159 KJ[/tex]

You can do the cancellation yourself: Na, O2, and H2 get cancelled. This answer is correct on the back of my paper but can anyone suggest a better method ? of if this is somewhat the correct method then can anyone please clean up my explanation to make things clear ? Thanks a bunch. Now i go sleep ... ZZZzz
  • #4

CAN somebody help me with this ?
  • #5

Helooooooooooooooooooooooo ? Is there anyone in this forum ?

FAQ: Predict \Delta H for NaOH(s) to NaOH(g) using Hess' Law

1. How do you calculate ΔH for NaOH(s) to NaOH(g) using Hess' Law?

To calculate ΔH for NaOH(s) to NaOH(g) using Hess' Law, you will need to use the following equation:

ΔH = Σ(nΔHf°products) - Σ(mΔHf°reactants)

where n and m represent the stoichiometric coefficients of the products and reactants, respectively, and ΔHf° represents the standard enthalpy of formation. You will also need to use the ΔH values for the individual reactions involved in the process.

2. What is Hess' Law and how does it relate to predicting ΔH?

Hess' Law states that the total enthalpy change for a reaction is the same regardless of the pathway taken from reactants to products. This means that the enthalpy change for a reaction can be calculated by adding the enthalpy changes of individual reactions that make up the overall reaction. In the case of predicting ΔH for NaOH(s) to NaOH(g), we can use Hess' Law to calculate the enthalpy change by combining known reactions that make up the overall process.

3. What are the limitations of using Hess' Law to predict ΔH?

Hess' Law assumes that the reactions involved are taking place under standard conditions (25°C and 1 atm pressure) and that the reactants and products are in their standard states. This means that the predicted ΔH may not be accurate if the reactions occur under different conditions or if the substances are not in their standard states.

4. Can Hess' Law be applied to any chemical reaction?

Yes, Hess' Law can be applied to any chemical reaction as long as the reactions involved are thermodynamically feasible and the above mentioned limitations are taken into consideration.

5. Are there any other methods to predict ΔH besides using Hess' Law?

Yes, there are other methods such as using bond enthalpies or calorimetry to directly measure the enthalpy change for a reaction. However, these methods may not be suitable for all reactions and may require more resources and equipment. Hess' Law is a useful and commonly used method for predicting ΔH in many cases.
