My potential supervisor is SO hot

In summary, Micro thinks that if she chooses to take the project with her potential supervisor, she will likely be disappointed. She likes the way he thinks, but is worried about how he would handle things if they were to actually get together.
  • #1
My potential supervisor is SO hot!

long time no see...

I just have to let this out somewhere. and Here is the only place I can do this! forgive me!


ok, so I'm on the course, and we have to choose supervisors for our projects. so I've been visiting potential supervisors. and there is one really interesting project, and the supervisor is super nice and super nice and super nice! and super nice! as in really hot. But more than that! lol.

No seriously, as in kind and professional, and caring! and knows that I don't know ANYTHING! and doesn't expect me to know anything either. But not in a patronising way. Yeah... its so strange! Anyway, so I was trying to be really chill and not freak out or stare inappropriately. And he basically talked about the project for like 45 minutes straight! I understood like half of what he was saying... the rest was kind of blank stares from me and him drawing pictures to explain...

Anyway, so what I want to ask is this: Should I choose his project or not?

Pro: interesting project, lots I would learn, get to be trained by hot supervisor 1 on 1! and stare at him for 6 months every day.

Con: What if it gets really awkward...?! Obviously I'ma going to be really professional and not do stupid things. But what if he doesn't like me and I feel really rejected and start getting down and feeling inadequate? Or what if I start finding him irritating or something? You know they say its a fine line between love and hate!

Should I try to find a equally interesting project with a supervisor who I feel indifferent about?

Well, right now my mind is all clouded up so the obvious answer is NO! and plus, I like him mostly because of the way he thinks anyway. yes... action justified!
Physics news on
  • #2

Do you like the subject of the project?? Do you like the explanations of your potential supervisor?? I think these things are a bit more important that how hot the guy is :-p
  • #3

Hi Micro!

The subject... meh! Its about some pathway and I hate pathways! but I think I will have to grow to like them because everything is about pathways...

But I DO like the way he explains stuff! Its very good! I like the way he thinks about making the experiments conclusive...?! Well, making the results indisputable anyway :)
  • #4

I wonder what would happen if we actually got together...? lol I think it would go downhill very quickly!

It wouldn't be hot anymore if it was real!
  • #5

To be honest, its not even the way he looks! Its like something else. Its definitely personality. yes, that's it! :p
  • #6

nucleargirl said:
Hi Micro!

The subject... meh! Its about some pathway and I hate pathways! but I think I will have to grow to like them because everything is about pathways...

Not good D:

But I DO like the way he explains stuff! Its very good! I like the way he thinks about making the experiments conclusive...?! Well, making the results indisputable anyway :)

That's good.

But know that if you DO take him, then you will likely end up being disappointed in him. Nobody is perfect. Sure, you like him now. But what if he tells you that your work was wrong and that you should start again. Can you handle that? Such things can be very heavy!
What if he starts pushing you to do more work while you are already drowning in work?? What if he doesn't really seem interested in the project??

His hotness is a pro, but I think it's much more important that your personalities match. If you're an easy-going person, then your advisor should be as well. If you're a workaholic, then your advisor should be as well. Etc.
Not matching personalities can cause LOTS of grief.
  • #7

nucleargirl said:
oh... I hope he chooses me! I think there are a few other students also interested in his project... and when I met him I was trying too hard to be chill so maybe I came off as quite uninterested... oh... I think we'd match well! I hope he liked me!

It might be a good idea to email him some interesting questions about his project? This might show that you're interested...
  • #8

omg GOT A PIC?:ddDDD
  • #9

  • #10

But he's taller than me by a bit, and kinda buff... lol what a rare find! a buff professor! and has no ring on his finger! but that might just be for practical reasons. like older than me, but not too old. and you can tell he works hard cos he has thinking lines on his face...
  • #11

:))) and I wonder if he smiles? cos he didnt really smile properly when I met him... interesting...
  • #12

soooo hot... and he wears black shirts... so HOT!
  • #13

If he's over 35 yrs old he's too old mate.
  • #14

Nothing is too old. But holy crap, you seem to be excited! If you found someone that makes you enjoy learning something you probably have to learn like you said, then I suggest you throw yourself at him
  • #15

Good lord, just focus on the project okay? If you're into the whole "I like-like teachers" thing, just date a high school teacher and be done with it. There's far too much trouble you could get into by trying to go out/have a fling with a prof.

