Calculate Impact Force Of a Truck Hitting a Deer

In summary, there is a discussion about calculating the impact of a truck hitting a deer at 55mph and the potential damage to the front axle. There is speculation about the force involved and suggestions to gather evidence from other documented collisions. The individual is seeking help with the math and plans to gather more information to prove the insurer wrong.
  • #1
Trying to calculate the impact of an 8000 lb. truck moving at a rate of 55mph, hitting a 200 lb deer that is standing still in the middle of the road. Does assuming it is a localized hit make any difference? What i mean is, if the deer was hit from the back, and his 200lb wieght was focused in a 2 foot wide area on the front of the truck. Thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
What a cruel question :D

Perhaps it would be best to idealize and use conservation of momentum.
  • #3
The reason i am trying to figure it out is for an insurance claim. Not trying to be cruel and evil lol.
  • #4
The change in momentum is easy to calculate: The speed after impact would have been
55X(8000/8200) mph, assuming the deer sticks to the front of the vehicle. This is probably not too relevant as the brakes would have been applied before - or immediately after the impact.

But the Force involved is less easy. The same change in momentum can be achieved by a range of forces and the times they are applied. It's called Impulse.
Impulse = Force X time
Small force X long time can be the same as large force X short time
I assume you didn't have a timer or video camera running so you can't estimate the time taken for the actual impact. I guess your insurer will be aware that any force estimate you were to give would be very speculative. Perhaps they are waiting for you to make a preposterous claim which they can then reject? Are they, perhaps, implying that you were driving too fast?

There is a lot of data, taken from human collisions, which connects front-end damage to vehices (and humans) by body impact with speed of vehicle. You could, perhaps, conduct your own experiments - using insurance inspectors as your subjects. :devil:
  • #5
They are insuring me for the body damage on the truck, but there is also damage to my front axle. They are trying to say there is no way that a hitting a deer could crack a weld on the axle, that's why I'm trying to figure out impact forces to prove them wrong(not looking for exact numbers even). I am pretty sure hitting a 200 lb object in the road, me going 50mph or so, is enough impact to do the damage. BTW, i'll be honest, I'm not that good at complicated math, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • #6
I see your problem but I don't think it's soluble theoretically. You need evidence of other documented collisions.
There could be 'off roader' websites / forums with discussions of collision damage. You are clearly not the first person to have hit a large animal in a truck. I remember riding in my Dad's Peugeot 403 across Bodmin Moor when we hit a steer in a patch of fog. It took out the whole of the front end. It was as if we'd hit a tree.
I think your insurer is 'trying it on' so keep posting queries on every 4+4 website you can find . Someone will be able to help, I'm sure, and give you your evidence.
btw, did you get a photo at the crash site?

FAQ: Calculate Impact Force Of a Truck Hitting a Deer

1. How do you calculate the impact force of a truck hitting a deer?

The impact force of a truck hitting a deer can be calculated using the formula: force = mass x acceleration. First, you will need to determine the mass of the truck and the deer. Then, you will need to measure the speed or velocity of the truck before impact and calculate the change in velocity after impact. Finally, plug these values into the formula to determine the impact force.

2. What factors affect the impact force of a truck hitting a deer?

The impact force of a truck hitting a deer can be affected by several factors, including the speed and weight of the truck, the speed and weight of the deer, and the angle and surface area of impact. Other factors such as road conditions and weather may also have an impact on the force.

3. How does the size of the deer impact the force of a truck hitting it?

The size of the deer can have a significant impact on the force of a truck hitting it. A larger deer will have more mass, meaning it will require more force to change its velocity. This can result in a higher impact force compared to hitting a smaller deer.

4. Is the impact force of a truck hitting a deer dangerous for the truck occupants?

The impact force of a truck hitting a deer can be dangerous for the truck occupants, especially if the force is high enough to cause significant damage to the vehicle. The force can also cause the truck to lose control, putting the occupants at risk of further accidents.

5. How can the impact force of a truck hitting a deer be reduced?

The impact force of a truck hitting a deer can be reduced by implementing safety measures such as installing deer guards or warning systems, reducing driving speed in areas with high deer populations, and practicing defensive driving techniques. These measures can help decrease the chances of a collision and minimize the impact force if one does occur.
