Does Electron Cloud Distribution Affect the Repulsion Between Atoms?

In summary, atoms repel each other due to their electric fields, regardless of the position of their electrons. The mainstream view in quantum mechanics is that systems do not have definite positions or momenta, and quantum fluctuations are intrinsic. This means that the electron in hydrogen can be at different distances from the second atom, resulting in a weaker or stronger electric field depending on the inverse square law. However, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that we can only predict the state of a quantum system to a certain accuracy, and the actual position of the electron can only be determined through measurement. ZapperZ's article explains this misconception and clarifies that the electron is always somewhere in its cloud, but we can only determine its exact position through measurement
  • #1
Why do atoms repel each other when their electrons aren't in any defined region of space? If we think of the electron as completely smeared out over the whole volume of the orbital, is the electric field just distributed evenly and continuously across it? Or do electrons always have a definite region in space and a definite momentum its just that we cannot measure them to exact precision?

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  • #2
Jd0g33 said:
Why do atoms repel each other when their electrons aren't in any defined region of space?

They have electric fields and mutual electric repulsion (or attraction) persists as a result. It's as simple as that.

Jd0g33 said:
Or do electrons always have a definite region in space and a definite momentum its just that we cannot measure them to exact precision?

If you try to interpret QM like that you will inevitably run into quite a few serious problems. The mainstream view is that quantum fluctuations of observables are intrinsic and not due to our own ignorance. Systems simply do not "possess" position or momentum in general.
  • #3
WannabeNewton said:
They have electric fields and mutual electric repulsion (or attraction) persists as a result. It's as simple as that.

But where do we measure the source of the electric field. In hydrogen, the electron could be different distances from the second atom about to collide. If the radius is 10^-10 meters, then the field could be much weaker if it was on the opposite side of its nucleus with respect to the incoming atom, right? (inverse square law)
  • #4
I think I understand. I just read ZapperZ's article on the HUP misinterpretation. What I got from it is essentially this: Quantum mechanics is a theory that tells us how accurately we can predict the state of a quantum system, but we can always MEASURE a system to an arbitrary accuracy based on how good our device is. So the electron is always somewhere in the cloud, we just don't know where until we measure?

Zz's article:
  • #5
for your question. The concept of the electron cloud can be confusing, but it is important to understand that the behavior of atoms is governed by the principles of quantum mechanics, which can be quite different from our everyday experiences in the macroscopic world.

In quantum mechanics, the position and momentum of an electron cannot be known simultaneously with 100% accuracy. This is known as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This means that electrons do not have a definite region in space or a definite momentum. Instead, they exist as a probability distribution, or "cloud," around the nucleus.

When two atoms come close together, their electron clouds overlap. This overlap creates a repulsive force between the atoms, known as the Pauli exclusion principle. This principle states that no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state, so when their clouds overlap, the electrons must move to different states, resulting in a repulsive force.

So, to answer your questions, the electric field around an atom is not evenly distributed, but rather it is determined by the probability distribution of the electrons in the cloud. And while electrons do not have a definite position or momentum, they still have a defined region in space based on their probability distribution. It is just that we cannot measure them with exact precision.

I hope this helps to clarify any confusion about the electron cloud and its role in the repulsion between atoms. It is a fascinating concept that highlights the unique behavior of particles on a quantum level.

FAQ: Does Electron Cloud Distribution Affect the Repulsion Between Atoms?

What is electron cloud confusion?

Electron cloud confusion refers to a common misconception about the location and movement of electrons in atoms.

Why is it called electron cloud confusion?

It is called electron cloud confusion because the term "electron cloud" is often used to describe the area around an atom where electrons are likely to be found, but this can be misleading as electrons do not actually exist in a cloud-like formation.

What is the correct model of electron distribution in an atom?

The correct model of electron distribution in an atom is the quantum mechanical model, which describes electrons as existing in regions of probability called orbitals.

Why is it important to understand the true nature of electron distribution?

Understanding the true nature of electron distribution is important because it is the basis for understanding chemical bonding, the behavior of atoms in chemical reactions, and the properties of different elements and compounds.

How can one avoid falling into the trap of electron cloud confusion?

One can avoid falling into the trap of electron cloud confusion by learning about the quantum mechanical model of electron distribution and understanding that the term "electron cloud" is just a simplified way of describing the probability of finding electrons in certain regions around an atom.

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