What is the significance of Hermitian components in operators?

  • Thread starter ehrenfest
  • Start date
The first sentence says that a_p is *not* an observable. That's why it can be imaginary. It is needed for the math though.In summary, the conversation discusses the verification of the expression for q1(t) in equation 10.52 and how it is only true if adjoint (a_p) = a_p and adjoint(a_{-p}) = a_{-p}. The conversation then delves into a disagreement over the real part of the expression for a(t) in equation 10.49 and whether or not it should be treated as the operator for q_1(t). It is clarified that the creation and annihilation operators are not observables and do not need to be
  • #1

Homework Statement

I tried to verify the expression for q1(t) in equation 10.52 and found that it was only true if
adjoint (a_p) = a_p and adjoint(a_{-p}) = a_{-p}. Am I missing something?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
ehrenfest said:
I tried to verify the expression for q1(t) in equation 10.52 and found that it was only true if
adjoint (a_p) = a_p and adjoint(a_{-p}) = a_{-p}. Am I missing something?
Equations (10.52) have nothing to do with [itex]a_p[/itex]. For the first of these two equations just add equation (10.39) page 173 to its adjoint. For the second one, add equation (10.41) to its adjoint.
  • #3
Yes. You could do that.

But also, the equation for q1 in 10.52 says that one half of a(t) plus its adjoint must be equal to the real part of a(t). If you use the expression in 10.49 for a(t) and its adjoint that is when I run into problems.
  • #4
Now I see what you mean. You are treating the first term on the r.h.s of the first of equations (10.49) as if it were the operator [itex]q_1(t)[/itex]. but it is not.
  • #5
jimmysnyder said:
Now I see what you mean. You are treating the first term on the r.h.s of the first of equations (10.49) as if it were the operator [itex]q_1(t)[/itex]. but it is not.

No. I am treating the real part of the expression for a(t) in 10.49 as if it were the operator for [itex]q_1(t)[/itex]. I rewrote everything in terms of sines and cosines and found the real part.
  • #6
ehrenfest said:
No. I am treating the real part of the expression for a(t) in 10.49 as if it were the operator for [itex]q_1(t)[/itex]. I rewrote everything in terms of sines and cosines and found the real part.
Sorry, that was an assumption on my part. Can you show us what you did?
  • #7
I'll show it step by step.
Do you agree that

[tex]q_1(t) = cos(E_p t)a_{p} + cos(E_p t) a_{-p}^{\dag} [/tex]
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  • #8
ehrenfest said:
I'll show it step by step.
Do you agree that

[tex]q_1(t) = cos(E_p t)a_{p} + cos(E_p t) a_{-p}^{\dag}[/tex]
It doesn't look too good. The l.h.s. is hermitian, but the r.h.s. isn't. How did you derive it?
  • #9
It is just the real part of a(t) from equation 10.49 . Just use Euler's formula.
  • #10
ehrenfest said:
It is just the real part of a(t) from equation 10.49 . Just use Euler's formula.
I see now. What is the real part of [itex]ie^{-iE_pt}[/itex]?
  • #11
Do you mean "what is the real part of [itex]e^{-iE_pt}[/itex]?"

Then it would be cos(E_p t).
  • #12
ehrenfest said:
It is just the real part of a(t) from equation 10.49 . Just use Euler's formula.

I guess by "real part" you mean that you dropped all the terms with a factor of i?
You can't do that because "a" itself (and a^dagger) must be viewed as an imaginary quantity! You must keep *all* the terms including those with factors of i!
The way you can show that the result is real is to show that q_1^dagger gives back q_1.

When I write down q_1, it has a total of 8 terms. But one can see right away that q_1^dagger =q_1 as is obvious from 10.52.

Hope this makes sense
  • #13
ehrenfest said:
Do you mean "what is the real part of [itex]e^{-iE_pt}[/itex]?"

