Electric Field in Faraday Cage: Effects on Shielding

In summary, the Faraday cage is often used for shielding sensitive electrical equipment. However, in non-static situations, the electric field inside the cage is not always zero. This means that for short periods of time, the electric field can still affect the equipment inside. The skin depth, which determines the depth of penetration of the electric field, depends on the frequency and conductivity of the material. While the electrons in the conductor can cancel out the electric field, they cannot do so at the speed of light and must travel a macroscopic distance. Therefore, the drift velocity of the electrons is sufficient to cancel out the electric field. However, the skin depth does increase with resistivity
  • #1
i heard that a faraday cage is often used in shielding e.g. sensitive electrical equipment. I was just wondering, because, in http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~fajans/Teaching/cartoons/Shielding/TestChargeShielding_files/frame.htm

it seems that the electric field is not zero at ALL times. i.e. there is an interval of time where an electric field does exist inside the cage, before the charges redistribute themselves.

I was just wondering then, for the "shielding" application of the cage, that at that interval of time, couldn't the short-lived electric field still affect sensitive electrical eqipment housed inside? or is the above wrong, and there is another explanation that says that the electrical field is zero at ALL tiems.

Thanks so much!
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  • #2
Electric field cannot penetrate a conductor only in electroSTATICS. That means your suspicion was right - only after the short time necessary for the charges to redistribute, the field inside the conductor becomes zero.

In non-static situations, the electric field inside conductor is not zero at all. Take an electric circuit for most blatant example. If there is a device that maintains potential difference between two points in a conductor, the electric charges will start moving trying to kill the electric field, thus creating a current. They won't be able to kill the field cause the battery is constantly pumping energy. The moment you remove the battery though, the charges redistribute for a short time and the field is zero.
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  • #3
smallphi said:
Electric field cannot penetrate a conductor only in electroSTATICS. That means your suspicion was right - only after the short time necessary for the charges to redistribute, the field inside the conductor becomes zero.

In non-static situations, the electric field inside conductor is not zero at all. Take an electric circuit for most blatant example. If there is a device that maintains potential difference between two points in a conductor, the electric charges will start moving trying to kill the electric field, thus creating a current. They won't be able to kill the field cause the battery is always pumping energy. The moment you remove the battery though, the charges redistribute for a short time and the field is zero.

absolutely false, a faraday cage will cancel all e fields of some frequencies depending on the thickness of cage. a wire is not a faraday. a faraday cage is hollow conductor
  • #4
A high enough frequency penetrates Faraday cage since the electrons can't move fast enough to neutralize the field so what exactly is false in my statement?
  • #5
smallphi said:
A high enough frequency penetrates Faraday cage since the electrons can't move fast enough to neutralize the field so what exactly is false in my statement?

no a high enough frequency penetrates the cage because its skin depth is very low
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  • #6
The skin depth is low because the electrons can't move fast enough to neutralize the field. The dept of penetration of electric field inside a conductor, the so called skin depth, depends on the frequency of the field and on the conductivity of the material. The conductivity is a measure how fast the electrons can move in the material.
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  • #7
smallphi said:
The dept of penetration of electric field inside a conductor, the so called skin depth, depends on the frequency of the field and on the conductivity of the material. The conductivity is a measure how fast the electrons can move in the material.

drift velocity is not the same thing as the propagation of the EM wave. the electrons cancel the field out at the speed of light.
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  • #8
ice109 said:
drift velocity is not the same thing as the propagation of the EM wave. the electrons cancel the field out at the speed of light.

Absolutely false!

Look at a derivation of skin depth. The conductivity, sigma, enters the Maxwell equations through the Om's law: J(current density)= sigma x E (electric field). In that equation sigma represents the ability of the electrons to move against the resistance of the material.

If the electric field is not an idealized plane wave, it varies with position and time. The electrons have to create an excess charge at places where the field is high to cancel it out. An excess charge is not created at the speed of light as you claim because the electrons have to travel macroscopic distances and their speed in conductors is not the speed of light nor is infinite.
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  • #9
smallphi said:
Absolutely false!

Look at a derivation of skin depth. The conductivity, sigma, enters the Maxwell equations through the Om's law: J(current density)= sigma x E (electric field). In that equation sigma represents the ability of the electrons to move against the resistance of the material.

If the electric field is not an idealized plane wave, it varies with position and time. The electrons have to create an excess charge at places where the field is high to cancel it out. An excess charge is not created at the speed of light as you claim because the electrons have to travel macroscopic distances and their speed in conductors is not the speed of light nor is infinite.

1 you keep changing your post, stop doing that
2 you're being very vague with your language so it is difficult to refute you
3 you do realize skin depth increases with resisitivity right?

this is the equation for skin depth for good conductors

[tex] \delta \approx 503 \sqrt{\frac{\rho}{\mu _r f}} [/tex]

notice resistivity is on top.

