Atheist going back to religion for the girls.

  • Thread starter AlexES16
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In summary: A"·$%·"·$? i have to pretend a lot there.Any one with a experience like this, pretend to believe for other purposes? like girls in my case.Well, if you're trying to go out with the intent of finding a serious relationship, then you're going to be sorely disappointed. I don't think you'd be happy with a heavily religious partner, either.
  • #1
Well all my close friends and close family know i am an atheist. But i am going to a group of people that really believe in god and the catholic church, i have to pray and all that stuff, i mean is a very catholic group, people even cry there some times, is a comunity. I go there with my best friend, and he is the only one that knows that i am there for a more dark or whatever purpose, yep that is, i am there for the girls, i mean there is tons of girls and i interact with them and all. In my university there is no girls in engineering, so its the only place in which i am with tons of girls. How bad is this thing that i am doing, i really am an A"·$%·"·$? i have to pretend a lot there.

Any one with a experience like this, pretend to believe for other purposes? like girls in my case.
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  • #2
AlexES16 said:
Well all my close friends and close family know i am an atheist. But i am going to a group of people that really believe in god and the catholic church, i have to pray and all that stuff, i mean is a very catholic group, people even cry there some times, is a comunity. I go there with my best friend, and he is the only one that knows that i am there for a more dark or whatever purpose, yep that is, i am there for the girls, i mean there is tons of girls and i interact with them and all. In my university there is no girls in engineering, so its the only place in which i am with tons of girls. How bad is this thing that i am doing, i really am an A"·$%·"·$? i have to pretend a lot there.

Any one with a experience like this, pretend to believe for other purposes? like girls in my case.
Are you just going to pick up girls with no intent of a serious relationship? If yes, then it's wrong.

Are you going with the belief that if you found someone you would want to convert?
  • #4
Evo said:
Are you just going to pick up girls with no intent of a serious relationship? If yes, then it's wrong.

Are you going with the belief that if you found someone you would want to convert?

Hello Evo =).

1) If i met a girl that really worth a serious relationship is ok
But i am not the type of guy who fells in love, I fight that emotion as hard as I can. In my experience it only brings me vulnerabilty, its like a drug and i am not in drugs.

So if she wants to have fun, then i don't see any bad there

2)Not at all, nobody changes my mind and if some day i fell in love with a girl who is also in love with me, i know she will not want to change my mind if not i wouldn't be in in love with her xD.

You don't go in a relationship trying to change the other party don't you think Evo =)?
  • #6
I don't think you're going to find that many girls who "just want to have fun" at such a place...

and if you're even possibly thinking about a serious relationship, starting off as a phony sure isn't the best way to begin.

Honestly, how can you have picked such a silly place to try to pick up girls? Why not try a funeral next.
  • #7
AlexES16 said:
Well all my close friends and close family know i am an atheist. But i am going to a group of people that really believe in god and the catholic church, i have to pray and all that stuff, i mean is a very catholic group, people even cry there some times, is a comunity. I go there with my best friend, and he is the only one that knows that i am there for a more dark or whatever purpose, yep that is, i am there for the girls, i mean there is tons of girls and i interact with them and all. In my university there is no girls in engineering, so its the only place in which i am with tons of girls. How bad is this thing that i am doing, i really am an A"·$%·"·$? i have to pretend a lot there.

This is a mess, it's inappropriate, and a terrible violation of trust. There is a simple solution to this problem: You need to find some atheist chick.
  • #8
AlexES16, I think this is a terrible idea. Deceit is a terrible foundation for a relationship.

You also shouldn't dismiss using internet resources, as it seems you're in a place where you don't have many options.
  • #9
Its just a disaster waiting to happen. I understand your logic, especially since there are such few atheists and even fewer female atheists in the world. But you need to stay away from the crazy religious girls as there is no way it will end well. I've been there, done that, and you should learn from my mistakes, its just not worth it.

If you want to meet girls go join a club or org at your school or something. A lot of people have luck with salsa and ballroom dancing.
  • #10
Topher925 said:
But you need to stay away from the crazy religious girls as there is no way it will end well.

Just because someone is religious, doesn't mean they're crazy.
  • #11
The only way this will turn out well for you, Alex, is if you happen to meet a girl in church who is also atheist but attends services just to meet guys.

