Volume of water in a pond HELP

In summary, the conversation discussed estimating the volume of water in a circular pond using Simpson's Rule and a quadratic model. Using Simpson's Rule, the estimated volume was 1,366,592.804 cubic feet. Another strategy for estimating the volume was also mentioned, but further details were not provided.
  • #1
Volume of water in a pond HELP!

1) A pond is approximately circular, with a diameter of 400 feet. Starting at the center, the depth of the water is measured every 25 feet and recorded in the table below.

Center 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
20 19 19 17 15 14 10 6 0a) One way to view the trapezoidal approximation of an integral is to say that on each subinterval you approximate by a first-degree polynomial. In Simpson’s Rule, named after the English mathematician Thomas Simpson (1710-1761), you take this procedure one step further and approximate
by second-degree polynomials. Using Simpson’s Rule, estimate the volume of water in the pond. Try your best to ensure that your estimation, if in error, has an error that is less than 0.01!b) Determine a quadratic model that describes the relationship between the distance from center and the depth of the water. Please use the distance from center as your independent variable in this model.
c) Provide an alternative strategy for estimating the volume of water in the pond, preferably one that involves familiar integration techniques and involves algebraic or symbolic manipulation.

Now use the result of this integration to approximate the number of gallons of water in the pond.My attempt at an answer:

Simpson's Rule:

the integral from a to b of f(x) dx is approximately:
((b-a)/3n)[f(x(sub 0))+4f(x(sub 1))+2f(x(sub 2))+4f(x(sub 3))+...+4f(x(sub n-1))+f(x(sub n))]

Using the rule I came up with 1,366,592.804 cubic feet for Part A but I am not sure that this is right... as far as Parts B and C I am lost...

Any help at all would be great!
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  • #2
We can't check your work without seeing what you did. How did you arrive at that number?
  • #3
Here's my work...


= (50pi/3)[26100]

= 1,366,592.804 cubic feet

FAQ: Volume of water in a pond HELP

1. How is the volume of water in a pond calculated?

The volume of water in a pond can be calculated by multiplying the surface area of the pond by the average depth of the water. This can be done using a simple formula: Volume = Length x Width x Average Depth.

2. How accurate are volume measurements of water in a pond?

The accuracy of volume measurements depends on the method used to calculate it. Using the formula mentioned above can provide a close estimate, but for more accurate measurements, advanced techniques such as remote sensing or sonar technology can be used.

3. Can the volume of water in a pond change over time?

Yes, the volume of water in a pond can change over time due to various factors such as rainfall, evaporation, or human activities. It is important to regularly monitor the water levels in a pond to ensure its health and sustainability.

4. How does the volume of water in a pond affect its ecosystem?

The volume of water in a pond is a crucial factor in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. It can affect the water temperature, nutrient levels, and dissolved oxygen levels, which in turn, can impact the survival and growth of the plants and animals living in the pond.

5. Is there a recommended volume of water for a pond?

The recommended volume of water for a pond depends on various factors such as the size and depth of the pond, the surrounding environment, and the intended use of the pond. Generally, a larger volume of water can support a more diverse and stable ecosystem, but it is important to consider the specific needs of the pond before determining its volume.
