I can't believe it was in my bath tub.

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker accidentally dropped their Scientific American magazine into the water while reading in the tub. They mention being interested in science and share a cool fact about the two slit experiment and how time is affected by gravity. They also mention a magazine they bought about mountain railroading but it got ruined due to rain. They also bring up the Alain Aspect experiment.
  • #1
as I was climbing out of the tub, the only place to relax and read, I dropped my Scientific American magazine into the water. I'm not OVERLY depressed, but I wish I wouldn't have done it. I was only half way through it.
Good thing it was the special dinosaur edition and not one of the interesting ones. Although I must say amber is pretty cool stuff, and I was impressed in the way they can tell what dinosaur they are looking at when all they have are two tiny fragments of an ulna.
Actually now that I've got you here I have a question, not really a question more of a request. I want to know something cool. Got any really cool science facts? I became interested in physics when I read that mediocre novel by Michael Crichton about time travel. In that book he talked about the two slit experiment, it was the first I had heard of it and that made me go out and buy Kip Thorne's book "Black Holes and Time Warps" the greatest beginning physics book ever written. Anyway, I'm getting off track here, the two slit experiment blew me away, another cool fact I have such a hard time explaining to people who ask me what's so cool about physics is how time is affected by gravity. It's hard to explain that the people who program GPS machines have to take into account that time is different in satellites than it is here on earth. It's especially hard when you are trying to explain it to morons, but I still think it is an amazing fact. You got any good ones?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I can't believe it was my car.

I bought the April issue of Trains magazine. It has some neat articles on mountain railroading, including a great centerfold of a BNSF freight running over Marias Pass in Montana. I left it in the car seat, and left the window part way down. The precipitation a couple of nights ago pretty well ruined it.

Have you read up on the Alain Aspect experiment done in the 1980s? Although it confirmed what quantum theorists figured would happen, it still seems spooky to most people.
  • #3

Wow, that's quite a story about your magazine in the bath tub! I can definitely relate to the feeling of regret when something like that happens. It's always a bummer when you're really enjoying a magazine or book and then it gets ruined. But at least it was the dinosaur edition and not one of the more interesting ones, right? And I agree, amber is definitely cool stuff. It's amazing how much information scientists can gather from such small fragments.

As for your request for cool science facts, I have plenty! One of my favorite mind-blowing facts is that there are more possible iterations of a game of chess than there are atoms in the observable universe. It's crazy to think about all the different moves and strategies that can be made in a game of chess.

Another cool fact is that the human nose can remember up to 50,000 different scents. That's why certain smells can bring back such vivid memories and emotions.

And speaking of time and gravity, did you know that time moves slower at the Earth's core than it does on the surface? This is due to the intense gravitational pull at the core, which causes time to slow down.

I could go on and on with cool science facts, but I'll leave you with one more. Did you know that there is a jellyfish that can essentially live forever? The Turritopsis dohrnii is able to revert back to its juvenile form after reaching adulthood, making it essentially immortal.

I hope these facts satisfy your curiosity and keep your interest in physics and science alive. Keep exploring and learning, and who knows what other mind-blowing facts you'll discover. Happy reading!

FAQ: I can't believe it was in my bath tub.

1. What could have caused something unexpected to be in your bath tub?

There are a few possible explanations for this. It could have been accidentally dropped or left behind by someone using the bath tub, it could have been brought in by a pet or other animal, or it could have come from the water supply. It is also possible that it was there all along but went unnoticed until now.

2. Is it safe to use my bath tub if something unexpected was found in it?

It depends on what the unexpected item is. If it is something harmless like a toy or a small object, it is likely safe to use the bath tub after removing it. However, if it is something potentially hazardous or unsanitary, it is best to thoroughly clean and disinfect the tub before using it.

3. How can I prevent unexpected items from ending up in my bath tub?

To prevent this from happening, it is important to be mindful of what you bring into the bathroom and to keep the bath tub area clean and clutter-free. Make sure to also properly seal and store any products or items that could potentially fall or get knocked into the tub. If you have pets, keep them out of the bathroom or supervise them while they are in there.

4. Who should I contact if I find something unexpected in my bath tub?

If the item is concerning or potentially hazardous, it is best to contact your local authorities or a professional cleaning service. If it is something less serious, you can try reaching out to your landlord or a plumber for assistance.

5. Could finding something unexpected in my bath tub be a sign of a bigger issue?

In some cases, yes. If you frequently find unexpected items in your bath tub, it could be a sign of a leak or other plumbing issue. It is important to regularly inspect and maintain your plumbing to prevent potential problems. If you are concerned, it is best to consult a professional plumber for a thorough evaluation.