The chances of that are veeeeeery small.
  • #12
Pengwuino said:
I don't think you're going to find that many girls who "just want to have fun" at such a place...

and if you're even possibly thinking about a serious relationship, starting off as a phony sure isn't the best way to begin.

Honestly, how can you have picked such a silly place to try to pick up girls? Why not try a funeral next.

Good idea dude
To many wedding crashers
  • #13
jackmell said:
This is a mess, it's inappropriate, and a terrible violation of trust. There is a simple solution to this problem: You need to find some atheist chick.

0 atheist girls here.
  • #14
Dembadon said:
AlexES16, I think this is a terrible idea. Deceit is a terrible foundation for a relationship.

You also shouldn't dismiss using internet resources, as it seems you're in a place where you don't have many options.

I don't like internet dating =(
  • #15
Topher925 said:
Its just a disaster waiting to happen. I understand your logic, especially since there are such few atheists and even fewer female atheists in the world. But you need to stay away from the crazy religious girls as there is no way it will end well. I've been there, done that, and you should learn from my mistakes, its just not worth it.

If you want to meet girls go join a club or org at your school or something. A lot of people have luck with salsa and ballroom dancing.

Yeah i also gona join salsa classes
But if they are crazy maybe they want to convince me to join their religion in crazy ways...
  • #16
lisab said:
The only way this will turn out well for you, Alex, is if you happen to meet a girl in church who is also atheist but attends services just to meet guys.

The chances of that are veeeeeery small.

Mmmm true.
  • #17
WOW! i didnt expected to be such a bad idea for you people.

I feel I am gona end crucified.

When I became atheist i didnt expected so much problems like this. Bha i don't like my country xD, only like 5-1% is atheist-agnostic here. Why there is no such thing a humanist youth group or something like that. When i was in the scouts was the same thing, they pray and all that stuff and i was like: oh ok let's pretend. Is Atheist the new afro? or what?

I really don't mind dating muslim, chatolic or what ever girls. No girl is changing my mind
  • #18
AlexES16 said:
I don't like internet dating =(

Then I guess you aren't as concerned as I thought.
  • #19
AlexES16 said:
I feel I am gona end crucified.
Seems a bit extreme - is there a heavy catholic S&M scene ?
  • #20
NobodySpecial said:
Seems a bit extreme - is there a heavy catholic S&M scene ?

Well, there are passion plays.
  • #21
AlexES16 said:
WOW! i didnt expected to be such a bad idea for you people.

It truly is an awful idea. It would be like if you were a butcher, went to a PETA convention, and pretended to be a vegetarian simply to pick up chicks.

You say you can't find any girls in your department at your university... has it ever dawned on you to just socialize around campus, outside of your department?
  • #22
Pengwuino said:
It truly is an awful idea. It would be like if you were a butcher, went to a PETA convention, and pretended to be a vegetarian simply to pick up chicks.

You say you can't find any girls in your department at your university... has it ever dawned on you to just socialize around campus, outside of your department?

Its better to socialize in places in which you interact with people on a constant basis, is not the same as hiting every girl in the campus.

About the butcher sounds good idea to me =/
  • #23
lisab said:
Well, there are passion plays.

Yeah passion plays and now that i remember a guy that is a pastor or something looks to be a little on the other side you know what i mean.
  • #24
Dembadon said:
Then I guess you aren't as concerned as I thought.

Yeah maybe not
  • #25
AlexES16 said:
Yeah passion plays and now that i remember a guy that is a pastor or something looks to be a little on the other side you know what i mean.

Hmmm...I don't think I do, actually...:confused:...
  • #26
Actually a lot of dudes went to church to pick up girls when i was in high school, all of them were belivers ,some even fell in extasis or whatever they call it and start revolting in the floor.

I remember that the wish of one girl was to fall in "descanso"(extasis)
Hahaha the funy thing is that she was a very "crazy" and "open" girl and liked to have "fun", you know.
  • #27
lisab said:
Hmmm...I don't think I do, actually...:confused:...

Homosexual xD
  • #28
cristo said:
Just because someone is religious, doesn't mean they're crazy.

Only on a technicality. If I hear voices in my head, I'm considered crazy. If I hear God talking to me, I'm considered religious. If I eat bread, and I tell you that I'm actually eating a human body, am I crazy, or just a normal Catholic?