4 i was wrong about them moving the speed of propagation of the wave to cancel it but they don't need to. they can move the drift velocity and that is plenty fast enough. you're thinking too macroscopically. the electrons are not moving meter or centimeters or even millimeters to cancel the EM wave, they're moving the amplitude of the wave which is very small.
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  • #10
ice109 said:
3 you do realize skin depth increases with resisitivity right?

this is the equation for skin depth for good conductors

[tex] \delta \approx 503 \sqrt{\frac{\rho}{\mu _r f}} [/tex]

notice resistivity is on top.

4 i was wrong about them moving the speed of propagation of the wave to cancel it but they don't need to. they can move the drift velocity and that is plenty fast enough. you're thinking too macroscopically. the electrons are not moving meter or centimeters or even millimeters to cancel the EM wave, they're moving the amplitude of the wave which is very small.

Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity. Big conductivity, sigma, means bigger speeds of electrons, smaller resistivity rho, smaller skin depth. Hence bigger speeds of electrons mean smaller penetration of the field just as I claimed.

The inhomogeneities of the electric field have macroscopic extent. It's impossible for the electrons to move a microscopic distance, yet create an excess charge of macroscopic extent to cancel the field.

Even if the electrons don't have to move a lot, in the case of perfectly homogeneous field, their speed is still governed by the conductivity sigma which is seen by the way sigma enters the Maxwell equations in the derivation of skin depth. It enters through Ohm's law J = sigma E, in which sigma is a measure of how fast the electrons can move in that material. So claiming that the cancelation of the electric field has nothing to do with how fast the electrons can move because they move 'just a little' is plain ridiculous.
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  • #11
you initial post says that faraday cages only work in electrostatic situations , and not in changing fields, do you stand by this or not?
  • #12
That is what you made of my post, not what it says.
  • #13
smallphi said:
Electric field cannot penetrate a conductor only in electroSTATICS. That means your suspicion was right - only after the short time necessary for the charges to redistribute, the field inside the conductor becomes zero.

In non-static situations, the electric field inside conductor is not zero at all. Take an electric circuit for most blatant example. If there is a device that maintains potential difference between two points in a conductor, the electric charges will start moving trying to kill the electric field, thus creating a current. They won't be able to kill the field cause the battery is constantly pumping energy. The moment you remove the battery though, the charges redistribute for a short time and the field is zero.
  • #14
just for amusement, are smallphi and ice109 enemies/rivals? :P
  • #15
As the demonstration on that berkely website shows, in the static case metals shield electric fields from their interior. Anyone familiar with gauss's theorem in electrostatics might like to consider a gaussian surface throughout the interior of the hollow conductor enclosing the cavity to see this.

In the dynamic case things are not so simple. EM waves mostly reflect from metals but a portion of them will continue into the metal, although they are rapidly attenuated on a distance scale called the skin depth, see for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_depth, so that a portion of the incident radiation will penetrate the conductor (although for any macroscopic cage this will be a VERY small portion, as the diagram on the wikipedia article shows).

However, this model is only appropriate up to a certain point. Consider for example gamma rays, which have no problem clearing several centimetres of lead. This is because their frequency is of the order of 10^19 Hz or more. On these timescales the metal no longer acts as a conductor since the microscopic parts of the metal respond far too slowly to move currents around in response to field changes. Indeed, our 'metallic' assumption was that 1 << sigma / (epsilon0 * omega), which begins to look very shaky for omega in the gamma ray regime.

Consequently, very high frequency fields can and do penetrate faraday cages

Also with regard to the current in conductors questions posed above, electrons don't move fast at all in conductors, it's the electromagnetic waves that move fast (how fast the electrons 'notice the other ones moving') which typically travel at ~75% of c (the difference being due to refractive indices or something)

FAQ: Electric Field in Faraday Cage: Effects on Shielding

1. What is a Faraday cage and how does it work?

A Faraday cage is a structure or enclosure made of conductive material, such as copper or aluminum, that is used to block electromagnetic fields. It works by redirecting electromagnetic energy around the exterior of the cage, thus preventing it from entering the interior space.

2. How does the electric field inside a Faraday cage differ from the electric field outside?

The electric field inside a Faraday cage is nearly zero, while the electric field outside can vary depending on the strength of the external electromagnetic field. This is because the conductive material of the cage creates an equal and opposite charge distribution, cancelling out the electric field inside.

3. Can a Faraday cage block all types of electromagnetic radiation?

No, a Faraday cage cannot block all types of electromagnetic radiation. It is most effective at blocking low frequency electromagnetic fields, such as those produced by radio waves or power lines. It may not be as effective at blocking higher frequency radiation, such as X-rays or gamma rays.

4. How does the size and shape of a Faraday cage affect its effectiveness?

The size and shape of a Faraday cage can greatly impact its effectiveness. A larger cage will have a larger surface area for redirecting electromagnetic energy, making it more effective at shielding. Additionally, sharp corners or edges in the cage can weaken its shielding capabilities, so a smooth and rounded design is optimal.

5. Are there any potential dangers or risks associated with using a Faraday cage?

In general, there are no known dangers or risks associated with using a Faraday cage. However, it is important to ensure the cage is properly grounded and any openings or gaps are sealed to prevent any electromagnetic fields from leaking into the interior space. Additionally, care should be taken when using electronic devices inside the cage, as they may not function properly due to the lack of external electromagnetic interference.

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