Good Book(s) for Self-learning Classical Physics

In summary, members of the PF group recommended various textbooks for learning classical physics, including Feynman's Lectures on Physics, University Physics by Young & Freeman, and Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday & Resnick. They also suggested that the OP, who is familiar with calculus, should not worry about starting with a calculus-based book. Other recommendations included Serway's Physics for Scientists and Engineers and Spivak's Calculus. Some members also mentioned the importance of understanding calculus for learning classical mechanics.
  • #1
Hello PF group. Long time reader, first time poster.

Can someone please make some recommendations for a good classical physics textbook, particularity suited to self-learning classical physics? I'd also like the recommendation to not be calculus based. My preferences are for something comprehensive, with many examples and practice exercises, since I would be studying and evaluated my performance on my own. Subjects to be included:

Newton's Laws
Conservation Laws
Applications of Newtonian Mechanics
Waves and Optics
Electricity and Magnetism

I'm decently versed on all the above topics, I'd just like something to review to solidify my skills before I start my university course.

Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
I always recommend for such learning the Feynman's Lectures on Physics - many editions in all languages...
You may also try (free) Christoph Schiller's Motion Mountain: - some of my (especially young) students like it more than Feynman's - it is more 'pop-culture' attractive, but still quite serious and reliable

A must be harsh: you can't avoid calculus while studying physics at university (or even college) level.
  • #3
xts said:
I always recommend for such learning the Feynman's Lectures on Physics - many editions in all languages...
You may also try (free) Christoph Schiller's Motion Mountain: - some of my (especially young) students like it more than Feynman's - it is more 'pop-culture' attractive, but still quite serious and reliable

A must be harsh: you can't avoid calculus while studying physics at university (or even college) level.

Thanks, I'm looking for an alternative to Feynman. Additionally, I do not like learning large amounts of information online. Check out - The Shallows by Carr.

I'm not trying to avoid calculus, in fact I love calculus. I just want to solidify my intuitive understanding before I bring calculus into the picture, even if that only means a superficial understanding of the true nature of things.
  • #4
If you want to learn freshmen physics i suggest - University Physics by Young & Freeman will suffice. It covers Netwonian Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics, Electricity&Magnetism, Special Relativity + some modern physics.
Should be at its 11th or 12th edition.

If you want a little more advance classical mechanics text that covers Calculus of Variation, Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Formalism , Two Body Problems etc. , try:

Analytical Mechanics - Fowles & Cassiday (easiest to read imo)
Classical Dynamics of Particles and system - Marion & Thorton,
Analytical Mechanics - Hand & Finch,
Classical Mechanics - Goldstein (might be alittle tough)
Classical Mechanics - Kibble

hope this helps

  • #5
yinx said:
If you want to learn freshmen physics i suggest - University Physics by Young & Freeman will suffice. It covers Netwonian Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Optics, Electricity&Magnetism, Special Relativity + some modern physics.
Should be at its 11th or 12th edition.

If you want a little more advance classical mechanics text that covers Calculus of Variation, Lagrangian & Hamiltonian Formalism , Two Body Problems etc. , try:

Analytical Mechanics - Fowles & Cassiday (easiest to read imo)
Classical Dynamics of Particles and system - Marion & Thorton,
Analytical Mechanics - Hand & Finch,
Classical Mechanics - Goldstein (might be alittle tough)
Classical Mechanics - Kibble

hope this helps


Thanks for the suggestions, I will look over these titles at the library.

After my post has been reclassified, I've read over the other threads in this category and am realizing the redundancy of my question. Although, it's always best to get more input.

Thanks again.
  • #6
Mancuso said:
Thanks for the suggestions, I will look over these titles at the library.

After my post has been reclassified, I've read over the other threads in this category and am realizing the redundancy of my question. Although, it's always best to get more input.
Thanks again.

Since you do know calculus, you should not really worry about starting with a calculus-based book. Most "university" physics books have to start out light on calculus and ramp up gradually because they can't assume mastery from Freshman students.

Feynman was teaching at Caltech, so the math level ramps up pretty quickly.

An old edition of Halliday & Resnick's Fundamentals of Physics covers all your topics and the light amount of calculus used (at least in the beginning) should not get in the way of intuition. Or get an old edition of Physics (no "Fundamentals" in the title) for more challenging problem sets.
  • #7
Daverz said:
Since you do know calculus, you should not really worry about starting with a calculus-based book. Most "university" physics books have to start out light on calculus and ramp up gradually because they can't assume mastery from Freshman students.

Feynman was teaching at Caltech, so the math level ramps up pretty quickly.

An old edition of Halliday & Resnick's Fundamentals of Physics covers all your topics and the light amount of calculus used (at least in the beginning) should not get in the way of intuition. Or get an old edition of Physics (no "Fundamentals" in the title) for more challenging problem sets.

