How to gain programming experience

In summary,non-expert in C++ can do some programming projects by picking a domain and then a project, listening to other coders, reading books, and devouring as much as they can.
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fluffy123 said:
I've been trying to look around for projects to do in C++ to gain programming experience but I can't really find any. Can anyone here suggest any programming projects a non-expert in C++ can do?

Or would working through this class be a good way to start?

That course looks to be using Python, rather than C++.

As Punky says, games are a good way to practice some parts of programming. What GUI builder will you be using?

In addition to games, you could write a simple calendar and contacts type of program. That will give you practice in data structures and even database stuff if you want to take it farther...
  • #4
I think a good way is to embark on an ambitious project. That's how I taught myself Visual Basic back when I was a high school student. I wanted to replicate the code of a non-playable character in an abandonware game that was originally written in object pascal. The end result was a basic knowledge of object pascal and an intermediate knowledge of Visual Basic.
  • #5
Thanks for the awesome suggestions!
berkeman said:
That course looks to be using Python, rather than C++.

Yeah, I know. I was asking (or meant to ask) if learning python from that course would be a good idea to do in my break.
  • #6
John Carmack's Twitter said:
tip for starting out: When he was young, John Romero made a game for every letter of the alphabet. That was wise.
  • #7
fluffy123 said:
I've been trying to look around for projects to do in C++ to gain programming experience but I can't really find any. Can anyone here suggest any programming projects a non-expert in C++ can do?

Or would working through this class be a good way to start?

Pick a domain and then from that a project that you like and work on it.

On top of this listen to other coders, read books, get open source projects, and just devour as much you can.
  • #8
I've been teaching myself Python recently. I've been using a site called Project Euler. It's good if you want to do more math-oriented programming, as opposed to writing applications, etc. Problems range from easy to complex, and tend to run a wide range of commands required. Give it a look.
  • #9
fluffy123 said:
Yeah, I know. I was asking (or meant to ask) if learning python from that course would be a good idea to do in my break.

If you want to do professional/semi-professional experience with computer programming, then you'll need to go into 6.001. In my life, I've only taken one formal course in computer programming, and that was it.

The story of 6.00 is interesting. There is a generation of people in the late-1970's and early-1980's who started programming at age 6 with TRS-80's and Commodore 64's.

That generation disappeared from universities around 2000, and 6.00 is intended to give people experience that an earlier generation of people would have gotten playing with BASIC.

One other thing that you can do is to learn to program Android apps and flash games.
  • #10
twofish-quant said:
If you want to do professional/semi-professional experience with computer programming, then you'll need to go into 6.001. In my life, I've only taken one formal course in computer programming, and that was it.

The story of 6.00 is interesting. There is a generation of people in the late-1970's and early-1980's who started programming at age 6 with TRS-80's and Commodore 64's.

That generation disappeared from universities around 2000, and 6.00 is intended to give people experience that an earlier generation of people would have gotten playing with BASIC.

One other thing that you can do is to learn to program Android apps and flash games.

Really, 6.001? I kinda got discouraged when I learned it was in scheme...

And what languages should I learn to program Android or iphone apps?
  • #11
Android apps are written in java, iOs apps are written in Objective-C.

Wiki them for more info
  • #12
fluffy123 said:
Really, 6.001? I kinda got discouraged when I learned it was in scheme...

You'll never use Scheme for real-world programming, but you'll learn a lot about programming from that course. About twenty years ago I worked through part of Abelson and Sussman's book Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs using a Scheme interpreter on a Mac, and had a blast.
  • #13
Get A Book On C. It is book that teaches C. It has many exercises. C is the only Lang you need to know, anyway (kidding, kidding)

FAQ: How to gain programming experience

What are the best ways to gain programming experience?

1. Practice coding regularly: The more you code, the better you will become at it. Make time to practice and challenge yourself with new projects.

2. Contribute to open-source projects: Collaborating with others on open-source projects is a great way to gain experience and learn from more experienced developers.

3. Build personal projects: Come up with your own project ideas and work on them. This will not only help you improve your skills, but also showcase your abilities to potential employers.

4. Take online courses or attend workshops: There are many online courses and workshops available that can help you learn new programming skills and gain experience.

5. Seek internships or part-time jobs: Look for internships or part-time jobs in the field of programming. This will give you hands-on experience and allow you to learn from professionals in the industry.

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