Linear Algebra vs. Probability Modeling

In summary, there is not a general consensus on which course is harder. It depends on the individual and the course being taken.
  • #1
Hi all, I was wondering which of these two courses is more difficult? I understand the standard caveat that it depends on the institution and the professor but I'm just wondering, in terms of sheer difficulty of the concepts taught in these two courses, is there a general consensus?
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  • #2
If it is proof based linear algebra then I would say that is harder. Then again I am horrible at proofs and not done much of it so some people may find that more interesting.

Between a more applied linear algebra and probability models it is probably a toss up.
  • #3
I personally find probability modeling harder than linear algebra. But I never really had problem with proofs and stuff. But I didn't think the concepts in probability were very easy.
  • #4
No there is not a general consensus.

Linear algebra is for many people their first introduction to proof based and abstract mathematics, and if you are not prepared for it then that can be hard, and for some people very hard. If you are able to understand proof-based and abstract mathematics fairly well, then linear algebra may be a breeze for you, but for most people it is quite challenging.

Probability modelling (I'm assuming it is an introductory course in probability and possibly statistics) can be moderately difficult, but I have never seen anyone with the perspective that such a course is ridiculously hard (though of course it can be made so, but usually isn't). To a large extent you will learn some new concepts, compute integrals, sums, etc. Most concepts are fairly well-grounded in the real world. Sometimes it is taught together with a programmable statistics package like R, and in that case some people can find that a bit hard if they have never seen programming, but usually an introductory course is light on the programming.

Generally I would say that the concepts in linear algebra tends to be harder, but there are also fewer of them so you spend more time on each one.

Personally I found probability modelling harder because I had plenty of experience with proofs so Linear algebra was easy (the pace is obviously set so people who have little experience with proofs can follow).

In the end it depends on your preferences, previous experience, and how the courses are taught (they can be taught very differently depending on the professor's philosophy and the audience).
  • #5
I should specify that it's applied linear algebra I'll be taking. I don't see why they would teach proofs in that class.

The probability modeling class is for engineering majors.
  • #6
I remember that when I took my course of linear algebra, it seemed very abstract and complicated to grasp wat vector spaces, linear maps etc. are. But when I finally understood what this meaned, it all seemed very easy and logical. And a lot of the techniques from linear algebra are essential for physics: matrices,bases, eigenvalues...

About probability, i also believe it's useful for physicists, not really hard but somehow quite boring
  • #7
I noticed that the prerequisite for linear algebra is just Calc 2 while the prerequisite for Probability Modeling is Calc 3 (Multivariable Calc). What concepts from Calc 3 should I expect to see?

FAQ: Linear Algebra vs. Probability Modeling

What is the difference between linear algebra and probability modeling?

Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with operations on linear equations and vector spaces. Probability modeling, on the other hand, is a statistical approach used to analyze and predict the likelihood of events or outcomes.

Which one is more applicable in scientific research?

Both linear algebra and probability modeling are important tools in scientific research. Linear algebra is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science, while probability modeling is commonly used in fields such as biology, economics, and psychology.

Can linear algebra and probability modeling be used together?

Yes, linear algebra and probability modeling can be used together in certain applications. For example, in machine learning, linear algebra is used to represent data and probability modeling is used to make predictions based on that data.

Which one is more useful in data analysis?

Both linear algebra and probability modeling are essential in data analysis. Linear algebra is used to manipulate and analyze large datasets, while probability modeling is used to make predictions and draw conclusions from the data.

Do I need to have a strong background in mathematics to understand linear algebra and probability modeling?

Yes, a strong background in mathematics is necessary to fully understand and apply concepts in linear algebra and probability modeling. However, there are resources available for beginners to learn these subjects and their applications in a more approachable way.

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