Rules may vary from uni to uni but if I'm not mistaken, even when student-prof relationships are "okay", they aren't allowed if the student is taking their class?
  • #16

Wow, this guy has really got you in a tizzy. If he were your supervisor do you think you would ever be able to get anything done or would you just stare and day dream about him every minute of every day?
  • #17

Watch out, NG! You should protect your own academic integrity before engaging in any dalliance, however slight. Some things last longer than others.
  • #18

turbo said:
Watch out, NG! You should protect your own academic integrity before engaging in any dalliance, however slight. Some things last longer than others.

Sound advice.

Proceed with caution, nucleargirl! :wink:
  • #19

:))) thanks for the advice.

Today he e-mailed back! and basically it was only 6 words but it means he's ok with it if I choose his project, and that he doesn't dislike me. hopefully. Ahhhh! I've lost interest in all the other projects now! and I've become paranoid someone else from the class will also choose his project! NO¬!

ah... what to do? I'm almost tempted to read his project properly and think of some questions to ask him and look even more interested so he will choose me! hm... but I'm also scared of being really obvious if I do meet him again... I think he could tell last time!

  • #20

nucleargirl said:
:))) thanks for the advice.

Today he e-mailed back! and basically it was only 6 words but it means he's ok with it if I choose his project, and that he doesn't dislike me. hopefully. Ahhhh! I've lost interest in all the other projects now! and I've become paranoid someone else from the class will also choose his project! NO¬!

ah... what to do? I'm almost tempted to read his project properly and think of some questions to ask him and look even more interested so he will choose me! hm... but I'm also scared of being really obvious if I do meet him again... I think he could tell last time!


Haha wait, this project is part of your degree and you're almost tempted to read it properly? This sounds like it could end in tears! Maybe you should go for something you really want to do? :P
  • #21

nucleargirl said:
:))) thanks for the advice.

Today he e-mailed back! and basically it was only 6 words but it means he's ok with it if I choose his project, and that he doesn't dislike me. hopefully. Ahhhh! I've lost interest in all the other projects now! and I've become paranoid someone else from the class will also choose his project! NO¬!

ah... what to do? I'm almost tempted to read his project properly and think of some questions to ask him and look even more interested so he will choose me! hm... but I'm also scared of being really obvious if I do meet him again... I think he could tell last time!

Like I said before, be careful. Your academic progress comes first. If you choose to get personally involved, you could get burned if things don't turn out well. People who fall "out of love" or even "out of infatuation" with you are not the best folks to have as supervisors.
  • #22

+1 for proceeding with caution.
Such entanglements usually get extremely nasty at the end. You don't have to choose another project if this is what you want to do, but I'd suggest keeping a completely professional attitude.
  • #23

I want to keep a professional attitude! BUt I can't help grinning when I even think about him, nevermind if I was actually talking to him!
  • #24

nucleargirl said:
I want to keep a professional attitude! BUt I can't help grinning when I even think about him, nevermind if I was actually talking to him!
Oh, oh! You've got the hots and you'll act impulsively. I wish you good luck with that.
  • #26

If I get him as my supervisor, I think I will try to work hard and impress him that way :)
I think he would be a really good supervisor. What goes on in my head will stay in my head!
  • #27

I think I like him because he is pretty much everything I want to be? except a man of course. and older. So its good. I can become more like him. Thats probably what would be the best about doing a phd - spending so much time in close contact with someone you admire intensely and who will teach you to be like them. You could never be friends with someone this way, nor in a job really. This is what's unique about phd training i guess. I so hope I get him! totally selfish reasons. I would like to be a supervisor one day and shape someone else's mind.
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  • #28

Seriously, this is great! I was just actually reading his papers (to see his writing style) which are about pathways! and its not too bad, Its actually pretty exciting.
  • #29

oh... I'm so hopelessly obsessed!
tomorrow I'm going to see another supervisor... but they work in the same lab... so I might see... What to do?!

  • #30

I'm scared...
  • #31

up early to get all my work done! YAHHHH!
  • #32

Even if you are committed to being and acting professional around this person the apparent intensity of your attraction for him may start to effect your work performance if you are in close contact on a regular basis while trying to keep your feelings bottled up. Perhaps you will "settle in" and not be so intense once you get used to being around him. It may just get worse. You should know how you tend to react in such situations, so keep that in mind.
  • #33

No good can come of this. You really need to think of your degree goals and nothing else.

Basically don't mix the two because in the end you risk getting neither. Workplace romances usually end in bitterness with one party leaving because the pain is too great.

You're so excited, he can see that and that gives him the advantage in any relationship you might have. If he's so hot then there's sure to be others who will try to win him as well so longterm you will be fighting off these urges in him making it painful for you.
  • #34

I didn't see him today... was disappointing...
:( sadness
  • #35

he's too hot to not have a girlfriend or at least girls chasing after him...
its going to be a lot of pain and heartache!

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