Thanks, I've heard good things about Halliday and Resnick's books. I've also heard good things about Kleppner and Kolenkow. Any feedback on their book Mechanics?

I'm a big fan of Spivak's Calculus. Self-contained and rigorous. I don't learn much from door-stop sized plug-and-chug style books.
  • #8
Since it has been mentioned yet, I like Serway's Physics for Scientists and Engineers.

I am currently using Fundamentals of Physics (9th edition extended) and I must say it is a good book.
  • #9
Ivan92 said:
Since it has been mentioned yet, I like Serway's Physics for Scientists and Engineers.

I am currently using Fundamentals of Physics (9th edition extended) and I must say it is a good book.

I am taking Electrical and Computer Engineering in the fall, so I do appreciate the practical aspect of books like Serway. Thanks.
  • #10
To learn classical mechanics, what are the mathematical aspects that one needs to be aware of? Usually a textbook like goldstein takes how many months to read?
  • #11
Vinay Hebbar said:
To learn classical mechanics, what are the mathematical aspects that one needs to be aware of? Usually a textbook like goldstein takes how many months to read?

I guess people don't see threads after all.. What a drag
  • #12
Vinay Hebbar said:
I guess people don't see threads after all.. What a drag

Your question was rather vague; I'm not surprised it wasn't answered. Classical Mechanics? What's that? Is it what's covered in Spivak's Mechanics book, or is it the non-calculus based mechanics, or maybe even the calculus based mechanics? Also, textbooks take a varying amount of time to work through. Working through a few chapters, a few problems, or all of the book, and how much time is allotted every day?

Non-calculus based classical mechanics should not take very long to complete, maybe a little under 3 months for an in-depth coverage.
Rigorous calculus-based mechanics? Expect a bit more time dedicated to understanding all the derivations and what-not.

Be good with : vectors, trigonometry, some calculus (if calc-based), and a lot of algebra. Mostly problem solving too.
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  • #13
DivisionByZro said:
Your question was rather vague; I'm not surprised it wasn't answered. Classical Mechanics? What's that? Is it what's covered in Spivak's Mechanics book, or is it the non-calculus based mechanics, or maybe even the calculus based mechanics? Also, textbooks take a varying amount of time to work through. Working through a few chapters, a few problems, or all of the book, and how much time is allotted every day?

Non-calculus based classical mechanics should not take very long to complete, maybe a little under 3 months for an in-depth coverage.
Rigorous calculus-based mechanics? Expect a bit more time dedicated to understanding all the derivations and what-not.

Be good with : vectors, trigonometry, some calculus (if calc-based), and a lot of algebra. Mostly problem solving too.

Ok thanks.. To start up with classical mechanics, what methods do u suggest? I mean I am yet to start.. I really got to give it a go.. Tell some tips, structured format of studying or so?
  • #14
I'm not sure of what you are asking here. The best way to do it (assuming self-study) is to pick up a book mentioned above (I liked Halliday and Resnick), reads the chapters carefully. Work through all the examples. Supplement that with some online videos (Khanacademy maybe?) and then work through as many problems as you can.
  • #15
DivisionByZro said:
I'm not sure of what you are asking here. The best way to do it (assuming self-study) is to pick up a book mentioned above (I liked Halliday and Resnick), reads the chapters carefully. Work through all the examples. Supplement that with some online videos (Khanacademy maybe?) and then work through as many problems as you can.

What would happen if i try to work out problems from standard texts? Before that, i should know some basics.. Would resnick support that and i can carry with standard texts? If still not capable of handling standard texts, then why?

FAQ: Good Book(s) for Self-learning Classical Physics

What are some good books for self-learning classical physics?

Some popular books for self-learning classical physics include "University Physics" by Young and Freedman, "Fundamentals of Physics" by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, and "Classical Mechanics" by Taylor.

What level of knowledge is required for these books?

These books are suitable for beginners as well as intermediate learners. They cover the fundamental concepts of classical physics and do not require advanced knowledge in mathematics or physics.

Are there any online resources available for self-learning classical physics?

Yes, there are many online resources such as video lectures, tutorials, and practice problems available for self-learning classical physics. Some popular websites include Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, and Physics Classroom.

Do these books cover all topics in classical physics?

Most of these books cover a wide range of topics in classical physics such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and optics. However, it is always recommended to consult multiple sources for a comprehensive understanding.

Can these books be used for self-study or do they require a teacher/instructor?

These books are designed for self-study and can be used without the guidance of a teacher or instructor. However, it is always beneficial to seek help from a teacher or join a study group for better understanding and clarification of concepts.

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