For some reason, religious beliefs are excluded from the clinical definition of delusions. So, as I said, the religious get off on a technicality.
  • #29
Jack21222 said:
Only on a technicality. If I hear voices in my head, I'm considered crazy. If I hear God talking to me, I'm considered religious. If I eat bread, and I tell you that I'm actually eating a human body, am I crazy, or just a normal Catholic?

I've never heard of a catholic who thinks they're eating a human body. It's symbolism. Most of a Catholic mass is symbolic gestures. The wine isn't blood either.
  • #30
Pengwuino said:
I've never heard of a catholic who thinks they're eating a human body. It's symbolism. Most of a Catholic mass is symbolic gestures. The wine isn't blood either.

From wikipedia:

According to the Catholic Church, when the bread and wine are consecrated by the priest at Mass, they cease to be bread and wine, and become instead the Most Precious Body and Blood of Christ. The empirical appearances and attributes are not changed, but the underlying reality is.

Catholics literally believe it's body and blood. If a Catholic believes it is merely symbolic, they are going against Church dogma. The bread and wine literally become the body, blood (and divinity) of Christ, and only the "accident" of bread and wine remain.

If that sounds crazy to you, it did to me too, when I first heard of it when I was 8 and my parents were forcing me to go to" .

Edit: I don't think I've made a convincing argument of the difference between "symbolism" and "the changing of the substance but not any of the physical properties." I grew up Catholic, so maybe the difference makes a little more sense to me, but many Catholics believe that the Eucharist wafer is literally the body of Christ that just so happens to have all of the same physical properties of bread. To say that the wafer is literally a piece of bread that represents the body of Christ would be blasphemy to many Catholics.

Further edit: The reason this is relevant to the thread is the OP is looking for women who believe this sort of thing. To Catholics, it isn't crazy, but to an atheist, it absolutely is crazy. The OP deliberately searching out women whom he believes is crazy is a bad idea. There really isn't an objective definition of crazy, but in the context of the OP's love life, he should avoid the people that he believes are crazy.
Last edited by a moderator:
  • #31
Jack21222 said:
From wikipedia:

Further edit: The reason this is relevant to the thread is the OP is looking for women who believe this sort of thing. To Catholics, it isn't crazy, but to an atheist, it absolutely is crazy. The OP deliberately searching out women whom he believes is crazy is a bad idea. There really isn't an objective definition of crazy, but in the context of the OP's love life, he should avoid the people that he believes are crazy.

You make it sound if i want to get laid with Down Syndrome girls (O,O)

Oh comon how bad is just to get laid in a community of hardcore chatolics who wants you to be faithfull to them and the church, and they also wants to know about your life and stuff and me being atheist =/?
  • #32
AlexES16 said:
You make it sound if i want to get laid with Down Syndrome girls (O,O)

Oh comon how bad is just to get laid in a community of hardcore chatolics who wants you to be faithfull to them and the church, and they also wants to know about your life and stuff and me being atheist =/?
We've crossed the line from denial to trolling.

FAQ: Atheist going back to religion for the girls.

1. Why would an atheist go back to religion for the girls?

There could be a variety of reasons why an atheist may choose to go back to religion for the girls. Some possible reasons could include wanting to fit in with a particular group or community, feeling pressure from family or friends, or simply being attracted to someone who is religious.

2. Isn't it hypocritical for an atheist to go back to religion for the girls?

It could be argued that it is hypocritical for an atheist to go back to religion for the girls, as they do not believe in the principles and teachings of that religion. However, it is ultimately up to the individual to decide what they believe and how they choose to express it.

3. Can an atheist truly believe in a religion they previously rejected for the sake of a relationship?

It is possible for an atheist to believe in a religion they previously rejected for the sake of a relationship, as people's beliefs and perspectives can change over time. However, it is important for individuals to critically examine their beliefs and ensure that they are not simply conforming to a certain belief system for the sake of a relationship.

4. Is it fair for someone to use religion as a means to attract romantic partners?

Some may argue that it is not fair for someone to use religion as a means to attract romantic partners, as it could be seen as insincere or manipulative. However, it is ultimately up to the individual to decide how they want to approach relationships and what qualities they find attractive in a potential partner.

5. How can an atheist navigate a relationship with someone who is religious?

Navigating a relationship with someone who is religious can be challenging for an atheist, as there may be differing beliefs and values. It is important for both individuals to communicate openly and respectfully about their beliefs, and to find a way to compromise and respect each other's perspectives.

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