Then it would be cos(E_p t).
No, I meant it as I wrote it. This is a trivial multiplication after using the Euler formula. Get this right and nrqed's post will be clear to you.
  • #14
nrqed said:
I guess by "real part" you mean that you dropped all the terms with a factor of i?
Yes, that's what I did.

nrqed said:
You can't do that because "a" itself (and a^dagger) must be viewed as an imaginary quantity! Y

I am kind of confused about why you wrote "imaginary" and not "complex" and why jimmmysnyder replaced the a_p with an i.

Moreover, why shouldn't the creation and annhilation operators both be real since you cannot create an imaginary particle or destroy a particle and get an imaginary result? Maybe I just don't understand creation and annhilation operators.
  • #15
ehrenfest said:
Yes, that's what I did.

I am kind of confused about why you wrote "imaginary" and not "complex" and why jimmmysnyder replaced the a_p with an i.

I don't think that Jimmy was replacing a_p with an i. I think he was just checking something about how you picked the real and imaginary parts. I am not too sure what he meant to explain next.
Moreover, why shouldn't the creation and annhilation operators both be real since you cannot create an imaginary particle or destroy a particle and get an imaginary result? Maybe I just don't understand creation and annhilation operators.
The fact that the operators are not "real" has nothing to do with the partilces they create or annihilate.

I guess we have to step back a second. The first thing is that since we are talking about operators and not numbers, we should not really talk about whether they are real or imaginary. We should talk instead about whether they are hermitian or not. If an operator is hermitian, then A^dagger= A. An operator which is associated to an observable (something that can be measured) must be hermitian. This is the case for q and p. On the other hand, "a" and "a^dagger" are not observables (in the sense that their eigenvalues are not things that are measured). So they do not need to be hermitian...and indeed they are *not* hermitian.
  • #16
ehrenfest said:
I am kind of confused about why ... jimmmysnyder replaced the a_p with an i.
I'm sorry for the confusion and I promise to clear it up as soon as you tell me the answer.
  • #17
ehrenfest said:
Moreover, why shouldn't the creation and annhilation operators both be real since you cannot create an imaginary particle or destroy a particle and get an imaginary result? Maybe I just don't understand creation and annhilation operators.
Reread the paragraph below equation (10.44) on page 173.
  • #18
OK. So in conclusion you cannot find the real part of an expression with non-Hermitian operators just by taking out the factors of i.
  • #19
ehrenfest said:
OK. So in conclusion you cannot find the real part of an expression with non-Hermitian operators just by taking out the factors of i.


One does not even talk about "real" and "imaginary" part of an operator. One talks about the hermitian and non-hermitian componeents.

for any operator A, one may write

[tex] A = \frac{1}{2} ( A+ A^\dagger) + \frac{1}{2} (A - A^\dagger) [/tex]

The first term is hermitian by construction (for any operator A) and the second term is not hermitian by construction.
If the operator A is hermitian, the second term will be zero, obviously.

FAQ: What is the significance of Hermitian components in operators?

1. What is the significance of pages 174-175 in Zwiebach's book?

Pages 174-175 in Zwiebach's book, "A First Course in String Theory," discuss the concept of open strings and their boundary conditions. This is an important topic in string theory as it helps explain how particles interact with each other.

2. Can you explain the "Dirichlet" boundary condition mentioned on page 174?

The "Dirichlet" boundary condition refers to the constraint that the endpoints of an open string must be fixed in space. This means that the string cannot move freely in all directions, but rather it is restricted to a specific location in space.

3. How does the "Neumann" boundary condition differ from the "Dirichlet" condition?

The "Neumann" boundary condition also involves fixed endpoints for an open string, but in this case, the string is allowed to move freely in all directions at the endpoints. This condition is often used to describe the behavior of closed strings.

4. On page 175, Zwiebach mentions "D-branes." What are these and why are they important in string theory?

D-branes are objects that can be described as surfaces where open strings can end. They play a crucial role in string theory as they allow for the incorporation of gravity into the theory and help explain the behavior of particles at high energies.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the concepts discussed on pages 174-175?

While the concepts discussed on pages 174-175 are primarily used in string theory and theoretical physics, they have also found applications in other fields such as condensed matter physics and cosmology. The understanding of open string boundary conditions has helped researchers gain insights into the behavior of various physical systems.
